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Ebay transactions gone Wrong!


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Today I received my AS NEW boxed Atari 2800!!! Apart from it taking forever to be sent, and the buyer barely responding to my emails requesting the tracking number.... I was optimistically excited....


...Until it was handed to me over the counter at the post office.... It hadn't been packed.... it was in its original and now dinged box, taped with at least three different tapes, postal stickers all over it, my address in marker pen on the front... an A4 size adhesive documents slip over the back!!!!


What the hell!!


Anyway... I thought I'd put this out there to see what sort of nightmares people have had with ebay... or other transactions gone WRONG!

Edited by nofrills100
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Wow, just wow. I hope you left feedback as low as it could go. What kind of person is cheap enough to not pack it in a box and just ruin the box that you paid for. Did the system at least work? Anyway to your question, I've never really had a bad ebay expierience except for one item that I never got, but it was just one atari game, seller never responded to my questions.

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Yeah, I learned a long time ago that you have to be very specific with some of these sellers when shipping boxed consoles or games. Many are not collectors and do not see the importance. I make sure that they understand that the box can be just as, if nor more, valuable than the game itself. Even then, you still get the occasional idiot that continues to deface what would be a perfect find. I can't complain though, as I found a 1977 Heavy Sixer in almost perfect box with all packing materials and accessories for $40 from Goodwill. And they did a great job at packing it... :D

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OH YES - I sure am going to give some very VERY negative feedback.


But for a laugh - here is a copy of the email I sent him after I received the item this morning:


"Dear cedced83williams,


I received the item today. I am totally dumbfounded as to why you didn't wrap the box??? There were postage stickers all over it, usps tape, clear tape, marker pen!!! You can't be serious! The box alone is worth a lot to collectors and that is a big part of why I bought the item from you. I am so pissed with this whole transaction.

It would have taken 2 minutes to wrap it in some paper.

So to be honest the item has arrived 'damaged' in my opinion."


and here is his somewhat bizarre reply that I just received:


"Dear tom,


First off the item is not damaged and the shiping cost you said it would was not right second you could say it is all you want but i have the e-mail you stating only reason its dasmaged is because of the box the system it self works fine. And if you told me you were in love with the box i would have wrap it."


I find it hilarious that he suggests that I told him what the shipping cost would be!

If only I knew he'd be dumb as all f*** I would gladly have told him that I was in love with the box ;)

Anyone think it would be fair to open an ebay dispute given that the box is now destroyed?

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ePay surely comes with its share of problems these days and I'm fed up dealing with some of these wankers.

The fact that most are not "collectors" does not relieve them of common sense. Not packing something in

an outer box is sheer laziness. But it's become so common (thanks to the phenomenon where the least

common denominator has internet access) that EVERY thing I win off there gets a nice little "mail order

packing 101" lecture. I go so far as to tell them that if they cannot comply, I will not go through with the

transaction. And don't think I'm being unreasonable here. All I ask when purchasing 'loose' game systems

or anything else of fragile nature, that they be individually wrapped in bubble wrap. Can't tell you how

many times I've received things (like keyboards, systems) where they just threw everything in a box

and then dumped packing peanuts in. These are the same types of idiots that might wrap your goods

in newspaper if you're lucky. lol


I'm starting to leave more and more negative feedback. If you're too stupid to know how to properly

pack something, you shouldn't be selling - period.

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Yeah I had a very similar situation happen to me many years back. I won an auction for a Commodore Amiga CD32 system which from the photo looked to be in excellent shape and came in the original box which was MINT and the real draw for me bidding on the auction. When it arrived, I come to find that the idiot seller had shipped it in its original box which was now destroyed and useless. To make matters worse he jammed the CD32 into the box with next to no packaging and the front of the CD32 was smashed beyond belief. :x


When I complained to the buyer, he brushed me off as if it was my fault to have expected anything less then his unbelievably subpar packing and shipping standards. I had paid via money order at the time - this was a bit before Paypal and because of that, I was sh*t outta luck. :sad:






Today I received my AS NEW boxed Atari 2800!!! Apart from it taking forever to be sent, and the buyer barely responding to my emails requesting the tracking number.... I was optimistically excited....


...Until it was handed to me over the counter at the post office.... It hadn't been packed.... it was in its original and now dinged box, taped with at least three different tapes, postal stickers all over it, my address in marker pen on the front... an A4 size adhesive documents slip over the back!!!!


What the hell!!


Anyway... I thought I'd put this out there to see what sort of nightmares people have had with ebay... or other transactions gone WRONG!

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That's messed up...


Here's some advice for sellers:


  • Please ship items within 24 hours of receiving payment.
  • Be prepared to ship the item when you list it for auction. Don't delay shipment because "I ran out of boxes/supplies."
  • If you need to ship an item with signature confirmation, please ship USPS so I do not have to drive 20 miles to the nearest FedEx/UPS facility to pick it up. At least, work with the buyer on which service would be suitable.
  • If you ship arcade cabinet artwork, roll the item up into a sturdy tube.

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That's messed up...


Here's some advice for sellers:


  • Please ship items within 24 hours of receiving payment.
  • Be prepared to ship the item when you list it for auction. Don't delay shipment because "I ran out of boxes/supplies."
  • If you need to ship an item with signature confirmation, please ship USPS so I do not have to drive 20 miles to the nearest FedEx/UPS facility to pick it up. At least, work with the buyer on which service would be suitable.
  • If you ship arcade cabinet artwork, roll the item up into a sturdy tube.


Depending on how heavy something is I have wrapped it in what I call shipping paper wrapped around it and taped (the paper on itself) and then put scrunched up newspaper all around it in a box with at least 3 ~ 5 inches on each side and I have never had anyone complain. Its cheaper than buying bubble wrap, however if its heavy enough I do buy bubble wrap for it. And I always put something that came in an original box in a new box! I have yet to have anyone complain or tell me something was broken!!! It just depends on what you are shipping, and how much it ways, but regardless you need a box with at least 3 ~ 5 inchs of space on EVERY* side of the item to insure no damage.



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Please ship items within 24 hours of receiving payment.

While ideal (and something I personally strive for with my own sales), I think expecting this is probably unfair. Some shippers only make one or two post office runs per week -- either simply to cut costs, or because their eBaying is just a sideline and they actually have a real job and a life. Sometimes it's a question of when you were paid -- someone who pays me on a Friday afternoon after I've already been to the post office that day shouldn't really expect shipment until Monday. Sometimes life just gets in the way -- like if my car won't start or I have to be out-of town -- and shipment will just have to wait until another day.


I can honestly say as a customer, I am more than happy to allow three days from the date of payment until shipment. But this cuts both ways: Don't click Buy It Now if you don't plan to pay for a week. Obviously, it's OK to wait to pay if you need a combined shipping invoice, but I'm always amazed when someone buys a single cart but doesn't pay immediately. Do you take things home from the grocery store and come back 4 days later to pay too?


And finally, buyers please note: Not all late-arriving packages are the fault of late shipment. I'm amazed at how many times I've gotten complaints from customers because their package took a week and half to arrive (which, frankly, seems pretty reasonable to me anyway) only to have to prove to them that it was shipped the day after they paid me -- the delay was the fault of the post office, not me. In other words, before you complain, check the date stamp on the postage, ok? Thanks.


Be prepared to ship the item when you list it for auction. Don't delay shipment because "I ran out of boxes/supplies."

Darn tootin'!


If you need to ship an item with signature confirmation, please ship USPS so I do not have to drive 20 miles to the nearest FedEx/UPS facility to pick it up. At least, work with the buyer on which service would be suitable.

This is an example of an issue which is completely the responsibility of the buyer to address, IMHO. And this should be done before a bid/purchase is made. I ship exclusively via USPS (for a variety of reasons) and that's my prerogative. If you have special needs you should absolutely ask, but it's not reasonable to simply expect specific means of shipping/packing materials/etc. will all be available from every seller. Ask questions first, buy later.

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Today I received my AS NEW boxed Atari 2800!!! Apart from it taking forever to be sent, and the buyer barely responding to my emails requesting the tracking number.... I was optimistically excited....


...Until it was handed to me over the counter at the post office.... It hadn't been packed.... it was in its original and now dinged box, taped with at least three different tapes, postal stickers all over it, my address in marker pen on the front... an A4 size adhesive documents slip over the back!!!!


What the hell!!


Anyway... I thought I'd put this out there to see what sort of nightmares people have had with ebay... or other transactions gone WRONG!



Makes me wonder if Wonder's boxed Musical Machine simply had a label stuck on the front of it, and then duct tape on the ends to hold it shut. Oh the horror

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OH YES - I sure am going to give some very VERY negative feedback.


But for a laugh - here is a copy of the email I sent him after I received the item this morning:


"Dear cedced83williams,


I received the item today. I am totally dumbfounded as to why you didn't wrap the box??? There were postage stickers all over it, usps tape, clear tape, marker pen!!! You can't be serious! The box alone is worth a lot to collectors and that is a big part of why I bought the item from you. I am so pissed with this whole transaction.

It would have taken 2 minutes to wrap it in some paper.

So to be honest the item has arrived 'damaged' in my opinion."


and here is his somewhat bizarre reply that I just received:


"Dear tom,


First off the item is not damaged and the shiping cost you said it would was not right second you could say it is all you want but i have the e-mail you stating only reason its dasmaged is because of the box the system it self works fine. And if you told me you were in love with the box i would have wrap it."


I find it hilarious that he suggests that I told him what the shipping cost would be!

If only I knew he'd be dumb as all f*** I would gladly have told him that I was in love with the box ;)

Anyone think it would be fair to open an ebay dispute given that the box is now destroyed?

What a jerk, yes email him back saying that how were you supposed to know he doesn't wrap the item THAT YOU PAID FOR. I would say it's fair to open up a dispute for him improperly packing the item and trying to spin it as though it's your fault.

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It really is unfortunate. I have learned many lessons over the years. #1, I always pay immediately, what is the point of waiting!! I figure its good will plus I hate leaving things out there unfinished. #2 I always send an email immediately after payment detailing that the box and contents are important, how to pack with separate boxes and let them know I am a little anal in a very friendly way :)


What amazes me is when people still box it poorly or feel the need to wrap the nice system/game box in scotch tape. How does "condition of box is very important" = "please cover it in scotch tape"! Wrap a plastic grocery bag around and tape that! LOL.


Unfortunately you just have to expect it every so often. If your auction advertised or listed the box in anyway, that is part of the sale description. Deception and ignorance is lying if your selling stuff like this. Paypal dispute it.

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Paypal dispute under way. will keep you posted.


What do you think the value of the box alone is?? it looks like it may have been a 7/10 condition before it was posted.

Well can you give us a link to the auction? I would like to see this item in the auction and then what it looked like when it got to you.

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Paypal dispute under way. will keep you posted.


What do you think the value of the box alone is?? it looks like it may have been a 7/10 condition before it was posted.

Well can you give us a link to the auction? I would like to see this item in the auction and then what it looked like when it got to you.


Agreed its hard to hell without pictures. If its a collectible it can be for a good portion of the auction however like Videogamecollector123 said pictures would help.



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I purchased an Atari 7800 with 6 VCS games, hookups, a Wico joystick, manuals, and an Atari game center nearly a month ago. It still hasn't come, and I noticed a few days ago that eBay said it hadn't been shipped yet. Naturally, I was pretty angry, and sent messages demanding to know where it was/why it wasn't marked as shipped. No reply from the seller, so I keep on sending these messages until finally today I recieve a reply that says: "It will ship tomorrow. I had an emergency appendix surgery and i've been in a ton of pain. I'm really sorry."


So not only do I not have my Atari, but now I feel like a complete jackass... :[

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#1, I always pay immediately, what is the point of waiting!! I figure its good will plus I hate leaving things out there unfinished. #2 I always send an email immediately after payment detailing that the box and contents are important, how to pack with separate boxes and let them know I am a little anal in a very friendly way

Kudos for #1.

But I think #2 should come before you bid/buy.

Again, not all eBay sellers are pros -- many do this as a hobby -- and even the pros differ on their packaging policies. It is unreasonable to expect that every seller will have separate boxes (or whatever other special packaging you require) lying around waiting for your special instructions. Someone who doesn't know any better... well... they don't any better, dig? E-mailing first gives them the option of either getting the materials they need to accommodate you, or saying, "sorry, it's gonna be shipped this way..." and then you'll know not to bid.


I'm not suggesting that folks don't have the right to complain/demand refunds for poorly packaged items which arrive damaged, I'm just saying that a lot of this stuff could likely be avoided if people just asked questions beforehand. The OP got screwed, no doubt, and I definitely think he's entitled to a refund. But he could easily have e-mailed the seller to ask, "How will you be shipping this?" before he made his bid and possibly avoided this heartbreak.

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The same guy from my last post, completenintendogames, has still not shipped my order. He claims he's had surgery and is in extreme pain, but according to his feedback, many of his customers have been recieving their items from him. I don't know if he's just being lazy or what, but I think I've been had...

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The same guy from my last post, completenintendogames, has still not shipped my order. He claims he's had surgery and is in extreme pain, but according to his feedback, many of his customers have been recieving their items from him. I don't know if he's just being lazy or what, but I think I've been had...



I would still file claims against him until he proves otherwise. You are nearing the deadlines for paypal claims if it has been a month. Do not let his excuses prevent you from filing one. Also, I would not stop a claim until the item is in your possession. I do not think you can file again if you stop a claim.

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The same guy from my last post, completenintendogames, has still not shipped my order. He claims he's had surgery and is in extreme pain, but according to his feedback, many of his customers have been recieving their items from him. I don't know if he's just being lazy or what, but I think I've been had...



I would still file claims against him until he proves otherwise. You are nearing the deadlines for paypal claims if it has been a month. Do not let his excuses prevent you from filing one. Also, I would not stop a claim until the item is in your possession. I do not think you can file again if you stop a claim.


I think that is correct, once you close a claim, you can't open another. Go ahead and open the claim, it usually lights the fire under the sellers . . . err bottom to get their act together.



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