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AtarICQ 0.174 is released


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AtarICQ 0.174 is released


Finally! A new release is now available, and for the first time in 4-5 years there is now a new OVL too :)

The new OVL is more than anything else targetting some rather serious stability problems, some of which

where causing problems exclusively under MiNTnet/gluestik, and then there was the one which prevented

aICQ from running on a 68000 cpu. In other worse, this new version should be well worth a closer look,

especially if you have had problems with stability or performance in the past!


A huge thank you goes to Denis Huget who has made this new release possible by his great work on the OVL.



Important changes in the latest release:


1. AtarICQ is now able to cope with environment variable FONTSELECT when a full path is submitted instead of a process name. If a full path is sent, aICQ then tries to start the font selector (if not already running).

2. Fixed a bug in the contact list code that under some circumstances would cause a crash when swapping contacts by using up/down ARROWs.

3. Removed a debug messages that was accidently left in the final 0.173-release. It was a text message written to screen/console.

4. Fixad a small bug in the code for manually resorting (by dragging) of the TABs in the message window.

5. New feature added. The shortcut ALT+X will now trigger aICQ to remove all temporary contacts that exist at the time. The main benefit is to be able to quickly sweep your contact list clean from ICQ spammers. (Normally, you have all your contacts on the permanent list)

6. Slightly changed code for evaluating the status of online contacts. Should avoid confusion when it comes to clients using exotic status values.

7. New keyboard shortcut, ALT+H, will toggle the hiding of offline contacts.

8. OVL sources are branched from the 0089 version (newer sources were lost) :(

9. OVL tweaked to cure problem where a large SSI contact list would potentially cause the OVL to hit an infinite loop (thus freezing)

10. Speeded up the automatic requesting of basic user info to reval the nickname of UINs loaded from the SSI list.

11. Fixed a fatal bug which would strike under specific circumstances when requesting basic user info for a UIN, and the server didn't reply. (NOTE: The chase for this particular bug has been going on for 3-4 years, the challenge being that it was very hard to reproduce reliably)

12. OVL will now work better with 68000 CPU (no more odd address access)

13. Improved the routines keeping track of server requests, timeout of data, etc.

14. Fixed a problem with font size in the text input field for outgoing messages, striking under old Single TOS and standard AES/VDI.

15. Cured a small memory leak which happened when requesting extended user info.

16. Changed default behaviour:

-Hiding offline contacts = OFF

-Auto switch to new message = ON

17. AtarICQ now keeps track of incoming typing notifications, to be able to let them "time out" after a certain time of inactivity from the other end. This time is currently set to 20 seconds, after which the typing notification icon will be removed.

18. OVL can now successfully send messages to the AIM/ICQ-clone Trillian, which turned out to be rather picky.



NOTE: At this time (2009-09-19) you might notice that some of your friends from your contact list aren't listed as online despite being very much logged on and available. The reason for this is more than likely that AtarICQ still doesn't posses the ability to update the server side list, hence all contacts not present there might be listed as offline at all times. The only way to solve this is to either use another ICQ client to update the list, or hold your breath until AtarICQ is able to do this.. ;)



Oh, and you can find the new release here:





Have fun, and don't forget to share your thoughts on this relese with us,

after all, feedback is what keeps things like this rolling..





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