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Dealing with an angry international buyer


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Today I have been dealing with an international buyer on eBay who paid $4.24 for an old PC game on eBay, plus actual shipping of $10.76 for first class. It has been on the way for 12 days. They have thrown around accusations, and don't believe anything I say. The LC number that is found on all customs forms does not track, and he does not understand this. They are from Portugal. Other than issuing a refund to make him go away, what are my options. After four emails, I'm left stressed beyond the $15.



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This is his last (fourth) email to me:


I just went to USPS and all I got was  "this"

Label/Receipt Number: LJ313905737US
Class: First-Class Mail International       
Service(s): International Letter
Status: Electronic Shipping Info Received
The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on October 16, 2009 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
You must agree this is "way too poor" an information if compared with what you said: USPS does not confirm the package was received!...
Now: if today (28th of October) they can't make a better statement about a package that you say was mailed on the 16th of this same month, you MUST agree that I just can't feel relieved by your note. Something is quite wrong.

You can be a very honest person. I easily admit that, as I do related to any seller, as a standard initial posture.
But the fact is that I have suffered the consequences of not being demanding enough - I have now 3 games (one was expensive) all with damaged disks, after asking the sellers if all was alright. Plus too many sellers blame the mail service - many don't even know how to use them right, others simply explore the buyers ignorance about the rates - too much of dishonest behaviour if you ask me - and I mean all that IN YOUR COUNTRY!... 

So, I still have no proof of delivery (the Customs # you gave me can be obtained quite easily in any post office - I have a few at home for mailing abroad), and according to the dates you told me, I suppose USPS records would be unbelievably outdated if 12 days after getting a package they still don't know its whereabouts!

So, as an honest person, you can't have any serious attitude other than agree with me this is all VERY weird, to say the least.

Anyway, I will wait till this weekend. If by Tuesday noon I have no good news (meaning the package has arrived at Lisbon), I have no other thing to do than report to eBay and Paypal.
As you requested to not do so, I will explain: not doing so, would leave me totally unprotected, and fully at your mercy - and there is absolutely no logic reason to do such thing.
Plus you don't have to worry so much: you should worry if I send you a negative feedback, which depends of what you will do meanwhile.

Hoping for the best


I'm fed up with International shipping, buyers, the post office, etc... I'm nearing a breaking point on just not offering it any more.



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12 days it is not so much yet. Package can take longer to come from U.S to europe. It is really aleatory. I don't why but sometimes i have the feeling it stays stucked somewhere. (may be in Customs office to some kind of control).


Sometimes it takes 4 days , sometimes it takes 3 month...


I had already ordered something from you (i think it was a Lynx Lemmings) and it cames extremely quick.


Anyway even if the guy complains to Ebay and Paypal , you have the proof you gave it to UPS . So no risk for you. But may be you should contact UPS to get reimbursement or at least information on where is your package.

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I wouldn't let it get you down too much. It'll show up and the dollar amount isn't even worth getting excited about. Just add this douche to your blocked bidder list. It's becoming well documented that countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal are ones to avoid when dealing internationally. LOTS of scam artists/impatient/flaky video game & computer people there. Not to mention their shitty customs and postal problems. I've had repeated good luck with Canada, U.K. & Germany however.

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I ship internationally a lot and various customs offices have held my stuff for as long as 6 weeks. The "U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper" message when tracking is *extremely* common unless you ship Express Mail which is really expensive. The tracking sucks on all other kinds of international mail shipments.


This guy just doesn't have enough experience buying internationally to know that this is quite normal.

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I'm fed up with International shipping, buyers, the post office, etc... I'm nearing a breaking point on just not offering it any more.




I'm not doing any International orders except for the Canucks here on AtariAge.


I erroneously bought a compact flash off of eBay without checking the seller's location. After the fact, to my delight, I found the seller was in China. Well, if you go to the thread in Arcade Coin Ops here on AA where I have the Galaga project thread, you'll see the picture of the compact flash that burned up when I connected it to the mobo. No big deal on the computer because I saved it from the garbage bin at work.


The seller offered a refund provided I ship back the product. After some reluctance I agreed to it and it cost $29 to ship via USPS w/ delivery confirmation! The USPS delivery confirmation is a joke - you get a tracking number w/ FedEx (although I'm sure it's already included in the cost of shipping). So essentially, I cut my loss down to $6.


The only thing I remotely agree with the buyer is in regard to sellers and shipping. I say remotely because it's more about packaging and selection of services.


I bought arcade art from two different vendors and wouldn't you know they packed the stuff in a box instead of rolling it up in a sturdy tube. Well, to no surprise the box was damaged one way or another and the artwork had creases in it. You can't put that damaged stuff on an arcade cabinet...


In another instance, one seller insisted on shipping via FedEx with signature confirmation. I can appreciate the thought, but it was a disservice to me in that I requested USPS instead with the same services since the post office is 5 minutes away versus the 25 mile trip to the FedEx facility to pick the darn thing up. I offered to pay the difference if any but the seller didn't want any part of that.


Now, not that it will matter to this guy in Portugal, but I have dealt with Ax on many occasion and have had prompt and excellent service.


The question I have while I have your attention is why there is nothing on Ax's WWW site except for the pic?

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Today I have been dealing with an international buyer on eBay who paid $4.24 for an old PC game on eBay, plus actual shipping of $10.76 for first class. It has been on the way for 12 days. They have thrown around accusations, and don't believe anything I say. The LC number that is found on all customs forms does not track, and he does not understand this. They are from Portugal. Other than issuing a refund to make him go away, what are my options. After four emails, I'm left stressed beyond the $15.




Give us his email address and 50 of us will tell him to take a hike.

Seriously, though, I agonize about shipping to Europe. Buyers not wanting to pony up for express (as opposed to pony express, ahem) can expect up to 6 wks as per my experience.

Never had anyone flip out on me though.....

Edited by coleconut
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Something has been going on with international mail lately. I had shipments from Hong Kong that normally took 21 days take over a month....two or three times in the last 6 months. And the shippers have proof the packages are going out immediately. To go 14 days or more to Europe is realistic.

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I just had this same problem today with a package going to Australia. My guy was a little more understanding but the results where I had to call the USPS and demand to talk to a real person. Takes a while to get past their phone system. One you get a person tell them your package is LOST and you are requesting them to open an "investigation". It is free and what they will do is ask for your information and them the buyers. They will then use the customs form to track the package from your post office to whereever it is. You can ask for a case number then send all this to the buyer to show you are taking his concerns seriously. The only bad news is that the post office is slow and sometime they find the package in a few days and sometimes in a few weeks. But you might as well get the ball rolling on it since it is free and will hopefully calm down the buyer. Worst case you refund him and move on. No need to get stressed out.


The package I sent was $300 and I have no idea where it is.


Have a good day.

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This is one reason why I rarely ever ship outside the US. Since this guy isn't as patient as I assume most people would be with international orders, the only thing I can think of is telling him to wait until the 30 day deadline to file a dispute, then wait another 30 days to file the claim. The dispute wouldn't hurt your reputation on paypal/ebay and it gives him 60 days to wait for the package (which should arrive within that time) with some level of comfort.


I had to do this one time when I bought all of my N64 boxes plus a ton of SNES and Genesis boxes. Couldn't get a response from the seller and waited til the deadline to file a dispute, filed it, then I waited another 30 days for the deadline to file a claim. Luckily I got the boxes before it had to come to the claim. But this was a good bit of money involved, so I don't know if you'd want to go through that trouble for $10.

Edited by SEgamer
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I haven't seen your auctions Ax but how about stating that overseas delivery can take up to 6 weeks in each auction description that you allow international bids? Then if the buyer gets it sooner they are happy and if its delayed they know how long they have to wait. If they are getting angry then you could point out the text in the auction.

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Hearing a lot of complaints here about international shipping...I must be one of the lucky people.

I am in the US...got a package shipped from lucifershalo in Belgium and had it in about 4 days.

Got packages from Ultimarc over at BYOAC...I think he is in Europe somewhere and I get packages from him in as little as 3 days.

Same thing happens when I ship as well.

I sometimes get international packages quicker than I get items shipped from within the US!

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I have received many packages from other side of globe in 2-3 weeks time...

Only once, a book got lost somewhere and they found it (it vas England's mail service...) and sent it again...

Book came, but without color cover and with strange childish drawings on the back... (book was brand new...)


Friend from England told me that since they privatized post in England it went :thumbsdown:

Guys who work there are payed minimum so they don't work as they should... who could blame them...


So far I would call my experiences with international shiping positive :)

Shit happens... those who don't understand it and fight over 20$ shouldn't buy online...

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Perfect example of why I refuse to ship anywhere but the USA!


I have absolutely no problem whatsoever to ship anywhere in the world, but I'll give a tracking number to my customer (especially when paid by PainPal) or give him an estimate for international air mal (which takes 2-3 weeks minimum to several places due to customs procedures and the like). Personally, I have waited 10 weeks for a package from Australia myself without complaining.




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I'd like to know what this portugese person's problem is, I've had to wait 2 weeks for a letter to get from one end of london to me, not exactly international, like someone said, 3-4 weeks at most (no more then a month)

Maybe he was expecting DHL speeds. My pc-engine flash cart took 24 hours from order pickup in Hong-Kong to delivery courier in Amsterdam.


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I'd like to know what this portugese person's problem is, I've had to wait 2 weeks for a letter to get from one end of london to me, not exactly international, like someone said, 3-4 weeks at most (no more then a month)

Maybe he was expecting DHL speeds. My pc-engine flash cart took 24 hours from order pickup in Hong-Kong to delivery courier in Amsterdam.


I guess that is mainly due to tha fact that both Hong Kong and the Netherlands have a very good postal (and freight) infrastructure, as have most of the other western European countries (I know Italy is an exception to that rule, but I never had problems to and from e.g. France or Spain). In Eastern Europe, shipping times get longer (according to my limited experience with shipments to Russia) the larger and more rural the country is.




The USA, Australia, etc., are also pretty large and some areas have a very slow USPS service to the big freight airports.

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I haven't seen your auctions Ax but how about stating that overseas delivery can take up to 6 weeks in each auction description that you allow international bids? Then if the buyer gets it sooner they are happy and if its delayed they know how long they have to wait. If they are getting angry then you could point out the text in the auction.


Best advice right here. Scotty on Star Trek wasn't really a miracle worker, he just lied to the Captain about how long anything took. Same principle here. :D

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I have sent a box to Australia via surface mail (was like 15$ instead of 40$ for airmail) at the end beginning of August and my last update with the buyer was negative......however, before sending him the box, I told him:


airmail = expensive = 2 weeks


surface mail = cheap = 8-12 weeks


and he picks the cheapest way but he still waiting !!!!



good luck

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