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Are you using Eckhard Stolberg's site as a reference?




With the parallel port cable and homebrew RAM cart you can upload games using the 7800's joystick port.


Eckhard was working on a USB version of the cable but I don't know how far along that project is.

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Are you using Eckhard Stolberg's site as a reference?




With the parallel port cable and homebrew RAM cart you can upload games using the 7800's joystick port.


Eckhard was working on a USB version of the cable but I don't know how far along that project is.

Yes that is the site I'm using for reference. A usb cable would be nice. I was going to get an older computer with a parallel port but if I could use usb it would be better. Maybe I could get pinout info for the usb and parallel port and craft my own. I'm guessing that I would need drivers though but I have some crafty friends when it comes to software.

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Yes that is the site I'm using for reference. A usb cable would be nice. I was going to get an older computer with a parallel port but if I could use usb it would be better. Maybe I could get pinout info for the usb and parallel port and craft my own. I'm guessing that I would need drivers though but I have some crafty friends when it comes to software.


I think Eckhard was working on a serial USB interface from the PC to the joystick port. You'd need the cable and a serial version of the 7800 dev OS firmware. Neither items have have been released as far as I know.


EDIT: For clarity.

Edited by GroovyBee
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as far as modding the console, a PAL system is easiest as you just drop in the new eprom, but I guess that if you can build the dev cart then a few wires for modding an NTSC console will be any problem



This reminds me of something I was wondering about.

PAL 7800's have a socketed Maria, don't they? And they have a socketed boot ROM.

So suppose you were to plug in an NTSC Maria in a PAL console. Would that make it usable with NTSC?

They sell Maria chips at Best Electronics.

Depending how much needs to be done with the supporting video circuitry, then I wonder if it might be easier than modding a socket-less NTSC console.

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This reminds me of something I was wondering about.

PAL 7800's have a socketed Maria, don't they? And they have a socketed boot ROM.

So suppose you were to plug in an NTSC Maria in a PAL console. Would that make it usable with NTSC?

They sell Maria chips at Best Electronics.

Depending how much needs to be done with the supporting video circuitry, then I wonder if it might be easier than modding a socket-less NTSC console.


It's more complicated than that.



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Yes that is the site I'm using for reference. A usb cable would be nice. I was going to get an older computer with a parallel port but if I could use usb it would be better. Maybe I could get pinout info for the usb and parallel port and craft my own. I'm guessing that I would need drivers though but I have some crafty friends when it comes to software.


I think Eckhard was working on a serial USB interface from the PC to the joystick port. You'd need the cable and a serial version of the 7800 dev OS firmware. Neither items have have been released as far as I know.


EDIT: For clarity.

I think I found a way to use it through usb. I built the cable by the directions using a controller wire and a parallel port cable then I found this on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330359569213&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT I don't know if it will work yet as it hasn't showed up yet. I don't have a parallel port in my computer.

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I don't know if it will work yet as it hasn't showed up yet. I don't have a parallel port in my computer.


I suspect that its not going to work. The PC downloading software will probably be accessing the parallel port's hardware registers directly. Therefore it won't know anything about a USB to parallel printer interface.

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The "parallel-to-USB"/"USB-to-parallel" adapters that I've seen are not true parallel ports; they are recognized by the OS as a "USB Printer Port," and contain only the functionality needed to allow you to connect a printer using an old parallel cable.


If you have a desktop computer, install a PCI parallel port card ($15 or less), and for the time being, use a DOS emulator that supports parallel port redirection for the 7800CTRL program. I can't say I've ever tried 7800CTRL inside an emulator (I built a real DOS box for this sort of thing), but theoretically it should work. If you have a laptop, get a PC Card parallel port card instead.


I'm working (on and off) on a Java implementation of 7800CTRL that will allow parallel port transfers to/from the 7800 without having to rely on DOS. When completed, it should work on any platform that supports the RXTX API (MAC OS X, Windows, Linux/FreeBSD, etc).

Edited by jaybird3rd
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Thanks for all your info so far guys. I have decided to use a 7800 with the expansion as I have two of them now. I have a few question though. One of my 7800's has a color issue that is more noticeable in 2600 mode and the sky on Pole position 2 for 7800 has a bit of purple tint will this affect the operation of the dev mod? If so is there a way to adjust it without any color bar generator or diagnostics cart? If I need a tool where can I get one? Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got all my parts in the mail for my dev system. My console mod is finnished with the devos. I burned the 2764 myself with my Willem advanced eprom burner. I put both operating systems on it. Sweet. The cable is done to. Now I just have to finnish the ram cart. I'm still waiting for my sram chip in the mail. I can't wait. The system still plays games great for those of you who are wondering. I guess I didn't need to buy a spare 7800 after all but it never hurts to have a spare. Thanks for the help guys

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That's the cool thing about DevOS. It doesn't affect the day to day operation of the 7800. Mine runs the just DevOS BIOS. I was asked if I wanted a dual boot BIOS, but I declined. It takes a second longer to hit select then reset.


I was gonna recommend an earlier system for the mod. Mine is one of the later ones, and it took me a while to socket the BIOS and MARIA chips. You don't have to pull the MARIA. I only did because at the time I was planning another mod which I never completed.

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That's the cool thing about DevOS. It doesn't affect the day to day operation of the 7800. Mine runs the just DevOS BIOS. I was asked if I wanted a dual boot BIOS, but I declined. It takes a second longer to hit select then reset.


I was gonna recommend an earlier system for the mod. Mine is one of the later ones, and it took me a while to socket the BIOS and MARIA chips. You don't have to pull the MARIA. I only did because at the time I was planning another mod which I never completed.

I used an 84 which was already socketed. I'm assuming that you are talking about the xboard? I'm thinking about this to. I don't know much about it but I'm assuming that it's needed for certain games when using a ram cart but I'm not sure. I'm going to read up on that today. Surprisingly the dev. mod was very easy once I got into it. I made a mistake building my ram cart out of a Hat trick cart. I didn't take note of which way the to chips were turned on the board lol. Can anyone tell me which way they go or post a pic of the inside of a stock cart. Thank you everyone. Also there is a typo error in the directions for the console mod for anyone building one of these. pin 14 on the 74LS04 is also sodered to the 74ls08.

Edited by chriswhit
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I used an 84 which was already socketed. I'm assuming that you are talking about the xboard? I'm thinking about this to. I don't know much about it but I'm assuming that it's needed for certain games when using a ram cart but I'm not sure. I'm going to read up on that today. Surprisingly the dev. mod was very easy once I got into it. I made a mistake building my ram cart out of a Hat trick cart. I didn't take note of which way the to chips were turned on the board lol. Can anyone tell me which way they go or post a pic of the inside of a stock cart. Thank you everyone. Also there is a typo error in the directions for the console mod for anyone building one of these. pin 14 on the 74LS04 is also sodered to the 74ls08.

As I recall, the pin orientation is silkscreened onto the cartridge PCB, but in case it isn't, Pin 1 is usually on the right-hand side (when looking at the component side of the board, with the fingers on the bottom).

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