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Something else I'm working on


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow - this is *GREAT* If you decide to put it on a cart someday, count me in for one. Up to you of course.


One thing in this build - the 2 player text is some gobbly characters. Are they placeholders?




Is this only on real hardware? Can you take a screen shot and show me what it looks like?

Using prosystem 1.3, I don't see any issue (of course, that doesn't mean much, compared to hardware).



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Wicked!! I was really hoping the wide vaus was the next pill you added :) Now what about the multiball? Is that gonna be complicated to impliment?


It'll take some time, but I'm taking a look at it. The extra balls are both RAM-intensive and CPU-intensive (since it essentially triples my on-screen calculations). But, I think this would be the next logical step before adding the laser.


For the next release though, I was thinking of doing a few small cleanup activities:

- make the pills so that they don't repeat in certain scenarios (i.e. can't catch a blue pill when you already have one)

- finishing the warp functionality, so that it actually works

- looking into the graphical bug that DracIsBack has identified

- Maybe looking into my ball-collision handler, and fixing the bugs that it has when handling bricks near to a wall.


We'll see what I can do. This next month is kind of intense on the real-life side of things, so there may be a few gaps between updates. But, don't worry-- I'm still here.



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Wow - this is *GREAT* If you decide to put it on a cart someday, count me in for one. Up to you of course.


One thing in this build - the 2 player text is some gobbly characters. Are they placeholders?




Is this only on real hardware? Can you take a screen shot and show me what it looks like?

Using prosystem 1.3, I don't see any issue (of course, that doesn't mean much, compared to hardware).




Sure - attached!



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The corrupt score has something to do with the initialization of the game. If I hit reset the score fixes itself. Also if I hit select and go to another level the score fixes itself.


The high score doesn't updpate every time the regular score does if the regular score is the high score.



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I don't remember seeing any comments from PAL users, so here is mine. Unfortunately it does not work too well, everything is yellow on level one, the tiles, background, borders the score and vaus :(

The power ups are coloured when they fall though.

I know that you are not currently working on a PAL version, but I thought I would let you know.

Time to drag out the NTSC set up:D

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I actually had PAL stuff working color-wise, by using a macro:


	;NTSC to PAL color Macro

mac	NTSC2PALColor
; ***********************************
; Here is the color conversion table:
; ***********************************
; $0x    $0x
; $1x    $3x
; $2x    $4x
; $3x    $5x
; $4x    $6x
; $5x    $7x
; $6x    $8x
; $7x    $9x
; $8x    $Ax
; $9x    $Bx
; $Ax    $Cx
; $Bx    $Dx
; $Cx    $Ex
; $Dx    $Fx
; $Ex    $1x
; $Fx    $2x
; ****************
; Converter macro:
; ****************
if	([{1}]>>4 == $00)
	dc.b	[{1}]		;0->0
if	([{1}]>>4 == $0E)
	dc.b	[{1}]+$30	;E->1
if	([{1}]>>4 == $0F)
	dc.b	[{1}]+$30	;F->2
	dc.b	[{1}]+$20	; all else


With this, all I needed to do was:


NTSC2PALColor	#P0C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P0C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P0C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P1C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P1C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P1C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P2C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P2C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P2C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P3C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P3C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P3C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P4C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P4C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P4C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P5C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P5C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P5C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P6C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P6C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P6C3Init
.byte	$FF
NTSC2PALColor	#P7C1Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P7C2Init
NTSC2PALColor	#P7C3Init
.byte	$FF


This macro worked great in early development, but now I think one of my palettes overflows and creates a problem (i.e. it creates a PAL value > 256). So, I need to fix that up, and then this problem should go away. With this problem in place, I had to comment out the whole section, and that's what causes the messed-up colors on PAL.


This was something I thought the community could borrow for free, since it doesn't involve any real conversion tables.


GroovyBee-- are these palette conversions accurate?




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GroovyBee-- are these palette conversions accurate?


I don't think they are. Its not as simple as adding $20 to the palette index to map it into PAL colours.


For example $Cx (NTSC green) looks the same as $Dx in PAL.

And $86 (NTSC blue) looks the same as $9x in PAL.

NTSC pinks at $5x also look like pinks at $5x in PAL.


The PAL palette has limited shades of brown too.


Normally I use ProSystem for the NTSC palette and then manually tweak for PAL.

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GroovyBee-- are these palette conversions accurate?


I don't think they are. Its not as simple as adding $20 to the palette index to map it into PAL colours.


For example $Cx (NTSC green) looks the same as $Dx in PAL.

And $86 (NTSC blue) looks the same as $9x in PAL.

NTSC pinks at $5x also look like pinks at $5x in PAL.


The PAL palette has limited shades of brown too.


Normally I use ProSystem for the NTSC palette and then manually tweak for PAL.


the prosystem NTSC palette is close. I got tired of working on it because my eyes were bugging out going back and forth between the CC2 & Console and the PC emulator trying to match correctly.


I need to get them updated.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry all for the lack of recent updates.


I have had some real life items come up; I got married to a wonderful lady (woohoo!), and I have a new job that's starting soon, which I have to pack and move for.


So, in short, life has been a blessing as of recently. :)


This project is number one on my hobby list of things to work on (the aforementioned high-score bugs have been fixed in my last version), but there may be a delay while I try to get my life settled. I hope that's ok with everyone for the moment. I will return to this-- and you can count on it!


Back to packing boxes!


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Congrats on the marriage and new job.




Sorry all for the lack of recent updates.


I have had some real life items come up; I got married to a wonderful lady (woohoo!), and I have a new job that's starting soon, which I have to pack and move for.


So, in short, life has been a blessing as of recently. :)


This project is number one on my hobby list of things to work on (the aforementioned high-score bugs have been fixed in my last version), but there may be a delay while I try to get my life settled. I hope that's ok with everyone for the moment. I will return to this-- and you can count on it!


Back to packing boxes!


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