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AspeQt: Yet another SIO2PC/APE clone


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It's as well I jumped in there, isn't it, with the rhetorical question "Do you mean dragging an ATR file into a drive slot?". This was a response to:



...and your subsequent answer which concerned the fact that the ATR image explorer is read-only (i.e. you can drag files out of it, but not into it). But the user reported drag-and-drop behaviour which worked as desired some of the time. How could you interpret this as a bug report pertaining to the image explorer, when said image explorer has no write capability? Did you actually read the question?



Does the image explorer contain some partially implemented write capability?



Oh right - no it doesn't.


So image explorer write support is on the cards? Will this happen before the promised write support for imaged PC folders?



Well Jon, I am not really in the mood for this, so....

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I just tried again. Opened AspeQT (on mac). Opened a finder folder with ATRs, could drag in ATRs at heart's desire, no problems.

Than I select another subfolder in the finder window and drag again: not working anymore !


Ok, so there is something going on in the preview version then, I'll try to figure it out when I return back to coding, busy building hardware these days....

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But.....but........................I'm a MAC USER !!!! (as stated plenty of times before :D)

OK I'll try the Win32 0.8.8 :D


Hey bud, sorry my mind is pretty occupied these days and as if that's not enough there are also some people seeking attention here and that also distracts me, anyway if you go to my website's SUPPORT page you can find a lot of links there to different binaries of AspeQt. It just happens that I also said many times that i only maintain the WINDOWS distribution and I am not nearly as experienced or knowledgeable on those OSes as I am with Windoze. But I realize that we all are human and have distractions and can miss some important points on some occasions. So please follow the link and do a bit of diggin, you'll find what you're looking for ;)

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Aspect runs fine under WINE/CrossOver, or inside VirtualBox. Just FYI.

I tried the Linux version in VirtualBox via USB passthru … this didn't run very well. I don't know about the Windows version in VBox.


Anyway, AspeQt in WINE runs perfect - if you know how. I guess I explained that a few posts ago ...

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I tried the Linux version in VirtualBox via USB passthru … this didn't run very well. I don't know about the Windows version in VBox.


Anyway, AspeQt in WINE runs perfect - if you know how. I guess I explained that a few posts ago ...


Too bad you were having trouble with VirtualBox. It works fine for Win7 in VirtualBox under OS X. For that matter, I can even run APE/ProSystem under VirtualBox too.

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I wasn't going to do another release until I am finished with the current mods that I am working on, but seeing there are people who would like to see the Folder Image large file copying issue fixed, I decided on another interim release, so v1.0.0_preview_7 is now available through SourceForge. Currently there is only the Windows binary and the source. Linux binary will be coming later after I finish installing Ubuntu to my older P4 PC.


The following are the changes for Preview_7:


* Changed Image Explorer so that it sorts files ignoring file name cases, this makes it compatible with Windows Explorer and
provides a more consistent look between the two.
* Fixed an error causing files read by SpartaDOS X from a Folder Image, with a size greater than 73875 bytes (72KB), to enter
an endless read loop. Large files with no size limit can now be read/copied.
* In the original implementation of Folder Images, Image Explorer Window used 999 sectors as the allowed maximum for a file
(a la Atari DOS 2.5), so the maximum file size for a file was displayed as 124875 bytes. This caused the dragging and dropping of
those larger files to fail because dropped file had a wrong size. This fix lifts the maximum 999 sectors limit and allows the file
to be up to 65535 sectors thus bringing the maximum file size that can be manipulated with Image Explorer to 8,191,875 bytes (8MB).
This also fixes issues with SDX Copy command progress display which now correctly displays the percentage completed.
Edited by atari8warez
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Do another release and re-enable APETIME, which you purposely (and needlessly) disabled, because you consider yourself in competition with Atarimax (Steve Tucker) and their excellent products.


There is no need to use APETIME in AspeQt. AspeCl which is included with AspeQt does the same thing and more, hope I won't need to repeat that one more time. You of course will come and troll no matter how many times I give you the same answer. If you like APE so much just stick with it and use APETIME or, if it will give you more satisfaction, modify your copy of AspeQt and use it with APETIME. I will not post any more on this subject so don't even try. And who i am competing with (or not) is none of your business.

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Hello Jon and Ray


Could you guys please stop this?!






PS no, you do not have to explain anything. If you don't like each other, just ignore the other one.

WTF? I haven't posted here in ten days Mathy. For my part, I was already doing exactly what you suggest. Kind of sad, since I thought Aspeqt was a pretty cool project, but one can only smash one's head off a brick wall so many times.


...because you consider yourself in competition with Atarimax (Steve Tucker) and their excellent products.

What on earth could lead anyone to such a conclusion?

Edited by flashjazzcat
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There is no need to use APETIME in AspeQt. AspeCl which is included with AspeQt does the same thing and more, hope I won't need to repeat that one more time. You of course will come and troll no matter how many times I give you the same answer. If you like APE so much just stick with it and use APETIME or, if it will give you more satisfaction, modify your copy of AspeQt and use it with APETIME. I will not post any more on this subject so don't even try. And who i am competing with (or not) is none of your business.

Oh, behave.


(1) In the first place, you have no business labeling others "trolls" simply because they disagree with you. You are a certifiable, undeniable troll who was factually thrown out of a thread right here for being a troll, so let that be a lesson to you in the "pot-calling-the-kettle-black" department. I'm certain that your memory needed refreshing, and there you have it. You're quite welcome!


(2) Atarimax's APE offers FREE UPGRADES to existing users, so your little "comparison chart" (woefully incomplete, and inaccurate) is WRONG.




(3) There are a lot of "unknowns" in the Lotharek column . It means that YOU don't know, and you haven't bothered to find out, but you filled out the column for Lotharek's device with a bunch of RED ESCLAMATION POINTS (which mean "unknown") when it should have been a large "U" for "UNKNOWN" or a picture of yourself with a dunce cap, because you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Lotharek's products are EXCELLENT (I have several) and every time I've emailed Lotharek, he replied, and HE IS A BUSY MAN. DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE YOU SHIT ON A COMPETITOR'S PRODUCT.


(4) Try to NOT be tacky and keep a line of demarcation between "Atari8warez the hardware pedaler" and "Atari8warez the maintainer of the allegedly (formerly) open-source software project (AspeQT) that was fortunately completed (or it wouldn't exist) before your tenure. It's going to require a modicum of class and tact, so please try, and I implore you to not remove any more features that limit the scope of the allegedly-still-open-source project. Peddle your warez on your own time, mister.

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As I said before, people who see factual errors about my comparison of SIO2PC devices can warn me and I will fix them. . There is a note at the bottom of my comparison page which says All information is obtained from vendor websites and current as of ..... so if there are a lot of unknowns about someone's hardware that's because they don't have enough information about the product they sell in their website. Obviously I am not going to update their web pages for them or spend my time to figure out what the details are. In any case that fact alone tells people how serious they are (or not) about their offerings.


So if anyone has an intelligent suggestion I will be pleased to listen, otherwise you can go ahead and entertain me just like the joker above..

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Joker? Well, if you're going to compose a COMPARISON CHART of competitors' products, then it's just COMMON SENSE that you're going to have to DO SOME HANDS-ON RESEARCH. What a cheap cop-out to BLAME THE WEBSITE of the competitor, rather than find out for yourself. Atarimax and Lotharek never shit on your product, so you're breaking new ground here! At a minimum, this would be DISCUSSION WITH ACTUAL OWNERS of the competing products, or more aptly, BUY THE COMPETITORS' PRODUCTS and test them, yourself. This shit is so basic that I can't believe I'm having to explain it, but the reason for that is obvious when I consider who I am talking to. It makes the atari8warez product look better to have a bunch of RED EXCLAMATION POINTS in the column of competing projects, rather than admit that you don't know crap about the competing projects. Your motives are as clear as your tact and class or lacking. Hence we have your comparison chart which I have quoted, above. No surprises there, eh? LOL. :)

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