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Upgrading 360 hard drive..


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It's a console modification. MS checks all consoles on live from time to time and bans the ones that have mods in them.

Yes, but how would they even tell? Is there some kind of file on the official hard drives that flags the xbox? Sorry for asking questions, I personally do not have a xbox 360.

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Here is some information related to the question. I don't have any personal experience with upgrading hard drives on the 360 , based on the second link, it sounds like you do run the risk of getting banned when taking a modded 360 online. Doesn't state how though. Maybe it's by HDD size. Like if they see you have a 350GB drive...BANNED.





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look here

But i'm getting a little confused. I'm also reading they are banning unofficial memory cards. Maybe the ban is only for the memory cards.

But i would guess they could ban you when using a unofficial hdd because you have to flash the hdd firmware in order to get it to work with the xbox360.

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Well, it would be easy enough to detect, all they have to do is poll the system and ask what size drive it has, the answer (legitimately) can only be 20, 60, 80, or 120 (at the moment) I don't know how they would detect alternate memory cards, as long as they work in the system...and are of proper size.


And yeah, I'd agreee, technically, a different (removeable part) is not a mod....though to my understanding,don't you have to have the system moded to even talk to a third party drive?


Anyhow, if not, then just use a smaller official drive o get onlihne with, and the bigger one to store your crap and use when not online.

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Yeah, it's one of those classic deals where they make you pay ten times what something is worth because it's proprietary(visions of the sugarplum Apple computer legacy dance in my head). Microsoft could make it possible to use your own off-the-shelf hard drive and still verify that you're unmodded if they wanted to, but then they couldn't force you to buy tiny drives for ridiculous prices.

Edited by brojamfootball
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I haven't heard of any bans yet for modded hard drives, but I wouldn't trust it. Every hard drive has a unique serial number, and people are cloning these drives to make duplicates that match a legitimate one.


Someday, Microsoft is going to probably decide to ban hard drives that are on multiple consoles. There shouldn't be hundreds of hard drives with the same unique serial number on each. They could easily ban them all.


Well, technically it's not a mod. I'd probably just put in a 120GB to play it safe. It's not like I'm doing it to pirate stuff. I just want to save money.


Technically, it is a mod. A legitimate Xbox 360 hard drive has been opened up and modified by replacing it's guts with a larger hard drive. It's a modification and is unapproved and goes against Xbox Live's terms of service, putting anyone that does it at risk of being banned.

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