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Why so many ebay auctions on Atariage marketplace or trading section


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Now i understand why AAer’s might do that, namely to attract more people to their particular auction on ebay, but do you really need Atariage to promote or market your ebay auction, or am I to understand that perhaps the Atari/non Atari classic/retro hardware and software area on ebay is not so popular (amongst general ebay’rs)


Unless I am missing something, I thought the whole idea of an Atariage trading/marketplace area was there for the exclusive use for Atariage members to sell/trades their kit/gear and wares to other Atariage members EXCLUSIVELY on Atariage (though the section itself is viewable from outside AA)

The reason why I bring this up is because each time someone posts up an eBay auction that is effectively free advertising and promotion of and for eBay (remembering that there’s quite a lot of ebay auctions on AA compared to AA exclusive auctions)


If you think about that in purely commercial terms that is a heck of a lot of free advertising and promotion for and of ebay), bearing in mind the following


Atariage, technically isn’t a commercial enterprise/concern (apart from it’s ‘store’ and the recent introduction of subscription) whereas ebay is a commercial enterprise/concern


Now i would understand it if ebay were giving free links/advertising/promotion of AA within their various selling sections, if that was the case I wouldn’t be making this specific observation

Fact is ebay wouldn’t dream in a million billion years of giving AA free links/advertising and promotion from within their various selling sections...And yet AA has no qualms about literally offloading many thousands of pounds/dollars etc of free advertising/promotion for & of ebay each time an AA member puts up an ebay auction (irrespective whether it’s their’s or not)


Perhaps Albert and co should start considering some sort of limitation on any reference to ebay within the marketing/trading section...or even a total stop


But What about gavegavel.com/ctcw you say...there is a difference here in that the people involved with ctcw/gamegavel.com were or are AA members (No.1) and also have made worthwhile contributions to the community AA represents (No.2)...tell me, are the people behind ebay AA members, has the ebay management made any worthwhile contributions to the community that AA represents....I don’t think so (or at least, not in the same way that ctcw/gamegavel.com have or has)


The other reason why this narks me a little is due to the fact that some AA’ers within the marketplace/trading section pointed out that ebayer’s in general making somewhat disrespectful or disingenuous comments or remarks concerning AA or AA members (bearing in mind that ebay are getting lots of free advertising from AA and aren’t doing anything to cut out these disrespectful comments about AA and their members)


One idea i did how to improve AA’s marketplace/trading area is to have an ebay alike service, so that AA’rs don’t have to put up their ebay auctions on AA, we’ll have our own service (with our own set of fee’s etc), alternatively for AA to team up with the likes of ctcw/gamegavel.com and have an exclusive AA section


What do you AA’ers think

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You do make a good argument, but that is what Auction Central is for. Some AAers want the exposure on ebay, while giving fellow AAers a chance to snag the item. I have no problem with it, as long as they keep their auctions limited to the Auction central subforum.

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There are times where I post links to auctions that aren't mine because I'll come across something like a Supercharger that I know people are often looking for.


Free advertising at the expense of AtariAge - I can feel that but I more or less see it as collectors giving a heads up to other collectors (for lack of a better way of putting it)...

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I don't mind AAers advertising their auctions/sales on eBay, Gamegavel, amazon, craigslist, or elsewhere. Invariably you will find a few abusers, but mostly it is a way to let this community know about certain items that are being offered up to a larger market pool. There are some people that are very trustworthy and I feel more at ease bidding on their auctions, plus I don't mind helping out another gamer monetarily. (I also buy directly from people here, too, so I'm comfortable with internet buying & selling no matter what the means of sale.) I like it that people also occasionally offer AA bidders discounts and/or free shipping, some sort of little incentive.

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Auctions- mine, yours, or interesting- belong in Auction Central. Regular sales belong in the Marketplace. The Marketplace has more eyes for a reason. That reason being that it's not spammed with auctions. I would post my auctions there if I could, but I'm happy to follow the rules and post them at Auction Central. Perhaps I should start posting them there until everyone gets the picture that it's irritating to have those threads there.

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Now i would understand it if ebay were giving free links/advertising/promotion of AA within their various selling sections, if that was the case I wouldn’t be making this specific observation

Fact is ebay wouldn’t dream in a million billion years of giving AA free links/advertising and promotion from within their various selling sections...And yet AA has no qualms about literally offloading many thousands of pounds/dollars etc of free advertising/promotion for & of ebay each time an AA member puts up an ebay auction (irrespective whether it’s their’s or not)



Understandable argument though I would say that you have to look at the difference between a site where the entire purpose is to make a profit (eBay) and one that is a community (AtariAge). When posts are placed here the question should be "is this good for the community?". For me personally I very much appreciate seeing people list theirs (and others) items for sale in whatever format (direct sale, auction site, etc). I've made several purchases from the "heads up" given and there is also the occasional conversation that sparks with good information (i.e.: What makes this so valuable? Can Anyone tell me how to know if that is a real xxx?)

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The auctions forum is for auctions on any site GG, Ebay, whatever. If someone wants to sell something to AAers exclusively that's what the marketplace is for and threads can be set up in whatever format the topic starter wants. It's an obvious aspect of the community sure and that's why those sections are there buut it's not the main goat as was stated previously.


Obviously any transaction is done at the buyer and seller's own risk and if someone wants to start another auction site to cater to members specifically and would like to dedicate all their time and energy to upkeeping it, then that is entirely on them I would guess. That's just not the primary function of aa and I highly doubt Albert wants to assume liability for anything that might go wrong nor has the time to police things 24/7.


If someone sees an auction posted in the marketplace and makes a mod aware of it, it will be moved to where it should be as well. :)

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The auctions forum is for auctions on any site GG, Ebay, whatever. If someone wants to sell something to AAers exclusively that's what the marketplace is for and threads can be set up in whatever format the topic starter wants. It's an obvious aspect of the community sure and that's why those sections are there but it's not the main goat as was stated previously.


Yeah I brain farted that.. I was thinking he was posting about the auction posting for other sites as opposed to what forum they were posting them.

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Mods should be moving auction posts to the auction forum from the marketplace section.

Yes, and as far as I know that does happen. I just looked at the first page of threads in the Marketplace forum and didn't see any obvious auction posts.




I move up to 10 a day.

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I look at it as simply a place to point out things you find in the wild. see something you already own, but know others may want? link the auction.


know a guy selling some nice things, but who still wants to put them on ebay? link away and maybe someone other than Dick will buy it. :D


find something just random interesting out there (lets say, a pac man drinking glass?). fire away.


Just my general take on the best use of the auction subforum. I have no problems with it, but I would also think AA members would try to sell directly to eachother rather than epay in and of itself. Like, lets say you put up something, then when no one bites, you set it up on ebay. Go on and link that auction, then let things happen. It already had a fair run on the normal market, if someone wants it now, they will have to compete with the mass market.

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you know you could help AA out with some kickback. If the ebay links used a referral link. If anyone bought an auction linked from AA, AA could get a percentage of the sale. I know a lot of other sites do this. Then it's not just free ebay advertising, but also a little maintenance money for AA. Just a thought.

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you know you could help AA out with some kickback. If the ebay links used a referral link. If anyone bought an auction linked from AA, AA could get a percentage of the sale. I know a lot of other sites do this. Then it's not just free ebay advertising, but also a little maintenance money for AA. Just a thought.

I think this only works if you direct people to your own eBay Store from outside of eBay. For instance, if I had an 'AtariAge' store on eBay, I could then put links to that store on the forums here with a special referral code. If someone then clicked on those links and purchased items, I would get 75% off the final value fees. Not a bad savings for that particular case, but I don't see any general way of getting a kickback for any eBay links posted here. That sure as hell would be nice, so if you know something I don't please let me know. :)



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I think this only works if you direct people to your own eBay Store from outside of eBay. For instance, if I had an 'AtariAge' store on eBay, I could then put links to that store on the forums here with a special referral code. If someone then clicked on those links and purchased items, I would get 75% off the final value fees. Not a bad savings for that particular case, but I don't see any general way of getting a kickback for any eBay links posted here. That sure as hell would be nice, so if you know something I don't please let me know. :)




That would also help filter out the ebay whores that use AA for nothing more than a personal Gamestop store front. :P

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