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Are Atari commons not worth anything anymore?


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I was the high bidder on that RT1. That's been the 4th or 5th time he's listed it with a reserve that hasn't been met. At some point he's either going to have to drop the reserve or keep it.



Save you money dude, for an extra $30 or or so you should be able to get a really nice one.

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90 games for $10


I won this, and then told the seller to relist as I was not going to pay only $10 for these. My question is why didn't this go higher?



Gives Parrothead a slap aside the head. What is wrong with you? Really, how on earth is this going to get people to go to your website? Show off the auctions that go sky high, not the ones that take a big old dump, and stink to high heaven. Only show low auction results for Ebay auctions. Really, if I have a bunch of commons why would I want to sell on your site after you just showed me that?



Such a troll response. Calm it, internet boy.


Anyway, stuff sometimes doesn't get high prices. Surprise! eBay is the same.


I think what bothers me most about this auction is that the seller didn't have a reserve and decided not to sell it to you anyway. I think that should in some way be a strike against the seller.


And the whole R# system is incredibly flawed. It's an R26! Who cares? Rarity does not determine value alone.


I would like to use the 'wagon more. I do find that stuff needs to be relisted, but I don't want to relist 50 things every week there. I would prefer a store format. Mike, I think that auction is not the best or only way to sell, and if you had a store setup, I would use it. I still suggest stuff like auction comments (turn them on or off, and the seller can edit or not) and other community features that eBay shys away from.


Anyway, this thread was not a critique of the website, and I hate to respond to the troll response in kind. Me troll!


About 2600 commons, they are common for a reason. Several commons sold in the millions. Let me say that I don't think that they are worthless. In fact, if you sell systems, all people want are commons. EVERYONE wants a Pac-man. Asteroids and Defender are super popular. My anecdotal survey comes from having this multiple choice auction I keep reusing for a 2600 set where I let everyone pick from 10 games from 75 or so titles. I ran out of Pac-man after it sold 4 times. I had to find more. I can't sell a set without Pac-man. And everyone wants a Combat. Those, I don't run out of. Still, it's amazing.


I can back up this argument with what Joe from Atari2600.com told me a while back, which was similar. He runs out of commons. When someone contacts him to buy a 2600 set, they want the same 5 carts, not Out of Control or Crazy Climber. Nobody played those, so they have no nostalgia value for 99.9% of enthusiasts.


So the value in commons is in the set. Alone, I think they have little value. I don't know what I'll do with my leftovers once I am able to purge all my consoles. Sometimes I want to have a shadow collection of playable copies in crummy (or good) shape lining a wall. Or make an art project out of them. An Atari lamp may be in order. But seriously, I'll probably bundle them and sell them.

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I would like to use the 'wagon more. I do find that stuff needs to be relisted, but I don't want to relist 50 things every week there. I would prefer a store format. Mike, I think that auction is not the best or only way to sell, and if you had a store setup, I would use it.


I would do a store as well

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The week after Christmas is the worst time to sell on Ebay (or any auction site).


Unless you got an Ebay gift card for Christmas nobody is buying. I got a NIB Kid Vid Smurfs Save the day for $100 a couple years ago right after Xmas. Nobody is looking. So yes, if you are a buyer, last week was the fun week.

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The week after Christmas is the worst time to sell on Ebay (or any auction site).


Unless you got an Ebay gift card for Christmas nobody is buying. I got a NIB Kid Vid Smurfs Save the day for $100 a couple years ago right after Xmas. Nobody is looking. So yes, if you are a buyer, last week was the fun week.

Yes, the week before Xmas, this new Kid Vid went for $223 - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230408506633 - plus I would suspect the demand is still high for this item.


Are Atari 9/10 not worth anything anymore?



Apparently someone hit the BIN for $70 - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160391117624 - and the buyer looked past the fugly label and found holiday love in the heart.

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Parrothead told the seller to relist, the seller didn't refuse to sell them for the final bid price, going by what was said in the above posts.


That is correct. It was my decision to tell him to relist it. However, he was happy to complete the deal as it was. But was, in the end, thankful I was cool with him relisting it. Even if it goes for just a bit more that will be worth it.

Edited by Parrothead
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I would like to use the 'wagon more. I do find that stuff needs to be relisted, but I don't want to relist 50 things every week there. I would prefer a store format. Mike, I think that auction is not the best or only way to sell, and if you had a store setup, I would use it.


I would do a store as well


There is a store set up. You can run Buy Now auctions for up to 20 days. Relisting takes only a second for unlimited items. You can design your own store using our template or juice it up with HTML. The sytem then assigns you your own GameGavel homepage/storefront URL you can tag in your forum/blog sigs. And it's free. Try it out :)


The reason we don't have auto relistings is that people just simply list their items and never come back to update them. Sounds good in theory but is more of a pain for everyone. Relisting is so easy on GG :)

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I see auctions go for mere pennies frequently. It's got a lot to do with the timing of the auction and the interest of the bidders. For instance, I've seen 4sw 2600s w/ 30 commons go $50 but also saw them go $2. For awhile, I was gutting the carts, selling the cases, and throwing the rom boards in a barrel. Did get more $ that way.

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I see auctions go for mere pennies frequently. It's got a lot to do with the timing of the auction and the interest of the bidders. For instance, I've seen 4sw 2600s w/ 30 commons go $50 but also saw them go $2. For awhile, I was gutting the carts, selling the cases, and throwing the rom boards in a barrel. Did get more $ that way.


Ahh, the famous 'barrel o' ROMs' strategy. The only thing easier than shooting fish in a barrel is selling ROMs in a barrel.

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I see auctions go for mere pennies frequently. It's got a lot to do with the timing of the auction and the interest of the bidders. For instance, I've seen 4sw 2600s w/ 30 commons go $50 but also saw them go $2. For awhile, I was gutting the carts, selling the cases, and throwing the rom boards in a barrel. Did get more $ that way.


Ahh, the famous 'barrel o' ROMs' strategy. The only thing easier than shooting fish in a barrel is selling ROMs in a barrel.


Sure, as soon as they leave the cart shell, they become RARE PROTOS.

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