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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2010 (Season 3)


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Sega Master System

Shinobi 5 mins

World Class Grand Prix 5 mins

Great Baseball 5 mins


Sega Genesis

Sports Talk Baseball 10 mins




Sorry, I can't edit posts here. That should be "World Grand Prix", not "World Class..."



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Times for Monday - Friday:


Atari 2600:

Artillery Duel - 23 min.

Basketball - 5 min.

Boxing - 6 min.

Frogs & Flies - 7 min.

Freeway - 7 min.

Karate - 12 min.

Miniature Golf - 14 min.

RealSports Boxing - 4 min.

RealSports Tennis - 15 min.


Commodore 64:

B.C.'s Quest For Tires - 7 min.

Choplifter - 10 min.

Clowns - 7 min.

Congo Bongo - 3 min.

Frogger - 5 min.

Jupiter Lander - 7 min.

Hard Hat Mack - 10 min.

Kickman - 7 min.

Miner 2049er - 4 min.

Neutral Zone - 12 min.

Omega Race - 2 min.

Pitfall - 2 min.

Pitstop - 7 min.

Save New York - 15 min.

The Wizard and the Princess - 300 min.

Toy Bizarre - 5 min.



Super Mario Bros. - 20 min.


Sega Master System:

Rastan - 5 min.

Wonder Boy In Monster Land - 3 min.


Sega Game Gear:

Galaga '91 - 5 min.


Sega Genesis:

Awesome Possum - 6 min.

Deadly Moves - 55 min.

Fatal Labyrinth - 49 min.

Marble Madness (Tengen) - 46 min.

Super Monaco GP - 46 min.


Had an Atari 2600 night here with my girlfriend, for the first time in ages. We had a nice mix of old favorites (Artillery Duel, Boxing, Frogs and Flies) and games I've never really played before (Miniature Golf, the two RealSports games). She flattened me three times in a row at RealSports Boxing -- still not sure what I'm doing in that one -- which I suppose was revenge enough for my 92-53 victory in regular Boxing, aka "Fallopian Tube Boxing" (though our first game was a 72-72 draw). She also beat me in Karate, aka "The Anorexic Gumby Can-Can Game", though our CX-40s are so stiff that we almost quit early. Miniature Golf is a lot better than it seems at first; once you accept its bizarro physics, it's quite playable, even fun.


We also finally got back to The Wizard and the Princess, a text adventure we'd started a few months back, and beat it in two sessions. After that we tried out a bunch of C64 arcade games that were kindly sent to us by an Atariage member a while back; of these, our favorite was Save New York, which initially seems simplistic but is quite a lot of fun. Gotta love the bright red cartridge too.


On the Genesis front, I also came within an ace of beating Tengen Marble Madness on Easy mode, but couldn't quite do it. I've recently picked up one "so bad it's good" game (Deadly Moves, which is almost fun) and one "so bad it's bad" game (Awesome Possum, which is horrendous). Fatal Labyrinth, another recent acquisition, turned out to be a surprisingly addictive little roguelike.

Edited by thegoldenband
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for 6-11-10



Missile Command 3D - 45 minutes

Super Burnout - 30 minutes



Klax - 45 minutes


for 6-12-10


Sega Master System

Shinobi - 1 hour



Missile Command 3D - 45 minutes

Raiden - 15 minutes

Defender 2000 - 30 minutes

Tempest 2000 - 40 minutes

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Times for Saturday - Sunday:



Minestorm - 21 min.


Sega Master System:

Golden Axe - 7 min.

Laser Ghost - 7 min.

Line of Fire - 155 min.

Marble Madness - 5 min.

Psycho Fox - 7 min.

Rambo: First Blood Part II - 40 min.



Worms World Party - 114 min.


I played Line of Fire for the first time yesterday, and after a few attempts, beat the game on Easy. Then I tried Hard, figuring I'd get flattened; instead, I beat it again right away. If there's a difference between the two difficulty levels, I can't see it. It's a decent way to spend a couple hours, and has a couple nice ideas, but doesn't really stack up to other scrolling shooters I've played.


I keep trying to get into the SMS, but I'm kind of appalled to learn that games like Psycho Fox and Rambo: First Blood Part II are considered Master System classics. The former is basically the same as the dire Kid Kool for NES, and the latter features a frustratingly slow and awkward Rambo who's apparently auditioning for the role of Orpheus, since he can't turn around to fire at enemies behind him.


Meanwhile, the Marble Madness port is easily the worst I've ever seen, and Golden Axe seems unplayably choppy while cutting out two of the three characters. Who on earth wants to play as Ax Battler? Without multiplayer or Gilius Thunderhead, it makes for a pretty hollow experience.

Edited by thegoldenband
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I played Line of Fire for the first time yesterday, and after a few attempts, beat the game on Easy. Then I tried Hard, figuring I'd get flattened; instead, I beat it again right away. If there's a difference between the two difficulty levels, I can't see it. It's a decent way to spend a couple hours, and has a couple nice ideas, but doesn't really stack up to other scrolling shooters I've played.


I am currently seeking this game! I am understanding that Line of Fire also has a 3D mode compatible with the SegaScope 3D


my time for 6-13-10



Super Burnout - 1 hour

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