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Shady Atari Auction.


Auctions like this tend to catch my eye... and occasionally I shoot an email to the person to ask specific questions.

Stuff like: "Why is a Hozer game considered to be rare and hard to find" "Why not even mention these are Hozer games?"


I questions things when I see a seller talk up the rarity of a game, when the game they are describing is not even a real version of that game. Why bother mentioning it in your ad that the Pepsi Invaders only had 125 copies? Why mention it at all... if you are selling off a Hozer reproduction? Why not be completely honest and quit trying to hide the fact that these are worthless in your auction's paragraph of fluff?




Because, well, the seller emailed me back and gave me the EXACT reason why:



"if you dont like it, mind your own business...

they are for sale to idiots who are stupid enough to pay attention to atari."



That shows a lot of class. I really hope it isn't someone on here.



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I never buy sellers like this, even if they happen to have something I really want.


Look at this listing.... it is not just painful to read with the ALL CAPS, a couple paragraph breaks would have helped, and the statement at the end just takes the cake.


Whoever is stupid enough to buy from this person deserves every bit of screwing they get. You don't have to know anything about Atari to recognize an ass.ebay2.jpg

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It makes no sense... "no reasonable offer will be turned down" but then "I really don't care if I sell this system at all"? Those appear to be contradictory. The lister is clearly of very low intelligence, can't compose an easy-to-read ebay description, and has a bad attitude to finish off the trifecta of moron.

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Well, I got your e-mail, Chris, and that offer is just WAY too low. I'm trying to fleece some morons here, not sell it for what it's REALLY worth. Gawd, some people.....


I hope nobody gets fleeced by this shuckster. Nothing is more detrimental to our hobby than jerks who do things like this. :(

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You know, what annoys me in general on ePay is when someone always adds "bid with confidence"... even moreso when it is on a BIN listing.


Hmn, I should make a $0.02 offer with the comment "Eh, just my 2 cents."


Seriously though, what do you guys think this is worth in reality? :D

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Seriously though, what do you guys think this is worth in reality? :D



$100, 'maybe' a little more (repro carts are worth $10-15ea), but the guy's a jerk, so in "reality" - he's going to be lucky to get anything. Most of his stuff looks pretty beat up, dingy and dirty and that's a pet peeve of mine. Guy can't even spend a few minutes cleaning it up.



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Just for fun I asked if the Pepsi invaders and Dukes were real or reproductions, his response was honest and polite, his exact response....

The games are reproductions, the real Pepsi invaders does not have a label and they only made 125 of the real ones, the dukes games are repros also

I was kind of hoping for more of a D-bag response, oh well, guess I'll just do something else for fun...farting in public is always good for a few laughs :lol:

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wow... i jut got a very delayed response from this guy.

i will post it later if i can access atariage when i get to work. He just sent me a 'stern warning' and then threatened me! lol

lots of class shown here. lots of class.

Looking forward to seeing that. If he threatened you, I would forward report that to eBay. Even better if this was done within eBay, so they have a copy of his message to you.



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Here's that great response I got from the seller.


i will not tolerate your harrasment and i will not put up with your stupid comments bud,the items are described as they are,go to the police,idiot,if you write me again there will be big problems for you


- crcars71


All I did was state that it was bad business to 'fish for noobs' and that it showed no class.

I reported to ebay after his first response, I still believe he is trying to mislead people (hell... he even mentioned it)


What an ass

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The auction has ended, but it doesn't look like there was a buyer. Maybe he got "spooked" by your education and/or comments! lol Guy needs to clean up his act and learn a few things about selling and customer service. I guess there's a reason those Dummies books exist ;-) There's even an ePay For Dummies! :lol:


Bet there's no 'Emily Post for Dummies' or 'Common Sense For Dummies'... lmao! I was just reminded of a book I picked up at an antique store entitled: 'A Young Peoples Guide To Manners' ©1967... you know a book like this wouldn't exactly be a hot seller today :lol:

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