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2 Chase the Chuckwagons on Ebay


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Thanks for posting! I've long gotten out of the habit of searching for this title. While it would be nice to have in the collection, I'm from the mindset that it would be much more gratifying "catching' one of these out in the wild. "Chasing the almighty Chuckwagon" is something I only passively do now-a-days, so the chances are pretty darn slim I'll ever find one.

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Those are both hideously overpriced in today's market. It looks like a dog upchucked his Purina chow all over that second one. Ew.



I think I sold my last chse the chuckwagon last year for 80...so I agreee those prices are way high...Mine looked nice as well...9/10 or so

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Thanks for posting! I've long gotten out of the habit of searching for this title. While it would be nice to have in the collection, I'm from the mindset that it would be much more gratifying "catching' one of these out in the wild. "Chasing the almighty Chuckwagon" is something I only passively do now-a-days, so the chances are pretty darn slim I'll ever find one.



Yw. I was actually looking for a Sears Pic label of "Chase", when those popped up.

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OMG Those are ridiculous prices! Why do sellers even bother? Even the good one is $70 bucks at best! Atari carts have come WAY down lately, and even at their peak was a loose CTCW worth $200???

Seems like most of his prices are retarded. $198 for a loose Waterworld? $199 for a loose Crazy Climber?


'Das jus' stooooooopid!

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OMG Those are ridiculous prices! Why do sellers even bother? Even the good one is $70 bucks at best! Atari carts have come WAY down lately, and even at their peak was a loose CTCW worth $200???

Seems like most of his prices are retarded. $198 for a loose Waterworld? $199 for a loose Crazy Climber?


'Das jus' stooooooopid!


$50-$60 tops nowadays me thinks. I still need to get me one of those damn things :)

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The duplicates I have had I sold for $40 shipped, I have sold 3 or so at that price. I do remember a long time ago, maybe early 2000 or late 90's many people (myself included) thought that CTCW was the rarest game for the Atari. Due to this, people paid a lot for it. I was not a serious collector, or even a collector at all really. I just followed Ebay somewhat and had an interest in the hobby but never really knew much about Atari collecting so thats probably why I thought it was the rarest game made and so did my friends. I seem to remeber the game going for $150+ though, but like I said, that was 10 or so years ago, anyone else remember this game going for a lot of dough way back?

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I seem to remeber the game going for $150+ though, but like I said, that was 10 or so years ago, anyone else remember this game going for a lot of dough way back?


You're absolutely right. 10-15 years ago on Usenet (r.g.v.c or r.g.v.m) they used to fetch that much easily. CCTW *was* considered Holy Grail back then. Much of the austere came from the fact you could only get it by sending away, but unlike Kool-Aid man, I guess that many fewer people bought Purina. lol Crazy Climber also sold routinely for that much or more. My 'Bumper Bash' cost me a cool $100 too (in trade fodder, but still).

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Kool-Aid man was eventually sold in stores too, contributing even more to it being less rare. I remember seeing it (and getting it) in an Eagle grocery store in DeKalb, IL, along with Journey Escape.


I remember way back when CTCW was considered an incredible find, but there are so many more rare carts now that we know more and have great sites like this to communicate and build up a better knowledge base.

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Kool-Aid man was eventually sold in stores too, contributing even more to it being less rare. I remember seeing it (and getting it) in an Eagle grocery store in DeKalb, IL, along with Journey Escape.



Ahh.. I did not know that! Got mine the good old fashioned way... by drinking Kool-Aid... OH YEAH! :lol:



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OMG Those are ridiculous prices! Why do sellers even bother? Even the good one is $70 bucks at best! Atari carts have come WAY down lately, and even at their peak was a loose CTCW worth $200???

Seems like most of his prices are retarded. $198 for a loose Waterworld? $199 for a loose Crazy Climber?


'Das jus' stooooooopid!


$50-$60 tops nowadays me thinks. I still need to get me one of those damn things :)


WAIT are you saying that the owner of (former) ChaseTheChuckWagon.com does not actually OWN a chase the chuck wagon? :o :o

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Kool-Aid man was eventually sold in stores too, contributing even more to it being less rare. I remember seeing it (and getting it) in an Eagle grocery store in DeKalb, IL, along with Journey Escape.



Ahh.. I did not know that! Got mine the good old fashioned way... by drinking Kool-Aid... OH YEAH! :lol:


I got mine from drinking Kool-Aid also :)

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Kool-Aid man was eventually sold in stores too, contributing even more to it being less rare. I remember seeing it (and getting it) in an Eagle grocery store in DeKalb, IL, along with Journey Escape.


I remember way back when CTCW was considered an incredible find, but there are so many more rare carts now that we know more and have great sites like this to communicate and build up a better knowledge base.

I am familier with that Eagle store ( I was born in DeKalb) I remember they occasionally had Atari games. I got my original Kool Aid man from Applebaums (IGA) Grocery store here in MN, but that one is long gone.

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I am familier with that Eagle store ( I was born in DeKalb) I remember they occasionally had Atari games. I got my original Kool Aid man from Applebaums (IGA) Grocery store here in MN, but that one is long gone.





In the northern burbs of Chicago, our Eagle stores to the best of my knowledge did NOT sell Mattel games. What I do remember them having though were Data Age and Apollo games sitting in their own cardboard endcaps. Was soooo cool shopping with Grandma or my Mom back in the day. Might have been treated to a budget Atari game (I don't believe any were more than $10). Got my copies of Journey Escape, Bermuda Triangle, Bugs, Space Chase, Infiltrate and Sneak 'N Peak that way.



Osco Drugs (connected to the Jewel grocery stores) had Mattel & Parker Bros. games. Can't remember if they sold any of the other companies. Was seriously pissed one day that my Dad wouldn't buy me 2600 Tutankham for helping him out on one hot summer all day. Had to go back later on my bike and buy it. I was excited because I'm pretty sure it was only $7! :lol:






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I am familier with that Eagle store ( I was born in DeKalb)


<OT> Wow, small world. I was born in DeKalb, too, Dr. Ladd delivered me. I wonder if we met in the nursery area :P

I lived in Dekalb from 5 to 9, 1980 to 1984. I wonder if we were at the same school all of us together. I also am familiar with the Eagle Store. There are two huge things to do in DeKalb. One was to go during the 4th of July Fireworks show when an orchestra band would actually play during the fireworks. The other was to go to the swimming pool area during the summer time. I also went to Maple park quite a few times. Anyone remember the miracle come from behind win by the NIU Huskies football team in 1983? It was the only game I actually attended. The reason was because they were giving out free tickets to school children for the game.

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On topic: The more I think about it, there was a Jewel or Osco or something right near the Eagle. I may have gotten my Kool-Aid Man there. The Journey Escape and Sneak 'n' Peak were definitely at Eagle though, I remember that endcap very well. Right on the end of the generics aisle, back when it was all yellow boxes with black type! The point remains the same though, that Kool-Aid man was eventually sold retail, but for how long, I don't know.


Not On Topic: Mr. Galaxian, that's unreal three of us lived in DeKalb at a similar time. I never went to school in DeKalb though, we moved to Minneapolis when I was 5. But I hung out in DeKalb every summer at grandparent's house (when I got the Atari games there). So, we were definitely in DeKalb at the same time... I would have spent summers there '80-'84 (and summers before and after that). I remember the fireworks shows, the pool, Maple park. Crazy, it's possible we met or at least saw each other. DeKalb, though I haven't been there in a few years now, still feels like home to me. It's a really neat city. They still have an arcade there, though I haven't been to it.

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On topic: The more I think about it, there was a Jewel or Osco or something right near the Eagle. I may have gotten my Kool-Aid Man there. The Journey Escape and Sneak 'n' Peak were definitely at Eagle though, I remember that endcap very well. Right on the end of the generics aisle, back when it was all yellow boxes with black type! The point remains the same though, that Kool-Aid man was eventually sold retail, but for how long, I don't know.


Not On Topic: Mr. Galaxian, that's unreal three of us lived in DeKalb at a similar time. I never went to school in DeKalb though, we moved to Minneapolis when I was 5. But I hung out in DeKalb every summer at grandparent's house (when I got the Atari games there). So, we were definitely in DeKalb at the same time... I would have spent summers there '80-'84 (and summers before and after that). I remember the fireworks shows, the pool, Maple park. Crazy, it's possible we met or at least saw each other. DeKalb, though I haven't been there in a few years now, still feels like home to me. It's a really neat city. They still have an arcade there, though I haven't been to it.

Okay, lets see. Did you ever get swimming lessons or go to one of their camp programs during the summer time? If so we may have had swimming lessons at the same time or be in the same camp troop. How bout soccer? I was also on a soccer team during this time. Would be cool if we were teammates, or at least on opposing teams.

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Nope, none of the above. Nothing organized that I can think of in DeKalb. Organized stuff would have been at my other grandparent's house in a different town. May have just crossed paths hanging out at pool or in park. I had a friend on Normal Road named Heather who was about my same age (I won't say her last name here). Still, bizarre three of us were hanging out in DeKalb.

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