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Can I test a 5200 without a game?


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I have a 5200 but no games. Well I have one coming from Al but would like to see if my console works. If its dead I want to get a good console on the way. I had to build a power supply with the instructions in the F&Q section. Some where I read you can put the console into test mode by jumping two pins in the cart port. I can't seem to find the info now and just need to know which two pins it is. I already have pin out info for the cart slot. Thanks


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If the rf box works good I do very neat work and will have an extra I built for sale really reasonable.


dont really know if there is a test mode i thought the 2 pins that you jump turn a cart into a jam cart where it turns on automatically upon insert


its hard to believe you got a 5200 without a pacman i mean i swear there are more pacman carts out there than 5200 machines

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What is the purpose of the jam cart? Wouldn't turning on the system with no game be hard on the system?

It was for factory workers to test the system. It saved them a second by not having to push the on button. No it didn't hurt the system by doing that.



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I don't recommend turning on the console without a cartridge of some kind. For one reason, the cartridge port send a small amount of power to the cartridge. And, I have heard that doing so will burn up the RAM chips...which I have no solid evidence on this.


I will tell you what not to do...don't clean the cartridge port pins (should you have to) with the AC Adapter plugged into the unit and outlet...even if the machine is turned off. If you are going to clean the cartridge port pins, unplug the unit and hit the power switch to discharge any stored power. Also, don't leave games in the system when you turn it off for an extended period of time...make a habit of removing them when you turn the system off. I've had many carts become unplayable doing this...my first one being Space Invaders. Something about the cart port powering the carts will damage them if left in the machine.


All I know. Enjoy the 5200!! I miss mine :(

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What is the purpose of the jam cart? Wouldn't turning on the system with no game be hard on the system?


5200 was actually designed to leave turned on while you swap out the game carts. You can do absolutely zero harm by leaving it turned on while switching games.


well that is baloney


my 2 port 5200 broke pulling a game before turing it off or it might have happened pulling one out without turning it off i wasnt paying attention to the moron

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I don't hot swap carts in my 4 port, but I have noticed that it doesn't seem to matter if it's on or off when you insert a cart. If it's on, that game will load. If it's off, that game loads when I hit the power.


I think there's some blurb in the books about not inserting or removing games with the power on. If Atari says not to, then that's good enough for me.

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