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Beebris Special Edition Jag-CD Now For Sale!


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Starball :lust:


This game was really great, we spent hundred of hours on it. And it used the hardware in a very clever manner. It was running full speed on a single 520STF, but took use of STE blitter, or extra RAM to add graphical effects or better sound replay.

Edited by Fadest
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You forgot who it is by. I always support homebrew. But not hombrew by Reboot. Sorry.


And that's exactly the point isn't it? It would have been much more productive to the whole discussion if you had explained that instead of attacking the graphical merits of a Tetris clone!


And speaking of ST freeware games. I'd really like to see a Starball quality game for the Jaguar. Even if it didn't use anything but the 68000!


I didn't attack the graphics, somebody else did. I merely stated that we already have one Tetris game for the Jag and would have been better to have something original that actually used the machine.


What next from Reboot? Pong? :roll:

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.... attacking the graphical merits of a Tetris clone!

I specifically quoted the above comment so to be crystal clear in what my response is solely in reference to. :)


Having just re-read the entire thread the only comments as far as I could make out to have made direct reference to the game's graphics were those made by me. More specifically, I posted one comment in each of two separate posts. However, even after having re-read those comments, I cannot agree with your assertion that they were "attacking the graphical merits" of Beebris. To characterise what I posted as an "attack" is to misrepresent both what I said and the context it was said in. I'm not seeking to bait or antagonise, just to bring a due sense of proportion and to respectfully correct this minor indiscretion. :)

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I can't help wondering what Bastian Schick might make of such a statement!


Well perhaps he'd think, 'Wow, years later someone made an improved nice new shiny version of tetris with polished graphics, some really catchy audio, and a choice of different play modes and then gave it away for free, how great!'


A better question would be - What would he think if he had a thread related to his original jagtris release and then someone came in to shit on it saying something like 'Do you really want to play this on the Atari Jaguar 64-bit Interactive Multimedia System?'


Anyhow - feel free to continue trolling the thread in a poorly veiled manner, because as is often the case when dealing with the vocal Jag minority here - this is growing tiresome.

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I can't help wondering what Bastian Schick might make of such a statement!


Well perhaps he'd think, 'Wow, years later someone made an improved nice new shiny version of tetris with polished graphics, some really catchy audio, and a choice of different play modes and then gave it away for free, how great!'


A better question would be - What would he think if he had a thread related to his original jagtris release and then someone came in to shit on it saying something like 'Do you really want to play this on the Atari Jaguar 64-bit Interactive Multimedia System?'


Anyhow - feel free to continue trolling the thread in a poorly veiled manner, because as is often the case when dealing with the vocal Jag minority here - this is growing tiresome.

Aside from you evidently not having grasped the lighthearted nature of my comment, I'd never be so presumptuous or clairvoyant enough to suggest what somebody else may think.


As for the context of your Jagtris reference please consult Zerosquare's most recent post to appreciate why that line of argument is fundamentally flawed. If you're going to present debate by quoting others then please do it correctly as the "quote" you suggested I posted is not as you presented it. Twisting its wording to suit your own agenda and so misrepresenting what was said is disingenuous to say the very least. Reading back to yourself what I actually posted and you'll hopefully see the intention was altogether different from what it is you took me to mean, i.e. your personal interpretation and subsequent claim that I've "came in to shit on it".


If you perceive me to have been "trolling the thread" then that's prerogative however wide of the mark it may be. From your confrontational tone I suspect that so entrenched are you in holding such a view that there'd be little point in me presenting any response to the contrary - although I sincerely hope my suspicion is wrong. Looking beyond the aforementioned sometimes confrontational nature of your post together with its additional negative inferences, I have no overt desire to engage in these kind of unpleasant exchanges. I've no axe to grind against you personally having on many occasions both read and admired several of your posts on Jaguar forums. I hope the overall nature of this reply hasn't come across as unnecessarily hostile as the intention was primarily to defend, not attack. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Ovalbugman, it should be completed this week, we got sidetracked with the CD tools. The only thing remaining for the game is the new title screen, all the in-game stuff has been updated to how we want it. The manuals have arrived, as have the cases & media. The inserts will be ready in 2 days. Once it is all here I can make one up for some photos & screen shots, then I'll update this thread, cheers.


As for Tapperesque, we've chatted about completing that to some level of playability before putting it up here. It'd be pretty limited in what it did, but it'd be free to download & if anyone wanted to waste a CD on it they could ;)



I would be interested. The game looks good. I try to support all projects homebrew related that I can.




What happened with this release? There are people who would buy a copy. :) I'm down for one, and I would like to play Tapperesque.

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Will Beebris come with printed cd's?


That's the plan, but not stickers (we're worried that they might peel or impair the rotation of the disc - Jaguar discs seem twitchy enough under normal conditions) or bubblejet ink (that needs to be sealed to stay properly permanent I believe, at least the things we've looked at). We're using a thermal titler. The results are less 'in your face', but they are 300dpi titles using a TrueType font I made of the Jaguar logos (and also Beebris logos etc) and of each of the characters of the alphabet. We have been looking at other printing solutions but we're not 100% sure of them yet. As we're trying to do this just to break even, it might be some time before there could be enough scraped together for that on a future release. What we're most concerned about is the media used - the JVC Taiyo Yuden discs seem to be very reliable here. As we're not expecting anything like a high demand for this game, we're keeping it simple as our first proper, physical release. Case, titled disc, 2nd disc (with .BJL of same (so you can play with an emulator, skunkboard, etc, burn a backup & use that if you prefer, or to replace your personal disc if you damage it), code, extras etc), case insert, tri-fold manual.


I've not actually seen any Jaguar homebrews other than in photos, so it's hard to tell what other people have done. The only thing I have is the Native demo that came with the bypass cart, that is very professional looking but was done at a pressing plant... we can't go to those lengths to make a few copies of our game unfortunately ;) I suppose this will be a release where we can test the waters & gain feedback but do the best job we can with our resources.

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