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Super Duper Non-Halloween Cart Giveaway!!!


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I'll give this a shot




Buffalo (-3) vs. New England

Buffalo (gotta love a revenge game)

Tampa Bay (-7) vs. Minnesota

Tampa Bay (this may be the week Keyshon actually finds end zone)

Houston (-3) vs. Cincinnati

Cincinnati (they have to win one game, don't they?)

Indianapolis (-3) vs. Tennessee

Tennessee (your guess is as good as mine here)

Oakland (-3) vs. San Francisco

San Francisco (the raiders are showing their age, and Gannon's arm is gonna fall off soon anyway)




Peyton Manning's total passing yards. 262 yds

Eddie George's total running yards.114 yds

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Awsome contest - I don't HAVE CC!! Anyways...


Buffalo over the Pats (of course, by betting against my beloved but woebegotten Pats I assure them a victory)

Bucs over the hapless Vikings

Even the Texans can beat the Bungles....

Colts over Titans, although I hate Peyton Manning...

Niners over Raiders. I'm surprised the Raiders are favored.


Manning will pass for... oh... 266 yards.

George will run for only about 61 yards.

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[/size]We Have A Winner!



Thanks Big Player for the score updates, the last game was won by San Fran. Ok, we had a few good picks and ended up having four people going 4-1 on their picks. Great job Cap5750, Happy_Dude, Kabonk, and Z28in82 all you guys got the majority of the games right so it came down to the tiebreakers.


The tiebreaker was stated as those closest to the yardage totals for Manning and George without going over the actual amount. And the only (4-1) contestant that did not go over his guess for Eddie George's rushing yards was Cap5750.


So, congrats Cap, if you send me a PM with your address I'll send the Cosmic Commuter cart out to you.


Honorable mentions to Kabonk who picked Manning's exact yardage but went over 22 yards on George's yards. And to Noahsmybro and me ;) who were the only other pickers who went over .500, we each went 3-2, so if we were in Vegas we'd be alright :)

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Wow! Imagine that. I actually forgot about this until I saw the message. :)


If Swami Cap would have used his noggin, he would have went 5 - 0 instead of 4 - 1. Minnesota has a horrible defense.


But, I'm happy. I won a cart I don't have in my collection and I also won my CNNSI.COM fantasy game (by about 50 points) despite not having my stud Preist Holmes to move to 8 - 1. It was a lot of luck in a way. I had been planning on playing Stephen Davis with Jamal Lewis in the backfield when I saw the Davis was NOT going to play. So, I went and grabbed the back-up (Watson) and actually dropped Davis. Watson ends up rushing for 110 yards and gets 42 yards receiving for a total of 15 points. He, Peerless Price, the Cowboy's defense and Jeff Garcia won it for me easy.


Great job on all the picks to everyone who played and thanks to Oessi for the cart!



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Thanks for the welcome. I am in Saline, just outside of Ann Arbor.


No kidding! My sister and her family live in Saline. I go up there to see her about twice a year. :) I lived in Ypsi for two years, so I still miss dropping by to see her whenever I wanted and then and grabbing a sandwich and chips at The Drowsy Parrot. :D

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Congrats to Cap for wining ;)


Thanks to oesii for a great contest, especially since it was one that I could almost win for once, damn the Bills *grumbles damn that OJ, he still haunts them* :D


And better luck to everyone else who didn't win :wink: we'll get'em next time

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told you Eddie wouldn't break 100. He just doesn't have the personel to have that kind of season. Too bad too, because he could be good again. (He also needs to pick up those knees when he runs through the hole).


Congrats, Cap. Well played.


hey, the BENGALS won!

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Well let me tell ya...I was at the game back in Eddie's senior year against Illinois when he ran wild for 3 quarters, didn't play in the 4th (they were ahead 45 - 3 at that point) and still set the school record for most yards in a game.


It was my first live OSU football game and I'll NEVER forget it.


But I guess having Orlando Pace to run behind really helped. ;)



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Thanks alot, I will keep my eye open for it then. Unfortunately I don't know much about atari, came here to learn. So alot of the contest here I don't stand a chance in hell of winning. But fottball is one of them things where anyone can have a good day and make a few lucky guesses. So for once it was nice to almost win something.


And Go Bungles, oopps I mean Bengles they won one finally and guess they deserve their proper name ;)

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And Bengals owner Mike Brown contiues to screw the people of Cincinnati. We build a half billion dollar stadium for him and he gives us 12 years of this shit. :mad:


He said he needed the stadium to field a competitive team. :lolblue:


If you wonder why I'm so angry, I am an ex-season ticket holder. :dunce:

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