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Screens frComputer Games:

José Pereira

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How does one char scroll left into another one?! I think I understand what you're thinking and no you're not thinking right ;) The data doesn't scroll through the chars, the chars themselves move so you don't have to worry about the thing you're worried about ;)



Just to clarify..





0 and 1 are the screen positions of 2 chars, A and B is the data in them. What you're expecting to happen is this..





When what actually happens (when using hardware scrolling at least) is this..








Edited by PeteD
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So it must be in your way. If it wasn't you could not scroll C64 in Colour Map. The 3 colours from one char will scroll over the other char 3colours.

Let's say that PF2/3 are pseudo colour Map in A8

Off course C64 colours use screen pixels adress and also graphic Mode (that's why C64 can mix Graphic Modes) and A8 is by char code (<127 and >0128).



So, no problem.


And no problem even in a game with 4scrolling directions, like PACMANIA, right?




José Pereira.

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No problem with any direction scrolling. As long as you're utilising the hardware scroll then it's the characters themselves that move, taking their definitions (the image) with them so the character number stays the same and it's definition looks the same, they're just shifted on the screen.


If you took an example like the stationary panel next to a scrolling screen and the one method I mentioned where you'd copy data into the chars to offset the Y scroll of the entire screen (or have multiple definitions of them) then that could cause problems if you were using PF2/3 one above the other because you're no longer relying on the hardware scroll to handle the graphic moving. That's a pretty non-standard thing to do though and you'd easily design the panel around the problem.




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I've always think of gettsome colours in Hi-Resol. games.

This proves that it's possible in Isometric Games.

All the traditional ones (MoleculeMan, Amaroute, Head over Heels,...) didn't use any PMGs., so, it is now possible if someone wants to, just adding this Sprites Routine.


I started with HEAD OVER HEELS.

In this one is only possible to colour the two guys.




O.k. you'trer start to think: "this guy is stupid or what, Head and Heels will be seen when they are behind the walls.

No they will not. The idea is:


PM1 for the Guy that is on Bottom (priority when is next the other one)

PM3 for the Guy at the Top.

Now PM0 Mask of Top Guy and PM2 Mask of bottom guy.


I creat the mask for the walls with the same shape as the real Head/Heels shapes. This is what you need in the walls. For Books, Doors,... you'll need another shapes(the Backr. graphics shape).

And how this work: the PMs. Masks. use the PF2colour, and so, you don't see them but they are there... You will move there according to the real PMs. movement of the guys (Isometric guys up, it goes up on the Walls, and so on...)

The Players will have different shapes and so will have the Masks.




This is just some try I've made. This is not for someone saying I want that someone will start put PMs. on this games, but if someone wants to... GREAT!

This could also be some thinking/possibility in some Hi-Resol. game ports (XXL, do you think it can be this way, even just our Player and/or an Enemy?).




José Pereira.


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Hmmmm, looks quite nice, these PM overlays + HiRes.


Yes, and it is easier than in colour mode. You simply need a fitting "shade" of the softwaresprite and get 2 colours for it.


Hires also is a good solution for overlays, because the overlays look bigger.


But for a better view, the main background needs to be black and white, which would be no problem then.

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José ,


give it a try:



Invert the graphics, make the background black, the walls put to brightness 6 and give the "Sprites" brightness a with the given colours.



I'm on the Streets and with a MAC near me.

Could any of you quickly change, so that I can also see:anexos.zip



José Pereira.

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José ,


give it a try:



Invert the graphics, make the background black, the walls put to brightness 6 and give the "Sprites" brightness a with the given colours.



Sorry, but some things to be done yesterday(s).


Here it is, although 6 seems to me a little bit dark. I changed PF and PMs. to A:

(but I still think that we good choosen colour you could have the different Game Levels a different colour)post-6517-126710395757_thumb.png




José Pereira.

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Hi Jose, that's the way! if you're now working inversed so color1 is black and color2 is white the PM overlay will now have an independent brightness giving you more options.





P.S. I commonly also use the foreground brightness at A when I'm working with hi-res

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Hi Jose, that's the way! if you're now working inversed so color1 is black and color2 is white the PM overlay will now have an independent brightness giving you more options.





P.S. I commonly also use the foreground brightness at A when I'm working with hi-res



That's what I did (and normally I use):





José Pereira.

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José ,


give it a try:



Invert the graphics, make the background black, the walls put to brightness 6 and give the "Sprites" brightness a with the given colours.



Sorry, but some things to be done yesterday(s).


Here it is, although 6 seems to me a little bit dark. I changed PF and PMs. to A:

(but I still think that we good choosen colour you could have the different Game Levels a different colour)post-6517-126710395757_thumb.png




José Pereira.

As usual José, looks very nice. We need more hi-res stuff on the machine, especially with color.


Stephen Anderson

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craaaaaazy José ;)


It's not just the way the C64 version looks, it plays really badly.






But like on the other Thread. "The things are going on.............." and I think they would PLAY this one on A8!


Status Panel begin to look better:




Expect to have all Sprites to show you tomorrow and you to understand what's in my mind.


By, the way, if you change the colours (other Level) on screen than see what you'll get:



(Now you're begining to see what's in my mind: have some Grays that change in all of the Game. The PMs. are on my mind for Enemys, Fired,...)





José Pereira.

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Isn't it interesting?

Some games you find very "original" by the look of the scoreboard. But the scoreboard itself is nothing but the try of using a lesser game-screensize for compensating the missing hardware features of the machine where it was created for first.


I'd bet this game was done for the Atari ST first, as "The Last Ninja" series was done for the C64 first.


On the A8 it was always better to use non. Or at least no vertical scoreboard.


If you don't find a good solution for a horizontal splitting of the scrollregisters (well, I never tried it), games like this might be impossible to reach ( if you want to have a reliable framerate) .


Actually, if people really tried, games like the last ninja could be there easily, after removing some "C64 features" and adding some "A800" features. Others do screen size reducing, let's do it "atariwise" icon_wink.gif


It's as simple: Using hires means to use the half of "bytes" to move around, compared to the colour mode. Single players get the double width, compared to the colour mode.





Just using PMs for "underlay" in Hires and to use the colour mixing for adding transitions is the correct way to go in hires.

On the other hand, in a small sized screenrange of 8x16 pixel, you could show all 128 colours "free" in the colour mode.


And well, have a look at this one




Just put the window to the left and get a hires screen inside a "G2F picture. Run a Demo or run a game with up to "5" (?) moving objects, just like in The Last Ninja....

Edited by emkay
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