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Halloween/TCM double ender on ebay (not mine)


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Anyone want one of these? This is one of mine. PM me, I've got 5+ donors waiting. ;)


are you in Canada Cpuwiz? seller says bought from Canada.


Could be Shawn's then.


Love how these folks buy a cart with the words REPRODUCTION, AFTER MARKET or FAN MADE included in the description but they fail to echo these statements when it comes time that they are bored of the game and want to sell it to another.

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Funny how so many sellers have no idea that this is not the real deal.

Trust me: this is only the beginning.



Yep, that is because no one really cares to stop it. The repros will continue to be produced, Ebay will continue to refuse to pull these auctions, and so in the end the consumer gets ripped offed. But hey thats OK, because Caveat Emptor. Buyer Beware! It seems the consensus is that if you are too ignorant to figure out this is a repro than you deserve to get ripped off. Because I personally can't stop the process, I try not to care as much as possible. :|

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Anyone want one of these? This is one of mine. PM me, I've got 5+ donors waiting. ;)


are you in Canada Cpuwiz? seller says bought from Canada.


Could be Shawn's then.


Love how these folks buy a cart with the words REPRODUCTION, AFTER MARKET or FAN MADE included in the description but they fail to echo these statements when it comes time that they are bored of the game and want to sell it to another.


This guy wouldn't know one from the other, it's a Halloween collector. That's how the other Wizard proto disappeared.

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I don't know if the games were ever actually sold in a 'double ender' format.


No, we use XONOX double enders as donors. ;)


EDIT: I see that at least 2 people are willing to pay $30 shipped for it already. PM me. :)

My bet is that these people are not even part of AtariAge. I am sure that people will PM you, but I really doubt anyone bidding on this is a member here. Usually you learn pretty quick that these things are fakes once a member. But hey I guess it couldn't hurt.

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I don't know if the games were ever actually sold in a 'double ender' format.


No, we use XONOX double enders as donors. ;)


EDIT: I see that at least 2 people are willing to pay $30 shipped for it already. PM me. :)

My bet is that these people are not even part of AtariAge. I am sure that people will PM you, but I really doubt anyone bidding on this is a member here. Usually you learn pretty quick that these things are fakes once a member. But hey I guess it couldn't hurt.


Ouch....$159.26 ...someone got hosed :) How many can you make me for $159.26 CPUWIZ, SHAWN SR.?????

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Yep, that is because no one really cares to stop it. The repros will continue to be produced, Ebay will continue to refuse to pull these auctions, and so in the end the consumer gets ripped offed.


I wonder did anyone report it? I agree Ebay is too lax when it comes to pulling reported auctions, but you can't blame them if nobody did actually report the item.

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Here is how it works.


Someone on Atariage or another website makes a few double enders Halloween/Texas Chainsaw massacre carts. Then some of the buyers then resell these carts on Ebay. Except that when they do they sell them as AFTERMARKET. Then some bidders, usually the highest ones have no clue as to what AFTERMARKET means. Those buyers in turn sell the games as authentic original games. And then some of those buyers buy it not knowing that it is a reproduction. And that is how people get hosed. This is clear evidence that not everyone is familiar with AtariAge. It is a huge mistake to actually believe that everyone who collects for the Atari 2600 is a member here. Obviously the highest bidders would never of placed their bids if they believed this to be a reproduction.

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