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Official SSGC Smack Talk Forum ;-)


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Hahahaha!!!!! Whatever. Where's that Okie from Muskogee when you need him?


Sorry I was busy smoking pot and taking trips on LSD...er I mean NOT doing that stuff (damn I gotta remember to keep that straight...)


(Since we have degenerated to momma snaps...) Your momma so fat, When she sits around the house, She sit ALL the way around the house.

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Ah, but it's not over until the Strip Poker game is released...


I took a stab at this actually.... but couldn't quite get the results I wanted (she kept winning!!)


Hehe, actually, I didn't do the card side, though it looks like there's more than enough room in 30 lines of code. ;)


Anyway, there are way too few characters available in XB to get the graphics I was going for, so I dropped it. Also, couldn't decide on the best colors (so I put in options! heheh...) Even though she didn't turn out well, not sure if I /should/ post screenshots.. maybe source then (NSFW):


2 DATA F0F0ECE834F4F4F47EBFBDDFDDCFEFFE000000000000000000000080C0E06011,00000000000000000000000000071FFF0000000000000000000000007EFFFFBF
5 DATA 00000000000000000000000000000000F1586D3C16080C070000000000000000,FF3FF7FF7FB31FDF0000000000000000C3F0FFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000
6 DATA FCF81EF7F1FCFFFF0000000000000000666FC0C18F4FE7E30000000000000000,03007FFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFF1FC7F1FCFFFF0000000000000000
7 DATA 1E0663C09010004000000080000000060C2600080840030911130F0C0C802004,00000000006003070700000040410000010A010D3CFEFDF0C60FC3C98919380C
8 DATA 9070CCE8242464D01218199888C8C8C600000000000000000000000040002010,00000000000000000000000000031F7B0000000000000000000000003EFFF182
9 DATA 630300310000080C0000040202000000000100C0E04108E047073B3500010C87,14304446C2C180786C8686CEC46060E61E22607A3C00C1FF0C00014140002000
10 DATA 6463202040C0C100080F0CCC262706042104040080040C1084C00030A0800000,A202031F0340C00000000000000864040E5F3D8CCDEF6E0C0D01010000000000
11 DATA 0000000000000000000000000000000080000120000000060000000000000000,2000E0E030300C18000000000000000000200C01000000000000000000000000
12 DATA 08000087200006040000000000000000000000808104E0E00000000000000000,00003CC000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
50 C(0)=9 :: D(0)=10 :: C(1)=5 :: D(1)=6 :: C(2)=3 :: D(2)=4 :: C(3)=11 :: D(3)=12 :: C(4)=15 :: D(5)=16
51 PRINT "0-CRAB":"1-AVATAR":"2-FROG":"3-SIMPSONS":"4-ANTIQUE" :: ACCEPT VALIDATE("01234")SIZE(1):A$ :: B=C(VAL(A$)):: F=D(VAL(A$))
100 CALL CLEAR :: FOR A=12 TO 35 :: READ A$ :: CALL CHAR(A*4,A$):: NEXT A :: FOR A=0 TO 47 :: R=INT(A/16)*2+(A AND 1):: G$(R)=G$(R)&CHR$(A+48):: NEXT A
110 FOR A=3 TO 14 :: CALL COLOR(A,B,1):: NEXT A :: G$(0)=SEG$(G$(0),1,5):: G$(4)=" "&SEG$(G$(4),2,7):: CALL SCREEN(2):: CALL MAGNIFY(3)
120 FOR A=0 TO 4 :: PRINT G$(A):: NEXT A :: FOR A=1 TO 12 :: CALL SPRITE(#A,92+A*4,F,145+INT((A-1)/4)*16,17+((A-1)AND 3)*16):: NEXT A
130 GOTO 130


As for the smack talk, I get enough of that in the Jaguar section. ;)

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As for the smack talk, I get enough of that in the Jaguar section. ;)


Unacceptable. If your gonna post on this thread then you have to include either some form of trash talk or at least 1 momma snap. I expect to see your revision later this afternoon ;-)


Darned Canadians......

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Marc... You didn't include a momma snap in your chastisement of the darned Canadian.... This must mean that either:

a) you are a hypocrite

b) yo momma so fat, you gotta roll her in flour and find the wet spot...


Booyakasha. :)


Hmmm... Appears your right so I'll amend my earlier statement...


Your momma so fat... when ever she gets her period your mattress is missing and there is a quarter on your night stand ;-)


Damn Kentucky Hillbilly's.......

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