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Change of voting/reputation system?


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ATM I don't find the reputation system very meaningful.


Like discussed in an other thread, would it be a good idea to change the voting system to come over the 'my pal always votes for me' system?


I think about something like a 'if a single post gets >= X votes' then one reputation point will be added' - system.


Wouldn't that be better?

How much should be X?

Should the old scores erased?





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I am not going to alter how the reputation system works, as it's a relatively new feature of the forum and Invision (the company behind this forum software) will be enhancing it in the future. They've already revealed one new change that's coming up that will allow you to see who upvoted any specific posts:




Reputation isn't very useful at the moment, it's more of a curiosity. If Invision doesn't significantly enhance the usefulness of "Reputation", then I'll probably disable it entirely so it's not a distraction.



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Reputation isn't very useful at the moment, it's more of a curiosity. If Invision doesn't significantly enhance the usefulness of "Reputation", then I'll probably disable it entirely so it's not a distraction.


I agree.

Reputation isn't very useful and often meaningless.

Besides, reputation seems to cause flames:


It's incredible, but we have members fighting for a single reputation point given!

Luckily (for them) they have much free time...

Obviously it's only another leg of the C64 vs A8 competition.

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It's incredible, but we have members fighting for a single reputation point given!

Luckily (for them) they have much free time...

Obviously it's only another leg of the C64 vs A8 competition.


It is just more C64 vs A8, there's no actual fight over the point given, that was more of an, ok, nobody amongst the usual clickers cares enough that this guy is doing bbc ports but when an A8 guy posts the same thing, CLICK ;)


I say get rid of it. I don't hold much stock in it because you do see click after click in the Vs style threads and I know at least one person kept clicking on my posts in one of them. I don't know who it was, but do know it wasn't who everyone probably presumes it was. That may have been a Vs thing, it may have been because they knew I knew what I was talking about in my posts when trying to point out the somewhat weird off topic argument that was going round and round in circles but I was being ignored.


I'd prefer to get them for helping people, something I try to do whenever I can. Go check coding threads, any one of José's threads etc. I'm pretty sure before last nights craziness I'd got most of my points from those threads and not over arguments. Now, it's a moot point, any usefulness the points had in showing how helpful a member is has been reduced back down to the us vs them thing, again. Now you can get points for guessing the name of a game. I suppose in a way that shows how dedicated an A8 owner you are and is a better use of the system than A8, CLICK! no! C64, CLICK! :)




Edited by PeteD
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Maybe I need to pay attention more, but I didn't even know AA had a reputation feature. And more importantly why should I care?


Rep points should be used as a way to recognize the posts that are worth while reading?


So you read one of my posts and think eh...what did he just write?

Then you skip over the leaving feedback...

But, one day I will leave a post that makes you think..."Now that's something I'm glad I read!"

And then you get to click on +1 for a rep point for me....

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Now you can get points for guessing the name of a game. I suppose in a way that shows how dedicated an A8 owner you are and is a better use of the system than A8, CLICK! no! C64, CLICK! :)


You assume some ulterior motive for the quiz thread? This is ridiculous.

Just take it as it is - shouldn't be all activities here about fun?


Back to more productive tasks...

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Now you can get points for guessing the name of a game. I suppose in a way that shows how dedicated an A8 owner you are and is a better use of the system than A8, CLICK! no! C64, CLICK! :)


You assume some ulterior motive for the quiz thread? This is ridiculous.

Just take it as it is - shouldn't be all activities here about fun?


Back to more productive tasks...


For fucks sake, I don't assume anything :( Just because I mention it doesn't mean I think it's there just so some guys can sneakily get points for no reason. It's relevant to what I was saying and I even stated at least it's A8 related and shows the dedication of the user.


You guys wonder why I get mad at people if this is the type of reply I get to posts??




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Rep points should be used as a way to recognize the posts that are worth while reading?

That is the sole intent of the system, really. It needs to be further expanded upon so you can do things like search for posts based on reputation points, see who voted on what posts (which will help cut down on people simply voting up meaningless posts and their friends), being able to see which of your own posts have been voted up, and so forth.


This system actually supports the ability to vote DOWN posts as well, but I have that disabled at the moment. It is possible that once additional "accountability" is added that I will enable downvoting. There are times when I would have liked to use that myself.



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Maybe I need to pay attention more, but I didn't even know AA had a reputation feature. And more importantly why should I care?


Rep points should be used as a way to recognize the posts that are worth while reading?


So you read one of my posts and think eh...what did he just write?

Then you skip over the leaving feedback...

But, one day I will leave a post that makes you think..."Now that's something I'm glad I read!"

And then you get to click on +1 for a rep point for me....


"Now that's something I'm glad I read!"

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That is the sole intent of the system, really. It needs to be further expanded upon so you can do things like search for posts based on reputation points, see who voted on what posts (which will help cut down on people simply voting up meaningless posts and their friends), being able to see which of your own posts have been voted up, and so forth.


This system actually supports the ability to vote DOWN posts as well, but I have that disabled at the moment. It is possible that once additional "accountability" is added that I will enable downvoting. There are times when I would have liked to use that myself.

Honestly, I've never used the system as a gauge of what posts in a thread were worthy of reading. I don't need any help with that. I've never had a problem judging those things for myself.


I do, however, agree that it doesn't make much sense to only be able to upvote posts, and not downvote them too. But I can't see how enabling downvoting would do anything but create a mess here. And "accountability" will only serve to get people's egos involved. Good luck keeping a lid on things if that occurs.


My 2¢:


You should scrap the whole system, posthaste, and we should forget that it ever existed in the first place.


And besides, if someone likes or doesn't like what someone else has to say, there's never been anything stopping them from just saying so.

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