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r-time 8 cartridge

atari frank

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Does anyone make a r-time 8 cartridge these days or am I the only one out here still with out sio2pc?

thx Frank

It's kind of a Holy-Grail thing, the R-Time 8. There are a few home-build projects out there, and quite a bit of info here:


Real Time Clock


There were also a couple of projects I heard about with integral RTCs which haven't materialised yet. I doubt you'll ever see such a thing for sale.


I would suggest that an internal SpartaDOS X board with a real-time clock would be a desirable piece of equipment.

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Does anyone make a r-time 8 cartridge these days or am I the only one out here still with out sio2pc?

thx Frank

It's kind of a Holy-Grail thing, the R-Time 8. There are a few home-build projects out there, and quite a bit of info here:


Real Time Clock


There were also a couple of projects I heard about with integral RTCs which haven't materialised yet. I doubt you'll ever see such a thing for sale.


I would suggest that an internal SpartaDOS X board with a real-time clock would be a desirable piece of equipment.

I kind of thought these were hard to come by since you don't see them on e-bay everyday,from what I been reading here they say the battery was hard to change out and when the PC came out I think a lot of people threw this stuff in the garbage.

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In the many collections of Atari hardware I have acquired, I have yet to come across a RTime-8 or SDX cart in any of them.


The one I have, I purchased new from a Federated store in San Diego. I got the SDX cart at the same time. I went the route of replacing the dead battery with a coin battery clip. Will make it much easier the next time around.

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I am using the 1MB MaxFlash version of SDX, and I was fortunate enough to get one of the final batch of SunMark remade RT8s. I can run both at the same time thanks to my ECI+CART to PBI adapter. It gives me two cart slots.

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I am using the 1MB MaxFlash version of SDX, and I was fortunate enough to get one of the final batch of SunMark remade RT8s. I can run both at the same time thanks to my ECI+CART to PBI adapter. It gives me two cart slots.

Stephen did you buy that 1mb max flash cartridge with SDX on it or buy flash cartridge and load version of SDX?What version of SDX are you using?

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I am using the 1MB MaxFlash version of SDX, and I was fortunate enough to get one of the final batch of SunMark remade RT8s. I can run both at the same time thanks to my ECI+CART to PBI adapter. It gives me two cart slots.

Stephen did you buy that 1mb max flash cartridge with SDX on it or buy flash cartridge and load version of SDX?What version of SDX are you using?

I just bought a blank cart and loaded SDX on it. I currently have 4.42 on there. There is a version that fits on the 8Mb cart which is nice because you can have the entire MAN collection on the cart. The disadvantage is, the 8Mb cart will not allow the R-Time to work (address conflict).

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I am using the 1MB MaxFlash version of SDX, and I was fortunate enough to get one of the final batch of SunMark remade RT8s. I can run both at the same time thanks to my ECI+CART to PBI adapter. It gives me two cart slots.

Stephen did you buy that 1mb max flash cartridge with SDX on it or buy flash cartridge and load version of SDX?What version of SDX are you using?

I just bought a blank cart and loaded SDX on it. I currently have 4.42 on there. There is a version that fits on the 8Mb cart which is nice because you can have the entire MAN collection on the cart. The disadvantage is, the 8Mb cart will not allow the R-Time to work (address conflict).

where can I get a copy of SDX v4.42 ?

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I just bought a blank cart and loaded SDX on it. I currently have 4.42 on there. There is a version that fits on the 8Mb cart which is nice because you can have the entire MAN collection on the cart. The disadvantage is, the 8Mb cart will not allow the R-Time to work (address conflict).

where can I get a copy of SDX v4.42 ?

Bunch of info here.

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  • 8 months later...

What about something that could sit in the 2nd joystick port like one of those auto-fire adapters. That would seem less obtrusive than stacking pass-through carts.

New drivers would be needed. But there is I2C to joystick software written, so it's definitely in the art of the possible.


ABBUC 2011, anyone?

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Well, I guess there aren't too many R-Time 8 users with this exact set-up, but in any case the cart works fine with my 1MB 800XL with IntSDX, so it seems there's something screwy about the 130XE. Nothing seems to be working right at the moment. The "dream" set up is out of reach until I'm in the mood to make some home-made boards...

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I'm embarrassed to report that I was mistakenly loading RTIME8.SYS over the top of JIFFY.SYS, and that's why the R-Time 8 wasn't working. icon_ponder.gif


Of course, the problem remains that MyIDE isn't properly decoded to $D500-$D508, and thus clashes with R-Time 8. And the IDEa isn't working... so it looks like I'll have to build an ARC clock anyway.





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Hias was kind enough to explain how to make the MyIDE cart decode its address to $D500-$D51F (instead of hogging all of $D5xx, which - as well as making MyIDE incompatible with the RTC - potentially allowed rogue writes to the MyIDE registers during IntSDX banking):


If you have a 74LS138 lying around you could use it to limit

the MyIDE to $D500-$D51F: Connect the D5xx line from the cart port

to both active-low enable inputs (pin 4+5), connect the active-high

enable input (pin 6) to VCC, A5 to pin 1, A6 to pin 2 and A7 to pin 3.

Pin 15 of the '138 is then your 'new D5xx signal', going to the

'245 and IDE connector on the MyIDE interface.


R-Time 8, IntSDX and MyIDE now live together in peace and harmony! icon_smile.gif

Edited by flashjazzcat
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If you have a 74LS138 lying around you could use it to limit

the MyIDE to $D500-$D51F: Connect the D5xx line from the cart port

to both active-low enable inputs (pin 4+5), connect the active-high

enable input (pin 6) to VCC, A5 to pin 1, A6 to pin 2 and A7 to pin 3.

Pin 15 of the '138 is then your 'new D5xx signal', going to the

'245 and IDE connector on the MyIDE interface.

A small refinement: if you connect CCTL/D5xx only to pin 5 and A4 to pin 4 you can limit MyIDE to $D500-$D50F.


Or, even better: A4 to pin 1, A5 to pin 2, A6 to pin 3, A7 to pin 4.


Then the Y0 (pin 15) is the $D50x output, Y1 (pin 14) is $D51x, ... just in case you'd like to add other stuff to the MyIDE interface :-)


BTW: with an additional AND gate (ANDing Y0 and Y1 and connecting the output to the '245 enable input pin 19) you could then also gain access to the alternate status/control register of the IDE drive, just connect Y1 to IO-2 (pin 38) of the IDE port (Y0 still connected to IO-1, IDE pin 37). Having access to the alternate control register has the nice advantage of being able to do a software drive reset. Can be handy if something's messed up :-)


so long,



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A small refinement: if you connect CCTL/D5xx only to pin 5 and A4 to pin 4 you can limit MyIDE to $D500-$D50F.

Are pins 1, 2 and 3 still connected as before?

Yes (or use the second pin arrangement). If you just connect the Y0 (pin 15) output the order doesn't matter at all, as we are targetting A4=A5=A6=A7=low.


so long,



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Thanks. I'm gonna look thick here, but I'm still getting my head around the whole address decoding thing, and I like to understand things fully. I understand A4-A7 are the high nibble bits in the LSB of a sixteen bit address. Obviously we're interested in the low-nibble as an offset from $D500 in this case, which I assume is selected by the CCTL line when the address bus refers to anything in the $D500 page. Obviously the MyIDE cart already has A0-A3 wired up to its own decoder chip.


Am I on the right lines? :)

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