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no such thing as a great nes sight

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Let's not forget my attempt at a "non-kiddie" NES site.


Didn't someone mention strategies and coverage for obscure games? I think I'm your man when it comes to obscurity.


And for what it's worth, I agree with the main point of this post. There's nothing comprehensive NES-wise. Yet. Like portnoyd, though, I've seen NintendoAge, and am even working with giskard on it, and I assure you that with enough love it will be exactly what you guys are looking for.


As for "adult" writing any any kind of attempt at humor, I hope you've seen Seanbaby's site. And again, to a MUCH lesser extent, mine. Otherwise...yeah. There's only one mature NES community out there that I know of, and I'll be damned if I'm going to ruin that by advertising it.

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Redeye, any chance that "one mature site" has any information about muffins? How about the Bible Buffet?


If the site you are talking about is the one I think you are talking about, then you are right to keep it low key. It has a message board that tends to have useful information in its post.


I have to admit that the Famicom/NES has reached an age where it deserves a comprehensive site like AtariAge.


I remember a time when video games were games, and not crappy movies.

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If this "mature" site you're talking about starts with something that rhymes with Fardius or FigitFress, I wouldn't call the latest rom news/collection and proto brags that much of help to the normal gamer. Just opinion of mine.. I don't even know what site is being talked about. :|


I guess you should hide it fearing that the rest of us un-1337 fools don't ruin it.

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Okay hi,

I am mike from nes world some of you might have seen my post about this recent "kiddie" fad going around classic gaming sites.

I for one am 14 years old and I love older video games because that's what I grew up on I dont feel like I should be treated badly because I'm not an old fart who likes to complain about everything (note: I'm not makeing any pre-judgements about any AA forum members ;) ) I see all these older gamers complaining about the local mall rats raveing over the new X Cube 2003 or whatever but once they get into the older games they are called shit like "n00bs" and other such idiotic internet name.

I say STOP COMPLAINING and be happy the younger crowd won't forget such classics as Combat and Demon Attack...

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I see all these older gamers complaining about the local mall rats raveing over the new X Cube 2003 or whatever but once they get into the older games they are called shit like "n00bs" and other such idiotic internet name.


I agree, such behavior is ridiculous, but I don't think you'll find that attitude at AtariAge. New users are routinely and warmly welcomed whenever they introduce themselves on the boards; and on behalf of our community I welcome you here as well. :D


And personally, I don't mind younger gamers getting "hip" to retro-gaming. I think that's actually refreshing, seeing that some people would rather play FUN games instead of worrying about who has the fastest processor or the most polygons. Polygons don't make games fun; in fact, they're often good window-dressing on a BADLY designed game. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Any word on the NintendoAge.com site? I was thinking of setting up a site similar to this (just bought nesage.com 2 months ago before reading this) and was thinking of doing it for the NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy/GB Color. I'm not sure about doing the GameCube or GBA as of yet as it will be enough just to put everything together for the 5 systems listed above, let alone try and keep up with GC/GBA!


I've totally got into the N64 system as of late and have accumulated lots of games/accessories for it. I have over 80 cartridges and 200 boxes that I can scan for the system, with a lot of the pictoral archive coming from others that can scan and submit to the site. I write a lot of php code so getting the site setup and the search capabilities to be similar to AA wouldn't be the hardest thing to do... just collecting all the scans/pics/info for the site! If NintendoAge has come pretty far, then I won't waste my time with a duplicate site, but rather help them along if needed. My free time comes and goes as well. I also manage a few other sites, one some of you may have seen is www.vpforums.com (Visual Pinball/VPinMAME Forums and Downloads). I have written and customized all of the code there (except for vBPortal and vBulletin, albeit both I have customized to all hell).


So as to the direction I should go, let me know. Start working on nesage.com (no affiliation with AtariAge ;) ) or help with NintendoAge.com if I can...

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AndrewB mentioned it in a message on the first page of this thread, and said to ask Giskard about it. I couldn't find a Giskard in the member directory. TheRedEye and portnoyd say they also have seen nintendoage.com... I'm sure the domain is hidden while they work on it, or are working on it at another location, then will move it over to nintendoage.com. I'm just offering some help if needed, or if the project has been scrapped I will build nesage.com.


Can anyone confirm that nintendoage.com is still being worked on? And if so, could they relay my message above to whomever is running the project?

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Exactly! Why not? Why shouldn't the Nintendo line of systems get a decent resting place like Atari? I think there is a good overlap of Atari and NES fans! When you consider the Famicom was released in 1983 in Japan, and released as the NES in 1985 in the US, my opinion is that [Atari and Nintendo] are not that far apart! The NES continued it's run until 1995! The Atari 5200, 7800, Lynx, and Jaguar were introduced a few years later than the NES, so why shouldn't the NES be considered a classic and treated like one, along with 'not yet classic' Gameboy, SNES, N64? Hell, now that I'm thinking about it, I might also start even earlier with the Nintendo Game & Watch series that began in 1980!


Also, I don't know why it wasn't available when I checked for nintendoage.com about 3 weeks ago, but since it was available now, I registered it. I will get the base of the site up and running in the next month. I believe it will be popular enough to get enough people involved to help me out with scans and pics of what I don't have. If you look at this as a competition with atariage.com, DON'T! Two different companies/systems/platforms with overlapping interests! If anything, I feel sites like these can really leverage off each other! Anyone interested in doing segaage.com :D

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Let's face it, the NES doesn't deserve a site like AtariAge  :ahoy:  





Why not?


Maybe when NES fans have realized that what Nintendo did was easy compared to what Atari had established, then the time will be right for a mature NES community that knows its place in videogame history, with cool sites like AtariAge :cool:





PS: :evil:

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Maybe when NES fans have realized that what Nintendo did was easy compared to what Atari had established, then the time will be right for a mature NES community that knows its place in videogame history, with cool sites like AtariAge  :cool:





PS:  :evil:


:lolblue: Seriously though, I think at least with vintage Nintendo (NES and SNES, or Famicom and Super Famicom if you prefer) the systems are old enough that their fanbase represents a "mature community" not unlike AtariAge, which would be well represented with the right kind of website. Not all of them would know the Atari history, but then that's what a "classic gaming general" discussion board on an NES site would be for, right? And with a "mature community" I'm sure they'd have the respect for Atari that Atari fans here do for classics like Nintendo, Sega, Coleco and Intellivision. The only thing I don't think I have respect for is Odyssey^2. I kid, I kid! :D

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I see all these older gamers complaining about the local mall rats raveing over the new X Cube 2003 or whatever but once they get into the older games they are called shit like "n00bs" and other such idiotic internet name.


I Hear You. I Spent A Year at the GAMEFAQ's message boards, So Much of that 1337 Speak their that most of the time you couldn't understand what they were talking about. People must remember that Children as young as 11 Got a NES, SMS when they Were 5 (It's Possible). Just You have to accept anyone into Classic Gaming, No Matter Whether they're 10 or 95. (Well Maybe not that old... :roll: :roll:

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Hmmm... And the debate rages on. :thumbsdown: We should all be appreciative not of what we have or have had or will have, but the fact that there are those people who take the time, effort and money to preserve the history and integrity of the hobby. :thumbsup:


Fact is, big business can be ugly from time to time. There are those that will point out all of the strongarm and under-the-table tactics of Nintendo during their boom(*). Atari had just as many unscrupulous dealings, screw-jobs, and back-stabbing in their organization too. Blame it on Time Warner, Tramiel, whoever. It happened under the Atari umbrella as did all of Ninetndo's.


To run through some quick math, Atari hit the shelves in 1977. :roll:


So where does video game console nostalgia come from?.


I agree that almost all of the current Nintendo sites are flooded with skate-boarding weenies that live at home. But look way back up top, in the second paragraph. The asterisk (*) has a purpose. Hang on. This could be like someone slappin' your momma...Nintendo is still booming and Atari has long since cashed in their chips. Just ask Sega...


Oh yeah. It's on the table now. Atari pioneered everything we know today; joysticks, cartridges, etc. I know they didn't come up with everything themselves, but they had the guts to make it, sell it, and perfect it might have been the pioneers?


Conversely, to assume that Nintendo has added nothing to the industry is just as absurb as the 1337 lingo.


Every company that has ventured into this market has added value to it. Either by quality products or by far more valuable experience for themselves and other companies to draw upon. Neo Geo, CD-i, 3DO, Sega, Vectrex, game.com, and many, many more add and continually add to this market. Sure, Atari started the ball to rolling but that very ball has long since squashed them as it will do with countless others. We are the true beneficiaries of what these companies do, and it's an equitable relationship for both. We want quality games and consoles and they want a fair price and continued support of their products. I for one am glad I don't have to attend product line funerals or return all of my goodies when a system fails.


The best thing that could possibly happen is that in another 10 years a community will buy, sell, trade, program, produce, and maturly talk about other consoles that are gone forever from the video game mainstream. :thumbsup:


ò¿ó         smiling_to_nintendo.gif smiling_to_games-2.gif


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Okay NIntendo fans.... you have spoken.... I have answered.


Well.... something like that....



A few months back I was thinking the exactly the same thing you guys were talking about. AtariAge like site for the NES... but alas... no such place existed.


Until now.....www.vintagegamer.net - The Official Website of the Nintendo Generation



Okay, so I am a little low on content.... but I swear to God... I am working on it. I set aside about 1 or 2 hours a day for VintageGamer.net. One day... I will make that site great.... but I need a pep talk from all my friends here at AtariAge!





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Okay NIntendo fans.... you have spoken.... I have answered.


Well.... something like that....



A few months back I was thinking the exactly the same thing you guys were talking about. AtariAge like site for the NES... but alas... no such place existed.


Until now.....www.vintagegamer.net - The Official Website of the Nintendo Generation



Okay, so I am a little low on content.... but I swear to God... I am working on it. I set aside about 1 or 2 hours a day for VintageGamer.net. One day... I will make that site great.... but I need a pep talk from all my friends here at AtariAge!






Dude, even if that's only a sample layout of what's to come, it looks pretty sweet. Keep up the good work!


PS: The NES Rarity List being on the web laid out alphabetically is a really nice touch. :D

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