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How in the heck am I going to ship this beast?


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Got a 5200 4 port boxed. This thing is huge and I cannot seem to find a box to ship this sucker out. I even ventured down to my local Staples and the biggest box they had would not even work. Any ideas about shipping the Atari 5200 which is boxed?

Well, I'm glad you're going to the trouble of finding another box for it instead of slapping a shipping label on the original box and sending it that way (I had somebody do that to me once with a boxed 7800 from eBay). I second the idea of making your own box if you can't find another one that is large enough, but because a homemade box isn't going to be as resilient, I would suggest wrapping the original box in lots of bubble wrap before you build another box around it.

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It's not hard to make your own boxes. I've done it quite often. Easier to do than it is to describe, but one way is to get a really big sheet of cardboard, "wrap" it around the other box (that it itself wrapped in bubble wrap) by scoring the cardboard where you want it to bend. Cut it so it meets after going all the way around. Then, I usually build some sort of support structure to hold that loose end up. Just a piece of cardboard inside to support it. Tape the ends, then cut the flaps and fold them in. I hope that makes some sort of sense. You can do it with a huge used cardboard box, but it's better to start with virgin cardboard so you don't have the old creases in it.


The easier way is to get a box that's too big. Put the item inside with the bubble wrap, then score the sides at the level you want to cut the box down, then cut up each side to the top. These will be the new flaps. Cut off the excess of the new flaps and fold in. The drawback to this way is that you'll probably end up with a bigger box width wise than you need. Usually better to go the first method.


Sorry if that's unclear, it's easier to show. I'll bet there's video on the internets somewhere on how to make boxes.

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just take it to the nearest mail/ship store that uses UPS. should be no problem for them to box it up for you.


True, but they usually charge quite a chunk not only for their time, but for the box/cardboard itself.

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Got a 5200 4 port boxed. This thing is huge and I cannot seem to find a box to ship this sucker out. I even ventured down to my local Staples and the biggest box they had would not even work. Any ideas about shipping the Atari 5200 which is boxed?



I assume this has been shipped......but for future reference.....nearly any decent size town will have a retail packaging place that sells 50-gazillion sizes/styles of boxes......usually for pennies each. Just do a Google search of 'your town's name' and 'packaging supplies'.............also, a silly but useful trick I use is: keep your eyes open for boxes when you purchase all manner of little things.....I stack those up, wrap them in brown paper and shipped loads of stuff in them!


Good luck.

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Just ship it in a bubbled envelope. It'll be fine.

Seriously? I think the bubbles would be overdoing it. I'd suggest just a plain vanilla envelope :P


More seriousness, I've chopped boxes up and wrapped oversized or odd shapped items many times. Shippers will charge more sometimes, but for the most part, I've never had problems.

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