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Photos of my machines

Heavy Sixer

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GHOSTS 'N GOBLINS: Purchased it from a local operator for $60. Works, but the monitor's dead.




PENGO: My first machine. Got it for $50 at a Salvation Army. The monitor needs new caps and VOTs. I'm currently building a web page dedicated to Pengo; I'll post a notice when it goes online.






KANGAROO: This was a Kangaroo machine that had been converted into Taito's Samurai Nihon-Ichi (why anyone would mess over a perfectly good Kangaroo for the sake of that crappy little game is beyond me :roll: ) I obtained the necessary parts from eBay (the PCBs went for $6 :D ) and converted it back. Now it's just about perfect!






XEVIOUS: Got it at a flea market with "Samuroo" for $110 total. Works, but the monitor's dead.





Transporting Kangaroo and Xevious:






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Actually, I've never beaten the arcade Ghosts 'N Goblins. The farthest I've ever made it is the dragon at the end of the fire bridge, and I only did that one or twice many years ago. Nowadays, I usually get wiped out by the red devils in the brick cave. One of these days, I'll get the monitor in my machine fixed, and I'll get some practice ;).

The NES version of GNG is another matter... I'm the only person I know who has beaten the game both times. Of course, it has always taken me a couple of hours and many lives, but I've done it!



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  • 5 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
A Salvation Army down state from had a Arkanoid for $60 at one point and it looked to be in great shape i should of snag it at the price but i dont think Mrs.Jboy is ready for a cab in the house yet. :)



the one here smells horrible lol :D


the most i found was a sealed version of linux im holding onto for keeps sake xD

it was only 50 cents! :D

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My Star Wars cockpit was in a guy's driveway. It was free. I let it warm up, reseated the chips and installed an ESB kit in it (thanks to Clay!). Worked since the day I got it home...


I got a Missile Command on the side of the road, literally. Needed a board repair (of course on that machine)

Got a Ms. Pac from a goodwill (cocktail)

Got a Pac cocktail from the same place I got Missile Command, I knocked on his door and gave a 100 bucks for it. Bad regulator cost me about 5 bucks to fix...


You never know what folks will chuck...




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My Star Wars cockpit was in a guy's driveway. It was free. I let it warm up, reseated the chips and installed an ESB kit in it (thanks to Clay!). Worked since the day I got it home...


I got a Missile Command on the side of the road, literally. Needed a board repair (of course on that machine)

Got a Ms. Pac from a goodwill (cocktail)

Got a Pac cocktail from the same place I got Missile Command, I knocked on his door and gave a 100 bucks for it. Bad regulator cost me about 5 bucks to fix...


You never know what folks will chuck...







the average IQ of the people who chuck this stuff must be well below 90 seeing as the avg machine will sell atleast $50 lol

i hope to run into luck like this :P



i CANNOT wait to get my hands on my cabs again Evil warehouse..

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