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Whooaaaa, boxed Hozer's. LOL


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Not sure what you guys are talking about...

The bottom of the box has NES-style interlocking flaps in a criss-cross pattern instead of the standard flaps found on most Atari boxes.

Yeah, I caught on to that but.....


Yeah, but not that bad for an amateur attempt!lol



Yeah, I agree with iwan, for someone who probably doesn't know what they're doing, it's not *that* bad, per se. It's not good, sure, but I've made worse boxes myself! :lol:


These guys were making it sound a little worse than it is, still a damn good looking box :)Plus a cartridge and manual included at a $50 opening bid...not bad at all. The box Might have even been done on purpose (NES STYLE) to tell the difference between a real/fake :ponder: Probably not but who knows.

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Ya I gotta admit those boxes do look pretty damn good even if they are printed on NES card stock. NES and 2600 boxes are really close in size so I can see how it would be easy to use them in place of proper 2600 boxes if you had a mess of NES boxes made up already. These look just like the ones printed up for the Nintendo game SMB\DH and the SMB\DH boxes where pretty much perfect. Kinda scary that Hozer has the means to aquire boxes like this now. I'm puzzled why there is no Hozer logo on the box or manual though? :?

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Here is where the boxes came from.


This guy make very high quality NES boxes.i have 2 of them.I give them a 9 out of 10 in quality.I am going to get a 3rd one as well.


check his site out.



but as for the auction.that guy knows that it is a reproduction box for sure!



My link













Edited by revolutionika
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I just re-read the auction and this guy is a liar.here is what he says:


"A friend of mine re-created the box so this is very limited and you will not find it anywhere else like this"



unless he is a personal friend of "uncle tusk",the guy who made the box.he is lying.


also "you will not find it anywhere else like this" is another lie.



It took me all of 1 minute to find the website where they are for sale.I bought the mario boxes from uncle tusk but didnt know he sold the halloween and texas boxes until i just googled it and it took me to his website!!

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Here is where the boxes came from.


This guy make very high quality NES boxes.i have 2 of them.I give them a 9 out of 10 in quality.I am going to get a 3rd one as well.



I dunno what was wrong with your SMB\DH box to only be a 9\10 but I think a 9\10 is really selling the quality of these boxes short. Cool to see it's actually Tusk making these not Randy. Major sigh of relief on that one for all video game fans worldwide.

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Here is where the boxes came from.


This guy make very high quality NES boxes.i have 2 of them.I give them a 9 out of 10 in quality.I am going to get a 3rd one as well.



I dunno what was wrong with your SMB\DH box to only be a 9\10 but I think a 9\10 is really selling the quality of these boxes short. Cool to see it's actually Tusk making these not Randy. Major sigh of relief on that one for all video game fans worldwide.


Actually,for me to give something a 9 of 10 is a very high compliment.i tend to pick everything apart.:)


Even sealed boxes from the store have imperfections!


I in no way was slamming the quality of these boxes.I may even contract him for some work ;)

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Here is where the boxes came from.


This guy make very high quality NES boxes.i have 2 of them.I give them a 9 out of 10 in quality.I am going to get a 3rd one as well.


check his site out.



$25 for those is a steal. I might just order a set myself. His NES boxes were AWESOME! :lust:

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  • 2 weeks later...

maybe the first shilled bidding went a little to high. :ponder:



You think those 25 shill bids on top of the last real bidder was a little much? :P


YOu would think, that the bidder, with over 12 thousand feedback, that kept bumping that up, might no better. Hmmmmmmm :ponder: :P

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I was actually going to post a topic about why these Hozer repros are going for so much. Doesn't make any sense to me.


It's too bad, too, because I'm looking for a Halloween to go along with my Hozer Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I'm quite happy with, and which I also paid less than $30 for).

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I was actually going to post a topic about why these Hozer repros are going for so much. Doesn't make any sense to me.


It's too bad, too, because I'm looking for a Halloween to go along with my Hozer Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I'm quite happy with, and which I also paid less than $30 for).



try this: http://www.atariage.com/forums/topic/162696-custom-atari-2600-carts/page__fromsearch__1

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I was actually going to post a topic about why these Hozer repros are going for so much. Doesn't make any sense to me.


It's too bad, too, because I'm looking for a Halloween to go along with my Hozer Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I'm quite happy with, and which I also paid less than $30 for).



try this: http://www.atariage....__fromsearch__1


Then PM CPUWIZ. Maybe One that is Shy, can help ya. :D

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Hey guys, glad you came across my boxes on here.


I've been planning to try and break into the atari community for some time now. I know a lot of you guys that I spoke to that do home brew games didn't want to do large quantity of boxes. So, for NES I've been trying to make it possible for people to do short runs, or even 1 up at a time boxes.


I am creating a die for Atari game boxes, so games like Halloween and TCM won't have to be done in the NES format. But. . .


As stated above, someone guessed it, I did these as NES style so that no one would be fooled by it. One of my main personal rules is to not make a box of a game that had a box that existed. Or if I did, I would make it totally obvious. I'm glad you guys were receptive to these and didn't get upset about it. Last thing I would want to do would be to destroy something that you all love. I'm not personally an Atari collector. So if people come to me to make boxes. I'll check here first. I did know these were real games though.


I'm still working out the kinks in pricing and set up. Its a lot of effort to make these in short runs which explains the current price. It could go down or up.


I'm doing a die for INTV and SNES as well. (you guys are the first to know, so shhhhh)


I'm not always around on Atariage. Its been a long time. maybe 1 year plus. But I'll try my best to come back and chat with you. if not though, my main email for this stuff is vince@uncletusk.com so, email me with questions and concerns or potential boxes/ ideas.


I don't think for the atari boxes i'll be using the cardboard inlay cartridge holder thing. Is that a big deal to you guys? I only have the few atari boxes I own here, ripped up. Not even sure if they all have it.

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I don't think for the atari boxes i'll be using the cardboard inlay cartridge holder thing. Is that a big deal to you guys? I only have the few atari boxes I own here, ripped up. Not even sure if they all have it.


Yes the inlay is a big deal. If the box is gonna be as sexy as the ones your making Tusk they need to have the inlay to do your print work justice IMO.

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