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Alan Wake.... Must get very soon.

Red Dead..... Must get as soon as the price drops.

Prince of Persia... I paid $30 for the last one and still haven't played it.



Well, you shouldn't even bother with the last Prince of Persia... ever... It was fair at best. I loved Sands of Time though and this is the same style as that was with fun improvements. (Freeze a waterfall so you can climb it, etc.)


I will probably play Alan Wake first as it will probably be a short but fun romp. I know that once I start Red Dead I will be sucked in for 50 hours so I may have to throw that last in the pile.


(And then they are actually going to make me dust off the Wii for Mario Galaxy 2 in a couple of weeks. Stupid dumb Wii with no games ever... )


However, after that, it looks like it's going to be a looonngggg summer.

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