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graphics command in assembler

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I keep trying to teach myself assembly language but have been struggling due to time and difficulty with the concepts.


If I wanted to do the following could someone please help?


1) Perform the equivalent of a BASIC "GRAPHICS 12" command so that I could set up a screen of antic mode #4


2) Plot text characters onto the screen. And if I wanted to move them, I guess I would have to redraw them during the vertical blank so that there wouldn't be any flickering?





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Hi Avram,


The concept to wrap your head around when moving to assembly language, is that you are now in control - not the OS routines. So, while it is possible to call the OS graphics routines to set GR.12, it is more typical to set up the display list and screen memory yourself. Here is a small example... this actually is doing a lot more than necessary, including setting up look-up tables for plotting that is definitely overkill for this example, but might be useful for a larger project.



begin	lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
sta $d0	        ; at the same time, we will clear the
lda #>scr       ; screen
sta $d1

       ldx #0
c0	lda #0
ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1	sta ($d0),y
bpl c1

lda $d1         ; store address into look-up table
sta schi,x
lda $d0
sta sclo,x
clc		; update zero page to next line
adc #40		; 40 bytes per line
sta $d0
bcc c2
inc $d1
c2	inx             ; for all 24 lines...
cpx #24
bne c0

lda #4		; set some colors
sta 708		; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
lda #6
sta 709
lda #8
sta 710

lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
sta 560
lda #>DLIST
sta 561

; Plot a character
ldx #20		; vertical position
ldy #20		; horizontal position

lda sclo,x	; set up zero-page address
sta $d0
lda schi,x
sta $d1
lda #33		; plot the character
sta ($d0),y

; Plot a block
ldx #8		; upper corner
ldy #8
lda sclo,x	; set up zero-page addresses
sta $d0
lda schi,x
sta $d1
lda sclo,x
sta $d2
lda schi,x
sta $d3

       lda #34		; plot the character block...
sta ($d0),y	; warning - no boundary testing
sta ($d2),y
sta ($d0),y
sta ($d2),y

j1	jmp j1          ; wait

.byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
.byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
.byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
.byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

scr     .ds 40*24				 ; 960 bytes for screen

sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24


So, in this case, I created a display list for an Gr.12 screen, with screen data starting at the address scr ($5000). The book Atari Arcade Graphics and Design explains this pretty well in the early chapters, if you want more information.

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Gauntman, I've been slowly making a mess out of your neat code as I try to get it to perform what I want.


What's the purpose of the look-up table you create at the beginning?


If I wanted to move a character around the screen using the joystick, could I replace this...


; Plot a character
       ldx #20         ; vertical position
       ldy #20         ; horizontal position


with this(and I'm using 1536-1537 as temporary locations at the moment) and read the joystick register to increase and decrease the x and y positions?


; Plot a character
       ldx 1536         ; vertical position
       ldy 1537         ; horizontal position

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Its to provide a quick way to look up the starting address of a line on the screen. Normally, to address a character block you'd need to multiply the Y co-ordinate by the number of bytes in a line, in order to index into the screen RAM by the correct amount. The table gives you the starting address of each line, though, so all you have to do is fetch the address at that index and then add the X position. Essentially, you do all the multiplies once and save it in a table, so that you don't have to do a multiply every time you want to plot a character.


I think the answer to your second question is 'yes'.

Edited by danwinslow
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These kinds of concepts kept me from understanding Assembly back in the '80s. I always expected all languages to work like BASIC with different syntax. When you work in assembly, you need to learn the hardware. You need to know how the chips and their registers work so you can take control of them. The OS can still be used for some things (especially if you don't need all the speed you can get), but to become proficient you should know how to do things both ways.


Start by reading up on Antic and GTIA. Make a custom screen and write data to it. Once you're comfortable you can move on to Pokey, etc... It's rough at first but it gets much easier as you go.

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Here's my take on the original code. Right now I'm attempting to move a character when the joystick is moved to the right. Instead it seems to jump several characters. Any ideas? And thanks so far for the further help!



begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta $d0         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta $d1

       ldx #0
c0      lda #0
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      sta ($d0),y
       bpl c1

       lda $d1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda $d0
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta $d0
       bcc c2
       inc $d1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Plot a block
       ldx #8          ; upper corner
       ldy #8
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page addresses
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda sclo,x
       sta $d2
       lda schi,x
       sta $d3

       lda #0         ; plot the character block...
       sta ($d0),y     ; warning - no boundary testing
       sta ($d2),y
       sta ($d0),y
       sta ($d2),y

; joystick
lda 632
cmp #7
beq right
jmp j1
inc 1537
ldx 1536       ; vertical position
       ldy 1537       ; horizontal position

       lda sclo,x     ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda 53770      ; plot the character
       sta ($d0),y
       dey		; erase behind the character
lda sclo,x     ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda #0      ; plot the character
       sta ($d0),y
    jmp j1          ; wait

       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen

sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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Here's my take on the original code. Right now I'm attempting to move a character when the joystick is moved to the right. Instead it seems to jump several characters. Any ideas? And thanks so far for the further help!


The code looks okay - my guess is that it is jumping because the code is executing several times before the screen refreshes. Moving by character steps is much faster in assembly than in Basic, so it is zipping 2-3 times before the screen can catch up. You will probably want to place the movement code (or at least the drawing) into the VBI - and most likely only execute every other frame or so. Alternatively, you could hook up to a timer or for now busy wait.


i.e. for testing at the moment, just before the "jmp j1"


j0   lda 20
    and #7
    bne j0  ; delay for 8 jiffies


You may wish to change the 7 to a 3 for a faster response.

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