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What makes a good replacement PSU for your console

Stephen Moss

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As the issue of PSU replacement comes up quite often and as an incorrect selection can damage your console I have written an small article about it which you can view here.

I have tried to write in a way that is as non technical as possible so that everyone can understand it using simplified graphs and explantions to show why various selections are good and bad and I hope you find it useful.

Edited by Stephen Moss
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Nicely written-up, but I have a couple of minor quibbles:

First, your use of the term "jack" is non-standard (though this reversal is apparently more common in some regions than others). Jack, despite being a masculine name, does not designate the male unit of an electrical connector pair, but rather the "more fixed" (i.e. panel- or bulkhead-mounted) unit. In the instance of an inline-connection where neither unit is "more fixed", then neither is a "jack" -- they are simply a male plug and a female plug (unless they are hermaphroditic or genderless...).


Also, though your graphs are well-drawn, it may be difficult for some people to distinguish between the colors you've chosen. In engineering circles, best practice is to use line symbology that can be easily interpreted even in a black-and-white printout or photocopy, such as solid, dotted, dashed, alternating dot-and-dash, different dash lengths, etc.

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