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Magnavox O2


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I started reading this thread without looking at the dates. Really would love to see someone attempt a ram and cpu upgrade. A cassette interface would be awsome too!!!


Now days, will all the electronics gurus and talent here on AA... and the empty space inside the unit, someone would probably make a board, burn ALL all the games on one chip and add that extra RAM... dunno about replacing the CPU though, that's the heart of the beast.

After doing all that, what would be left? An NTSC to HDMI converter?


If I remember right there was also a cartridge that made it a great platform for learning Assembly Language programming.

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Wow... talk about necroposting! Thankfully AA doesn't care much if one does...


I actually have one of these units. It's missing the joystick but I have about a dozen games or so for it. Someone gave it to me years go, I actually even forget who, but they said if I wanted it I could have it, so I grabbed it and tossed it into a closet, I pulled it out just the other day to see what sort of shape its in, and discovered the joysticks are missing and the blade connectors are missing from the switchbox for some reason. That's easily fixable, I could just wire a 75-300 ohm converter to it and pipe into my tv's F connector input. Joysticks however are a different story.... gonna have to check ebay.


I think Magnaovox's idea was let's sell them an empty box that looks like a computer for a couple hundred bucks, and sell the the actual computer later for a couple hundred more. None of these console/home computer hybrids ever really went anywhere. At the time, consoles were for kids where computers were more for older kids/adults. I suppose the thinking was this would be an appliance for the whole family to use (for different reasons), the kids for games, and the computer for apps the parents would use to balance the checkbook or store recipes, ya know the usual suspects for marketing a computer to mom and dad. However, I think the idea of dad kicking jr off the games so he could code a biorhythm program came into play, and the idea of dad using jr's game console as a computer didn't sit well with Dad. The idea was there.. kill 2 birds with one stone. Jr gets the game system and the family gets a computer, but it was a bad idea from the start.


Honestly, considering that the computer portion of the device never really materialized, I think this thread belongs more in the vintage console section, not the vintage computer system, because, well, for one thing, computers stuff like RAM and ROM, and this had neither unless you had a cartridge installed.

Edited by John_L
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Nope, I don't mind at all, at least if the person bumping the post has something interesting to add. :)




That's cool, I was a member of a forum that had Admins that were so anal that they would "ding" me with points on virtually ever post, they would site exactly what section of the TOS agreement I was violating, and dinged me once for necroposting. Thing is, they have a recent post portion at the top of the page, and I was responding to a post listed there, but had lingered beyond 30 days. I eventually told them that I was tired of being drilled every single time I posted and that I wouldn't post anymore, just lurk.


AtariAge is great forum, and everyone in it seems really cool, there's a ton of great info on a huge variety of vintage consoles and computers as well. I've never really seen an Admin have to step in to to much more than maybe more a misplaced post. Let me take this opportunity to say thanks to the Admin(s) here at AtariAge for running such a cool forum.

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Oh, no... funny you mentioned that.. I joined #coco_chat as "John_L" and I asked John Linville a question and he responded with "who are you btw?", and mentioned people might get us confused, so I started joining with my full name.


Nope, I'm not that John L, although I wish I had John L(inville's) coding prowess. He's got major code fu. I think I've seen posts by him here on AA, and I believe on here he's goes by "Linville".

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doesn't the O2 have enough onboard power to play Chess? This module has it's own seperate processor:



The VCS and the Fairchild had 4k Chess programs that utilised their systems CPU so I suspect the O2 could probably do it too.


The keyboard is really cool, it would be awesome if there were an editor/assembler cart for the O2 that could save to Tape :)

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doesn't the O2 have enough onboard power to play Chess? This module has it's own seperate processor:



The VCS and the Fairchild had 4k Chess programs that utilised their systems CPU so I suspect the O2 could probably do it too.


The keyboard is really cool, it would be awesome if there were an editor/assembler cart for the O2 that could save to Tape :)

I don't know much about chess, so I figure that they would have had to make a processor if needed.

As for an editor/assembler, there is a cartridge called "Computer Intro!" that lets you make your own simple programs (think 2600 "Basic Programming"), but there's no way to save them.

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Chess isn't that big of a deal as long as the look ahead doesn't go more than a move or two ahead. I had a little battery operated hand held deal that played chess. It has like 10 settings, and on the easiest setting look ahead was 1 move and the unit calculated it pretty quick, I don't recall how many moves ahead level 10 looked, but it bogged the system down, it would take 5-6 minutes for the computer side to respond, so if one wanted to do chess for the O2, it could be done pretty easily.

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Lotsa people have been making homebrew games (me included) for the Odyssey 2 since 2010. Homebrew life has flourished, not just exists, for the system.


I think I've managed to locate a unit (that is supposed to be in pristine condition), but it comes with no cartridges. With that in mind, I have one quick question...


Does anything like a "Super Cart" exist for this unit, basically a cartridge with the 10-20 most popular games? If so I think I'd rather go this route. If so, what are they selling for and where do I get it.



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  • 1 month later...

If you are looking to do an AV mod, I have already done that.






Nice to find this simple mod, I'll have perform this mod before I can use the unit I just obtained. I also need to get a cart or two.


It also came without a power supply. Does anyone know what the voltage & amp requirements are as well as it it + or - center pole.


These look good for the required video & audio mod...


Heck, I could not even drive into town and back without spending twice as much on gas.

This eBay site works for me.

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