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Shoot the Bs (a 2k 2600 game)


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OK, for those of you who don't visit the bB forum: #1. You really should, and #2. I'm at it again, working on a 2k game called "Shooting the Bs." I want this to be as good as it possibly can, so any recommendations for changes you'd like to see are highly valued and sought after by me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

When I first saw your thread, I read the title as "Shoot the BS". I really didn't know what to make of that. ;)


I like the game options. It's good having multiple modes. It's definitely very challenging. Having the clouds kill you in mode 3 kicks my butt.


BTW, why don't the Cs and Bs get along? How long has this rivalry been taking place? Is it because the Cs came after the Bs and they think they're better? Or are the Bs uppity because they're closer to As? What does that mean for Zs, if anything?

Questions... questions.

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