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Free sprites for the taking


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Yes, I think your #1 point is really most critical... the brain is quite willing to fill in the rest of the details when you make the right color hints.


Here's the extreme example - Can you guess what show these single pixel-wide characters are from?




(For more, check out Something Awful's Abstract Pixel Art article.)


Wow. That is an interesting example. There is only one I can't figure out.


Fry, bender, leela, zoidberg,

?, hermies, proffessor, zap, and kiff?




wait, is that scruffy on the bottom left?

Edited by Legend
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I'm working on a Game Maker 2600 styled Ghosts n Goblins / Ghouls n Ghosts remake (kinda, sorta) & would really love some help with some sprites.
You've come to the right place. :P


You should put a price on those sprites! The cost...



The game must be made for the actual 2600 as well! ;)

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I'm working on a Game Maker 2600 styled Ghosts n Goblins / Ghouls n Ghosts remake (kinda, sorta) & would really love some help with some sprites.
You've come to the right place. :P


You should put a price on those sprites! The cost...


The game must be made for the actual 2600 as well! ;)


It would be great if this were made into a real Atari 2600 game. Since cartridges are somewhat limited to a specific size, what if a game was made to span across several cartridges. For example, the first cart would be levels 1-3, second cart would be levels 4-6, etc. Perhaps even make it similar to those Xonox Double Ender ones where the cart would just flip over to play the other levels.


One day perhaps the sprites will come at a price, but for now the name of the game in this thread is 'free' :)


Excellent! :thumbsup:


Thank you :) And stay tuned, there's more on the way.



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It would be great if this were made into a real Atari 2600 game. Since cartridges are somewhat limited to a specific size, what if a game was made to span across several cartridges. For example, the first cart would be levels 1-3, second cart would be levels 4-6, etc.


no need - Melody

Melody boards can be built with a 128K Flash chip, replacing the Melody's standard 32K of Flash memory. And if 8K of RAM isn't enough for you, up to 64K of RAM can be added instead. This allows for a Melody board containing 128K of Flash memory and 64K of RAM. And if that's not enough, the Melody can be fitted with an optional EEPROM chip up to 4MB in size!


I believe code/data in the EEPROM must be copied into RAM to be used, so it's not as easy as bankswitching.

Edited by SpiceWare
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You should put a price on those sprites! The cost...


The game must be made for the actual 2600 as well! ;)

One day perhaps the sprites will come at a price, but for now the name of the game in this thread is 'free' :)


I don't know if I was misunderstood here, but I've been misunderstood a few times recently; so just in case, I'll clarify... I wasn't suggesting a monetary price should be put on the sprites, but rather that the sprites be given in exchange for the game to be made for the 2600. Of course, this was said jokingly, as I don't actually expect it to be made for the 2600 (not anytime soon anyway). But a man can dream.


With that logic, there's no excuse for Ghosts 'N Goblins 2600 to not be made. :grin: :grin: :grin:


I think the game would be great as multi-screen, (or whatever you'd call it without scrolling), like Pitfall II or Panky the Panda. Ghosts n Zombies for the ColecoVision looked really good in that style. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was wondering if you'd mind helping with some Xeno sprites for Xenophobe. I've uploaded an edit of the game in the 2600 hacks forum, but I'm not completely satisfied yet. Small Xenos are double high sprites so the pixels are square. Medium and large Xeno sprites are double high and double wide pixels and 8 pixels wide or less. Colors for everything are also double high. I haven't checked to see exactly what the vertical contstraints are, but I do know there is more than enough room for what's needed. It's the medium and large Xenos that I'm the least satisfied with, but I didn't put them in this screenshot.



Edited by KevinMos3
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Was wondering if you'd mind helping with some Xeno sprites for Xenophobe. I've uploaded an edit of the game in the 2600 hacks forum, but I'm not completely satisfied yet. Small Xenos are double high sprites so the pixels are square. Medium and large Xeno sprites are double high and double wide pixels and 8 pixels wide or less. Colors for everything are also double high. I haven't checked to see exactly what the vertical contstraints are, but I do know there is more than enough room for what's needed. It's the medium and large Xenos that I'm the least satisfied with, but I didn't put them in this screenshot.




This Alien was all I can find the time for right now. It more closely matches that of the Arcade version:




The colors of the Alien are as follows - From Left to Right:


Alien Frame 1






















Alien Frame 2
























Alien Frame 3
























As Always, make changes until you are happy with them. :)


Terrific work Illya & thanks for your efforts...


Have a safe & happy trip...


Glad I could help my friend. :)


Thank you,



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Thank you. That snotterpillar sprite looks outstanding. Unfortunately, as you can see in this screenshot, it doesn't work so well against a non-black background (even if I were to darken the colors), and the vertical height turned out to overlap a room's playfield, so I had to shorten it. :(


There's some strangeness in the game that causes sprites to be off by a 1/2 pixel on all but the the outer left and right edges of the screen, which makes colors not line up right on anything in about the inner 4/5. That's why the red eye doesn't line up. (It's that way in the original game, not due to my hacks). I'd like to get this corrected, but that's more serious hacking than I'm capable of.


It's okay though, because your sprites inspired me to re-tool the original sprites and I ended up redoing almost every sprite in the game (including weapons & items).


I want to say thank you for the work. I really do appreciate it. Maybe it can be used elsewhere, and if not, it's still great pixel art. :)



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  • 2 months later...

Ok... all this amazing sprite work has pushed me to give it a try as well. I think I just about saved everything shown here. Good work, all of it!


That is what I like to hear. :):thumbsup: Also, post your creations here if you wish to share them.


I worked on some mecha sprites. (Gee I wonder were the inspiration came from? ;) )






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I worked on some mecha sprites. (Gee I wonder were the inspiration came from? ;) )


Have you tried Visual batari Basic's Sprite Editor? It lets you save your work in files that you can post for other people to download and use.


No I haven't but it looks more in depth than what I was using. I do have the generated code for the sprites though. Next time I draw something up I'll try the Batari. Thanks for the link!

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  • 3 weeks later...



This is the last of the actual enemies as far as regular enemies go. The bosses from the Ghosts 'n Goblins arcade game are next. :)






G&G Enemies Comparison Part3.zip




Hey Illya,


It's amazing how you capture the essence of the actual game sprites using so few pixels. Very impressive!



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This is the last of the actual enemies as far as regular enemies go. The bosses from the Ghosts 'n Goblins arcade game are next. :)






G&G Enemies Comparison Part3.zip




Hey Illya,


It's amazing how you capture the essence of the actual game sprites using so few pixels. Very impressive!




Thanks man. :) I wish I could say that it just took me 15-20 mins to whip up the 2600 conversion of the sprites, but in reality it probably took a couple of hours to get them looking nice. Not to mention lots of practice and developing a few techniques help out greatly. :D



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