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Quest for Quintana Roo: Walkthrough


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I'm sure most people could give a crap, but it took me forever to play this game and after another user here posted about it and wanted to know how to play it, I gave it a thorough look. First off, I like this game for some weird reason, and the further you go, well, it gets pretty hard when things speed up. So, here, for those of you who might care, is a quick walkthrough for how to play this damn game.


1. Main idea is to find three special stones in the temple, place these stones in the proper room, and move on to the next level.


2. To do this, you enter various rooms in the temple. Keep in mind that EVERY level and EACH side of the temple can be entered. So when you walk up the first step, move a little to the right (or left depending on side) and press the button to enter. The first level has only one room on each side, the second two, and so forth.


3. EVERY room has a hidden door. To access these, pull out your pick. To pull out your pick, press the "select" switch on your Atari. You'll change colors. Red is acid, which is used to discover secret doors or kill mummies. Blue is the gun, which you can use to shoot snakes. Green is the pick. When you turn green, move up to the wall, avoiding the snakes, and hold in the button. Move all the way to the left and right, even to the side of the door. Eventually you'll find the hidden trigger that opens the door. Inside will be either items for extra points, extra acid, one of the stones, a false stone, or (rarely) a mummy. You can only hold one stone. When you pick it up, you can store it in a room by dropping it. To drop it, press select and it will go to the middle of the room. Put it somewhere while you look for the stone room, because it will get randomly placed somewhere else in the temple if you die.


4. Once you look around and kill things, open all the doors, etc., you'll eventually come across the special stone room. This room has a secret door like any other, except that inside the door is a gray, round shape with three holes in it. This is for each of the three stones. Each time you find one, if you're not storing them somewhere, bring it to this room and place it in one of the holes. Keep in mind some of the stones are false to throw you off.


5. That's it, find all the stones, put them in there, and you beat the game. Then, you move to a more advanced level where things move faster. I think it's a fun little game, kind of a combination between Pitfall II and something like Private Eye. Hope this helps anyone who's confused by it!

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Small mistake, you can't "hold in" the pick button, you have to constantly tap it. Sorry for that. Should also add that you turn YELLOW when you pick up ANY stone (whether real or not). You can still access doors and move around like normal while holding a stone, but you CANNOT while holding acid, the gun, or the pick. You have to switch back to normal white to go through doors.

Edited by Stan
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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, to silence my vociferous doppelganger, I finally popped Quintana Roo into the VCS this morning with my laptop, and Stan's handy guide, right next to me.


First, let me say what a fun game this is. It's not necessarily difficult (at least level 1), but like Adventure, its more about the exploration and finding treasures. If I had this game as a kid, I would have lost my mind.


As for Stan's guide, I think you did a nice job of summing up the game play in a way the "manual" fails to. It would help to add a section that mentions, with pictures ideally, what each thing looks like. I was baffled by the acid, stones, treasures and herbs when I first encountered them. A visual or a description of each would help.


The manual suggests taking out the top levels piecemeal because of the stale air limitation, did you find this to be the case? I didn't have any trouble exploring all the rooms before I ran out of air.


I also seldom used the gun, except in tight spots, and I never used the acid. I assume these become more necessary in the later levels?


Also, is there any strategy to placing the map stones in the vault or is it just grind it 'til you find it?


Thanks, Stan for the handy guide.



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  • 4 weeks later...

No problem man, spread the love! I really liked this game after I figured it out. I skipped over some of the things you mentioned since they're in the manual. I found no problem with the 'stale air'. Never once did I actually die because of it, I always got out in time. And even if it does get low, you can exit a level and reenter and everything you did will still be there. Just pick up where you left off. I never used the gun or acid either. You can use the acid to open the vaults, but you use it up quickly, obviously, so it's better to pick the walls. The acid is really only for killing the mummies, which is fine if you want to max points. That's about it though. The gun, obviously, is just for the snakes and more points since they're easy to avoid. I didn't really seem to notice any rhyme or reason behind the placement of the stones. I just tried what I found. Some where fakes, others were not, and any time I put them in they just worked. I seem to remember they just fill in the holes as you go, I don't remember having to find them in order. Perhaps I will try again tonight, I've been meaning to fire it up after several days of Bases Loaded.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm inspired. But I'm not sure why.


I did not have this game back in the day. I picked it up in 2009 when I went on a quest to get every cartridge. I bought it, tried it, then forgot about it. On a whim today I decided to look for posts about games you can actually "beat." And I found this thread.


Tonight I tackle the Roo!

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Frickin' awesome Stan - thanks! Gave up on this game years ago. Had I owned it back in the day (when I played RotLA, E.T. and Riddle of the Sphinx in earnest), I *might* have given it a chance. :lol:


Never even heard of 'Quest for Quintana Roo' until I saw Radio Shack selling Telegames' copies out of a catalog in the mid to late 90's.

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