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Anyone interested in comparing Raiden Fighters Aces scores?


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So, I snagged this one last week. Despite having Halo in my possession, I've been playing the hell out of Raiden Fighters Aces. Does anyone still play this, and if so, would anyone be interested in comparing high scores? Either here or you can add me on XBOX Live (gamer tag "djZM").

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So, I snagged this one last week. Despite having Halo in my possession, I've been playing the hell out of Raiden Fighters Aces. Does anyone still play this, and if so, would anyone be interested in comparing high scores? Either here or you can add me on XBOX Live (gamer tag "djZM").


I'm game. I haven't fired that game up in a while, I've been playing Mushihimesama Futari 1.5.


Sheesh, I need to see if I can remember the scoring system. I know it has to deal with everything with finding miscus's and getting right on top as soon as you shoot them, so you collect instantly, gets immediately to the gold 1000-10000 medals.

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Nice.. Well guys, feel free to add me on Live! Or we can submit scores here.. Let me know whatever you want to do (or just do both).


I'm game. I haven't fired that game up in a while, I've been playing Mushihimesama Futari 1.5.


Sheesh, I need to see if I can remember the scoring system. I know it has to deal with everything with finding miscus's and getting right on top as soon as you shoot them, so you collect instantly, gets immediately to the gold 1000-10000 medals.


Ah, so is that how it works? I've been reading strategy guides on how to activate the gold medal modes in each game, but I can't seem to control it. This is required for high scoring, but I can't get it down..


For instance, in Raiden Fighters 1 and 2, I understand that your medals are valued based on how many slaves you have, and that the medal values won't rise until there are no medals on the screen. But once those values are maxed out, I can't figure out how to activate the gold medal mode (although I did it a gazillion times on accident *prior* to looking at how the system works). If it's all about finding the Miclus's, then I guess I have some research to do.


In JET I was under the impression that to activate the gold medal mode, you had to get a medal to follow you, max it out, grab it, then collect nine regular medals afterwards. I thought that the gold medal mode is supposed to activate immediately after, but it's not working.. I think I'm doing something wrong in that one as well. :?


I had some really high scores at one point, 2nd place for Beast and the MkII, but I can't bring myself to play anymore after they wiped the leaderboards clean. :x


Oooohhhh.. THAT explains things. One of my buddies got this when it came out. Now that I have it, I'm trying to compare my scores to his, but it says he didn't upload any to XBOX Live. I guess that makes sense, since they wiped them out.. That also explains why my scores are ranked much higher than they should be. :ponder:

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In RF1 you can usually get 100,000 medals by the 2nd stage (experts can do it in one stage), but you need to learn where to find the miclus'. You've got the basic premise of how to level up your medals, when there are none on screen the next one will be worth more. This is why you must hover right on top of a miclus and shoot it to level up fast since each medal is considered 'new on screen' when you do this (make sure there aren't other medals anywhere on screen). The slaves have nothing to do with medal scoring.


Each medal type will level up to 900, 9,000, and then up to 90,000. Once you get to 100,000 you need to find a miclus and shoot him from a distance which he will spit out a bunch of medals. If you get I think 10 medals on screen at once they will all explode and then you will have permanent 100,000 medals.


It's helpful to go in options and set a specific stage path. I don't remember what the prime path is maybe 2-1-3-4-5.


RF2 has the same scoring mechanic.

Edited by Gunstarhero
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If you get I think 10 medals on screen at once they will all explode and then you will have permanent 100,000 medals.


Ah, ok, that must be how I activated it then. I was always under the impression that exploding medals was bad (i.e., you lose them), but it looks to be a good thing then. I am going to try that when I get home from work. :)

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