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My 5200 "paddle"


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I'm still confused if you remove the pots from 5200 how can you replace with 2600 ones. Aren't the wires different connections. Or are the pot wires are seperate from the 5200 15 pin connectiion. And if so how doo you connect the pot wires. Do they have to be soldered somewhere.


The pots have legs on them and the wires have connectors that slide on them. When I make a paddle I connect the 2600 paddle pot to the top 1/2 of the controller shell. So, i solder wire on the connectors and pot because the wires already in the controller arent long enough.

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I was able to use the existing wires because the pot is fixed to the bottom half of my controller. The stock wire harness connections fit on the SVAII pot terminals. :)

My goal for this was to cause no damage to the controller so it could be put back if desired.


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I was able to use the existing wires because the pot is fixed to the bottom half of my controller. The stock wire harness connections fit on the SVAII pot terminals. :)

My goal for this was to cause no damage to the controller so it could be put back if desired.


Could an Atari paddle fit on that pot or could the top half of the pot be made out of the top half of an Atari pot?

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Could an Atari paddle fit on that pot or could the top half of the pot be made out of the top half of an Atari pot?

:? Are you referring to the knobs themselves? If so, I'll get out some spares and try.

Update: I have 2 of those pots left. The 2600 paddle knob does fit on them even with the metal spring collar.



Or can I just buy a potentionmeter or whatever it is called and hookup the wiers and use my own knob?

You can just buy a 1 mega ohm pot from Radio Shack and a knob that attaches with a set screw.

If you really want to go ghetto, you could cut one paddle off of a set and wire it to the inside of the 5200 controller. My first version was like that. I had a set of cheap Gemini paddles with one busted. I cut off the plug end and made a small hole in the side of the 5200 controller. Then I wired it to the control wires inside and even hooked up the fire button. All you had to do was use the keypads on the original.

Edited by zylon
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Well I guess I'll try anyway. Just got the potentionmeter from radioshack. But how the h** do you get the stick off. I took the 3 screws off. It came apart in half. Bottom with wires and keypad and top half with stick. But there is no nut holding the stick in place so how do you get the stick out of the top half.

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Well I guess I'll try anyway. Just got the potentionmeter from radioshack. But how the h** do you get the stick off. I took the 3 screws off. It came apart in half. Bottom with wires and keypad and top half with stick. But there is no nut holding the stick in place so how do you get the stick out of the top half.

I use needlenose pliers to hold the metal shaft above the rubber boot and pry the knob upwards by using a screwdriver against the pliers.

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That will work fine. I used one of those before on one I made for someone else. I also use those to beef up regular paddles. I like the shorter ramping of the resistance on them.

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I think I'm doing it wrong. I am using the existing wires. But there are four. 2 black 1 red and 1 brown. And only 3 holes on potentionmeter. Not sure which wires should go in which holes on potentionmeter. Dob't want to blow my atari. Tried 1 black and 1 red in 1st and second hold and no work. Tried super breakout. Also tried hole 1 and 3 and no good. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Edited by 0078265317
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Kinda got it. Found even without a potentionmeter if I tap 1 black wire and the brown wire while the game is on the paddle reappears in super breakput and moves left and right. But if I connect those 2 wires to the 1k potentionmeter I got at radio shack nothing happens. Stick moves left and right but no paddle appears or moves when I move potentionmeter left and right.

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Never mind I figured the correct sequence of wires. Yay. Got a working paddle.


Now what is the best way to secure the potentionmeter to the bottom. Can I use velcro? Or is that too risky?

That will work, but you'd still better pack around it to keep it centered. I do that with the boot removed. Tuck guaze or paper towel pieces in till tight. The pot has to be located right over the center pivot socket on bottom.

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I think I'm doing it wrong. I am using the existing wires. But there are four. 2 black 1 red and 1 brown. And only 3 holes on potentionmeter. Not sure which wires should go in which holes on potentionmeter. Dob't want to blow my atari. Tried 1 black and 1 red in 1st and second hold and no work. Tried super breakout. Also tried hole 1 and 3 and no good. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Should've looked at the last pic I posted. :P Looking down at pot with shaft upward and terminals at bottom: black on center and brown on left. :)

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Got it already. Now how to secure it. Velcor perhaps? The screw part is to short so washer not working.

I didn't secure mine at all on the one I use. I just packed enough guaze in there that it's not going anywhere. You could try a little super glue or the stick-on velcro. The original pots had a dab of glue under them, but they had a framework around them.

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Atari 5200 Paddle by Dr Manhattan, on Flickr


I just wanted to say that I made one of these paddles for myself. I was really surprised at how easy it was. The only thing is the POT on my 5200 paddle only had two posts and not three like the one pictured above. So I messed around a little bit and found a spot where I could sodder the second connection. I glued everything together and paddle works perfectly. It really makes playing Kaboom a lot of fun. Thanks Zylon!

Good! Glad I could help others properly enjoy this awesome game. We happen to be playing Kaboom this week in the HSC for a bonus round, so come get some! ;)

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My 5200 is acting up again not giving video. Switchbox might have gone bad again.


But I got to test the paddle out before my atari stopped working. I'll take a photo.

Might be best to find a 2-port deck eventually.

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Nobody has a 2 port deck. Except my cousin used to have one but we threw it away long time ago. Now it is hard to find. 50 on ebay is the cheapest and that is too much. I paid 50 for 4 port + 3 controllers + trackball + 9 games. So 50 is too much. Or as phuzzed suggested the motherboard might be failing. But 2 ports have fialed also right. 2 port is no more stable right. Maybe it is time to ebay the whole collection.

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