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Whoever Side-Dealed This I Will Hunt You Down


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I wonder how many deals you missed out on


I know of at least one that you missed out on...


not made aware of


Precisely what I mean by missed out on.


No, see 'missed out on' means I either knew about it and didn't bid or bid too low and lost. If I don't know about it, how can I miss out on it? Missing out on something implies that you have bad feelings about not getting it. I have no bad feelings because I didn't even know about it, and like I said before, with the thousands of Atari related listings that come and go every day on ebay, it's impossible to know about all of them.


Ok returning back to your original usage of the phrase:


"You mean you don't check the pictures, too? I wonder how many deals you missed out on because you couldn't be bothered to search beyond keywords."


So at first your usage of missed out on implies a lack of knowledge about something - i.e. I neglected to look at the pictures so I never found a good deal. Now you come back and say, no, missed out on means you forgot to do something you intended to do. Which one is it??? I will debate you all day and night and neglect Father Christmas over this issue.

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I have two simple questions:


1. Is there an application available that searches by picture?


2. Where can I get it?


Power seller or whatever, if 1. is no then no one found this auction unless they stumbled on it, i.e. they have no life. A blackberry isn't going to beep unless it somehow recognizes text on a jpeg.

I saw it ;) And if i saw it i can guarantee quite a few other people did too

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Well, I guess I have no life because I saw it. Then again, I search for local items that my central NY affiliates might be able to go pick up...


When I was unemployed, sometimes I would just sit around watching Law and Order reruns and finding eBay Atari deals for resale. It's definitely possible to get some, but I was beaten on a fair number as well and it is certainly far from glamorous work. I look at ALL the pictures.


I also played lots of online poker and made money doing that but man... similarly boring work. I can't even bear to think about poker anymore even though last year I paid rent one month by playing 1-2 Omaha 8.


I think it's actually pretty lucky that I even still like Atari collecting after that auction grinding experience. :)

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Well I came up with it in reference to auctions because it's also what they call playing lower-stakes poker and calling/betting premium hands with very little bluffing or any of the stuff that can make poker fun. Playing tight, in other words. Over time, you can grind out a living (especially if you switch tables all the time and use a bunch of different profiles so it's not easy for others to peg you as a "tight" player all the time).


Back in those days I would be looking at a big dirty Atari lot with a couple of consoles and a bunch of crappily-pictured games and just running numbers in my head, like "could I make $20 off of this after cleaning and splitting it up?" It takes time, but that's what I had and I needed money. Like the poker it's also a total grind and if your time is worth anything it's often, well, not worth it.

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In my past group of auctions I had someone say their daughter bought one item by mistake. (This also happened about six months ago when i was selling new Ipads.) Another auction the winner told me his PayPal account got blocked and he couldn't buy the item, so I re-listed it. A day later, after it was sold to someone else, he payed for it. And these best offers that you get are just damn insulting. And then there is the International "gift" thing. I had one buyer threaten me negative feedback if i didn't lie and say it was a gift. /quote]








Perhaps they were trying to avoid paying tax (or if they were based in EU, avoid paying VAT/TVA/MWST etc as well as tax)

Edited by carmel_andrews
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