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Off Topic (sorry)....I'm looking foward to getting over to Germany sometime, I've never been there. The company I work for has an office in Hamburg which I'll travel to eventually, and my Grandfather was born in Meinz, which I would love to visit. Alas, my last business trip to Europe was to Rome, Italy, I didn't get to see Germany. :(




Maybe Albert could seperate this new off-topic...


I too am looking forward to visiting Germany someday, as that's my heritage. Apparently our last name is traced to Bavaria. You should consider contacting DANK if you're interested in your heritage.

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Hi Atarius Maximus!


Thanks for your reply!


- This all happened very recently. Randy first agreed to trade labels for games on November 27th. As far as specifically requesting labels for Thomas' stuff... Well, it really was just part of the entire deal, he wanted labels for almost everything on his list. I did'nt produce labels in any specific order. I made labels for a whole bunch of prototypes & hacks, and a few reproduction labels too for rare games.


Makes me think. In early November I was talking with Randy over a deal where he would produce me some rare games for the Gunfight royalties he owes me. In particular, on the 7th November I asked him this:


"If you do copies of original games, do they come without any label at all or do they have at least some "Hozer White Label" telling the name of it?"


To which he replied on the same day:


"My wife (and others) are constantly asking me to label the released

copies I make. [...] So, yes, I will probably ship them with labels of some sort, fancy and laminated. This will be my new policy I reckon."




- I've been producing around 3-10 labels a day for him since November 27th, up until yesterday. The last PAL conversion label I worked on probably would have been over this past weekend, on the 14th or 15th of December. I worked hard to get these labels done fast, because I want more games! As I said before, I was completely unaware of any problems between Randy and Thomas during this time.


Well. You certainly couldn't know.


So when Thomas discovered that this "conversion" page was up and told Randy to stop this, you were actually in the middle of the process of creating the labels, right?


Well. I know that Thomas explicitely asked Randy to stop producing *all* of his works at least once before all of this.


My only idea about how all of the current misery could happen, was that Randy didn't take Thomas request as serious as he should have done.


I now it was heated at the time and he probably thought that after stopping the production of Thomas homebrew games it was done for good.


Maybe now, when Randy calms down again, he is realizing his misinterpretation of things and after removing all offers of Thomas stuff from his page, he can safely return into business.




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Well. I know that Thomas explicitely asked Randy to stop producing *all* of his works at least once before all of this.

I think it was always very clear to him what I wanted him to do. And he never said anything else.


My only idea about how all of the current misery could happen, was that Randy didn't take Thomas request as serious as he should have done.


I now it was heated at the time and he probably thought that after stopping the production of Thomas homebrew games it was done for good.

Ok, maybe at the first time everything was heated and he didn't take it serious. And there wouldn't have been any problem if he had reacted now.


But now I made myself 1000% clear again, there is absolutely no doubt about that.


I honor that you want to help out of this mess. But how can you think this is only happening because he "didn't take Thomas request as serious as he should have done"? He laughed at me, that's what he did. Sadly there is no room for misunderstandings. :sad:

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So when Thomas discovered that this "conversion" page was up and told Randy to stop this, you were actually in the middle of the process of creating the labels, right?


That's what it looks like, yes. It all happened pretty much at the same time.



The last PAL conversion label I worked on probably would have been over this past weekend, on the 14th or 15th of December.


Ooops! I meant December 7th & 8th, not 14th & 15th.

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Well. I know that Thomas explicitely asked Randy to stop producing *all* of his works at least once before all of this.


My only idea about how all of the current misery could happen, was that Randy didn't take Thomas request as serious as he should have done.


The recent problems Thomas had with Randy regarding these TV Conversions are only the tip of the iceberg. This is what finally pushed Thomas over the edge, resulting in the public statement he made. Let's not forget about everything else that has transpired since September, many of the facts of which are now posted in that long thread. Not only was Randy unreasonable and rude with Thomas, but also myself, Alex, and Joe Grand. He was trapped in several lies, he attempted to discredit all of us both privately and publically, and he was quite insulting at times.


Thomas made it quite clear to Randy that he did not want him to sell *any* of his homebrews, hacks or conversions. Given Randy's later attitude where he basically told Thomas to screw off after Thomas asked him to remove the conversions, I think it's pretty obvous Randy knew damn well what he was doing. His overall lack of respect, his condescending attitude, and insulting behavior have been demonstrated repeatedly over the past few months in private emails that we have all received. I can assure you that Randy never received emails from us like that, and he was always the one being confrontational.


People have challenged Randy to respond publically to these events, but Randy chose to ignore them, instead posting a scathing and untrue diatribe against us in rgvc, completely ignoring the issue Thomas wrote about, and then he promptly tucked his head in the sand by closing his email account.



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Wow, don't know how I missed this thread back on Monday. Thankfully one of the Als mailed me links to the labels anyway!


Yeah, "Pac-Man Arcade" is "A Better Pac-Man" or whatever name you would like to call it. I was never really happy about any of my names. As for the labels, I made the first one (which you ought to be able to see an inch or two to the left of this post; I'm quite proud of it because of my lack of design skills), Randy used a modified version with Annoying Tiki Guy inserted somewhere, Lee the WTW guy did a version which was nice, and now there's the possibly definitive AA version with a new title to boot. For some reason four labels doesn't seem like so many to me ;)


As long as I'm going on about my own hacks, please let me encourage anyone getting a copy of my Space Invaders hack (from AA or whomever) to buy Space Instigators. Not because of morals or whatever, but because if you're interested in the hack you're presumably looking for a more arcade-like Space Invaders. Chris spent a lot more time and effort than I did on my hack to make his original game really cool and... well, you just have to play it ;) As a gamer, I would feel awful if someone bought a copy of my hack and had never heard of Space Instigators.


Glad to hear the new store is coming online today! It's like going to Toys 'R Us in a mythical 1983 Xmas season that never happened! ;)



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It's like going to Toys 'R Us in a mythical 1983 Xmas season that never happened!


HehHeh Ive made the same comparisan to the new store.


BTW I placed an order for the SI Arcade today. I ultimately plan on getting them all. Will have to take your advice Rob and check out Space Instigators thanks.

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Thanks for all the great responses to the labels, I had no idea they would be this well received. This is Dale from over at AtariCart.com, were I did the work on these three labels, I haven't posted them to the site yet, in fact, I haven't posted hardly any of the new labels or manuals to the site yet since I have been so busy doing label and manual work. I'm really glad everyone is enjoying the new designs and I hope to continue doing this sort of work in the future. If anyone out there needs any gaming artwork for an upcoming project please feel free to stop by the site and check out the growing portfolio and send us an email. www.AtariCart.com




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