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I need advice on releasing a 2600 prototype ....

rob fulop

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even if unfinished, I still think it should be released. I really like the 'programming' style games, like ogre and the afomentined chipwits.

I think it would be really interesting to see something like that on the old faitful 2600. I myself enjoy seeing, and when possible, owning glimpses of what might have been, and even what should not have been. :-) We are all video game archaelogists.

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Needless to say, as much as I appreciate the enthusiastic pressure to complete the game ... there really isn't any point in doing so ... the reason I originally abandoned the game when it was 80% completed ... remain true ... there are some games better left to more resource-rich systems ... Actionauts is one of those games.  It's fun, but after playing it, it was clear that this sort of game deserved to be offered on a higher powered computing platform


Having read this whole post Rob, I can only say

(1.) I respect where you are coming from as a programmer/coder and acknowledge you have the right to abandon projects that you don't feel will pan out or reflect your best efforts.

(2.) Given that you say the game is unfinished and will forever remain that way, I don't think a "special release" is necessarily justified for this prototype after all. Just license it to AtariAge as is.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone else ever just sit in awe that the true "masters" (classic and current :)) talk to us on these message boards? Tell me another community that has the average Joe's getting to know the industry this way?


Rob, great to meet you a few years back in Vegas. Night Driver still is a favorite. Whatever you do would be great, and we (the community) are always grateful for you to share any of your time and skill with us, however you decide to do so.




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  • 2 months later...

Rob, maybe some of these guys are use to talking to the "Rob Fulops" of the world but I am not...dude I am not worthy! thank you for your games.


I was playing Demon Attack right before I logged on. Missle Command is also another all time classic.


I personally would pay top dollar for the prototype and I would accept the distribution of it after the sale to the community.


PM and let me know.

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  • 2 years later...
It's not a mystery that unreleased prototypes and one-off unfinished EPROM games rarely offer the play value of popular games ... they were abandoned for REASONS ... and most likely ... those reasons were good ones.


Some games were abandoned because there was no possibility of making something good out of them. I'm sure quite a few, though, were abandoned because the market collapsed. Further, some games may have been abandoned because at the time there didn't seem any way of making them workable but later discoveries or technologies (e.g. HMOVE tricks or larger carts) would make them feasible.


The game that became Strat-O-Gems was abandoned in 1994, but was revived and released on AA in 2005. So not all abandonware is without promise.

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This one might have been abandoned because no one was listening to what Fulop was saying. He makes it clear at the outset that he just wants to release a game for his fans in the most un-complicated manner possible. This was followed by neverending suggestions of seven-tiered releases and demands that he finish the game.


Face it, Fulop got "fanboyed" and he ran.

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Just keep up what it is you're doing, Rob, and release this game if you feel like it's right.

I've enjoyed some of your games quite a lot over the years. Releasing this proto or holding it back won't cost the enjoyment people have had from your other games. *reaches through the net and pats Rob on the back*

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This one might have been abandoned because no one was listening to what Fulop was saying. He makes it clear at the outset that he just wants to release a game for his fans in the most un-complicated manner possible. This was followed by neverending suggestions of seven-tiered releases and demands that he finish the game.


Face it, Fulop got "fanboyed" and he ran.

Eh, maybe. He made it clear at the outset that he wanted to release it in the way that would best serve the community, not in "the most un-complicated manner possible."

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