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Dropped my Atlantis II down to $5,000 or best offer. Thanks for looking


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I'm surprised a certain someone hasn't been all over this unless the certain someone already has those docs.

To be honest, I think it is just bad timing. There have been a couple of people over the years who would of jumped at the chance to get this for $5,000. They kind of disappeared from the scene though.

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Documents have just never had the level of demand as the carts and boxes with collectors. To understand why is to understand a collector. It doesn't fill the gap the same way a missing cart or a missing box does. Paperwork while interesting to read isn't as exciting to look at and doesn't look good displayed. For these reasons paperwork just isn't as desirable as a new cart or box is to a collection. I have some paperwork/overlays for Eli's Ladder that I am pretty sure no one else has but there is little interest. If it was a box then it would be different and if you had the only box for a game you could name your price. The only boxed Air Raid sold for big bucks.


That doesn't mean people don't want to see the letter or read it online. They may even want to print copies of it for themselves. They just don't want to pay thousands for paperwork to say they own it.

A cart with box also did not command a high price recently. Something like $1,100. I have received higher offers for what I have recently. The paperwork in this instance is actually better. The box is just the same Atlantis box with a sticker. If the box was different you would be right. Just get a regular Atlantis box, and you're set.


Sides it is easy to fake a regular Atlantis II cart. Heck it is not that hard to fake an Atlantis II with box, but in order to fake the docs, you are going to need a lot more. The paper is not normal. You can't just use a printer, and print this. It is not made out of regular paper. Also the embossed logo is kind of tricky to duplicate as well. I am sure CPUWIZ could do a great job at it, but your average Joe is going to have a hard time duplicating this.


Well an Atlantis II box is a bad example as it is a normal Atlantis box with a sticker on it. Not very exciting. If you have one great but if not no big deal just put it in a normal Atlantis box for now. I can see someone owning the Atlantis II cart and being ok with not owning the box. What I was talking about was if I had the only Eli's Ladder box I would think most people would care a great deal about that. I believe something like that has only been seen with the boxed Air Raid auction that happened awhile back. You won't find that level of excitement over one of a kind paperwork unless it is signed by George Washington!


Most don't care nearly as much about a piece of the paperwork that they don't have. By care in this context I mean spending their own money to own it themselves. They may be interested in knowing about paperwork and seeing it online but they don't pay for it the same way they do boxes and carts.


Not just Atari even on the Nintendo side you have this. Rare released titles like Stadium Events and competition carts like the NWC or even the Star Fox competition all follow suit. The games are what people are most excited about and boxes I guess because they look out of place in a collection without them.

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I don't see the letter regarding the t-shirt and snorkeling set :P


Great set though, I miss the set I used to have. My letters were different only in the fact that the letterhead was blue, and not embossed like yours. Of course, those can be viewed here in the AA archives. Plus, I used to have two sets of the 2 page letter. The only difference between the two being the deadline date for submitting your score. That date probably depended on when Imagic sent you your Atlantis II cart.


I wonder why your letters have an embossed letterhead?


I'm assuming the mailing that comes with the envelope was obtained by contacting Imagic through the "Defend Atlantis" contest flyer. Pretty interesting to see though.


And I never agreed that the Atlantis II box wasn't special. Being a former owner of one, I can attest first hand that I knew I had something very special. That white sticker meant you had something extremely rare! To this day very few are lucky enough to own one.


Good luck with your sale Homer, but if you don't sell it, continue to cherish it.

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Well looks like Atlantis II is now taking a back seat to even the Block Buster cart by Sega Genesis. This one sold for $5,000, and I am trying to get $5,000 or best offer. You would think that my game being the most documented would at least have some offers. I mean when I bought this game back in 2006 Blockbuster World Championship II WAS going for $2,000. Sad day to know my game is not even on the same level as this cart. :sad:


Atlantis II most under rated game out there.


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1106036783871?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=110603678387&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

:roll: When are you going to get it Homer....not sure why I waste my time responding to your topics but....


It's NOT under rated, it is just two different collecting worlds. There are MANY reasons but here is one....


Atari - Few dozen collectors that need a few dozen VERY expensive games


NES and Genesis - Hundreds of collectors that only need ONE game


Now...by a few dozen I'm not saying the Atari collecting scene is not as popular as the NES or Genesis so don't get me wrong here. What I am saying is that 99.9% of NES and Genesis games are fairly easy and inexpensive to pick up. Therfore you literally have hundreds of collectors that need only 1 or 2 rare games. When that happens those 1 or 2 rare games are going to get insanely expensive. It is a LOT easier for a collector to justify a several thousand dollar purchase ONCE (which is the case with NES/Genesis) then 10 or 15 times (which is the case with Atari). In the Atari world you have a LOT of true R10 games that are very expensive. This can be overwhelming for most collectors and is why only a few dozen people are seriously going to buy your cart for a fair price. As time goes on, more and more of them will no longer need it because they will already own one. Paperwork/etc.. is an even smaller market because now you are going for the true completionist. Your cart will always be a highly collectable sought after item. Atari is just an overwhelming and frusterating system to collect for if you are trying to get EVERYTHING and thats one reason why the rare stuff has a limited market.


Also, correct me if I am wrong here but didn't you pay quite a bit less for this (around 3k?) I can't remember so if not nevermind but if so I have absolutely no issues with people re selling games for profit, thats totally fine, but when they complain they can't sell it for MORE than they paid then how are we supposed to feel bad about that?

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I think you have a point about the Sega Genesis Crazy Climber. This truly is probably their only really rare game. The 32X has Spider-man, but for just the Sega Genesis alone I think you have a point. The Blockbuster cart is more valuable because it does not have the competition that Atlantis II has. Yeah, if there was no such thing as Eli's Ladder, Video Life, and so on, and so on, and if it was just this cart that was rare, it definitely would be more highly desirable.


Well, still, this game does have stuff associated with it that no other game has. So if you want to make an offer, I am all ears. :cool:

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I think you have a point about the Sega Genesis Crazy Climber. This truly is probably their only really rare game. The 32X has Spider-man, but for just the Sega Genesis alone I think you have a point. The Blockbuster cart is more valuable because it does not have the competition that Atlantis II has. Yeah, if there was no such thing as Eli's Ladder, Video Life, and so on, and so on, and if it was just this cart that was rare, it definitely would be more highly desirable.


Well, still, this game does have stuff associated with it that no other game has. So if you want to make an offer, I am all ears. :cool:


Outback Joey isn't common either

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I think you have a point about the Sega Genesis Crazy Climber. This truly is probably their only really rare game. The 32X has Spider-man, but for just the Sega Genesis alone I think you have a point. The Blockbuster cart is more valuable because it does not have the competition that Atlantis II has. Yeah, if there was no such thing as Eli's Ladder, Video Life, and so on, and so on, and if it was just this cart that was rare, it definitely would be more highly desirable.


Well, still, this game does have stuff associated with it that no other game has. So if you want to make an offer, I am all ears. :cool:


Outback Joey isn't common either

Yeah, that one is pretty rare. I heard only 1000 made total which is a very low run for the Genesis. I don't think it was released in the US though so fat chance of finding it at your local rummage sale. It comes with a complete Genesis system (custom to the game) though which is pretty sweet! :lust:

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Hey, just remember one thing. The Majority of the money I will get will be going towards going after some major arcade scores. So even if you don't think it is worth close to $5,000 grand, you can think that the money will be going towards me trying to become the greatest at the Donkey Kong trilogy of arcade games. In Java today I got a new high of 825,300 while being on pace for over a million point game. And this is being done while on a computer that loves to intentionally screw over my game by killing of my men from time to time.


I am coming close to logging over 1,000 hours of time just playing Donkey Kong Junior on Java. What is my monetary reward for doing something like this? Absolutely not a cent. There is no money involved in what I am doing. Well at least not yet. If I was this great at math, bowling, chess, monopoly, fools-ball, baseball, football, gymnastics, wrestling, psychology, reading, writing, cooking, cycling, hockey, basketball, checkers, sledding, skating, roller skating, roller derby, luge, poker, tree cutting, log rolling, shooting, tennis, racquetball, pool, competitive eating,weight lifting, table tennis, boxing, MMA fighting, art, music, talking, computer programming, Starcraft, Fighting video gaming, Madden Football 2011, architecture, speed skating, skate boarding, bmx trick bike, BMX racing, motorbike racing, Car Racing, Truck Racing, Golf, Darts, Monster Trucking, Bull riding, horse riding, Greyhound race trainer, Horse Trainer, Volleyball, dancing, Soccer, Rugby, strongman, and a whole assortment of other things I would not need to sell this.


But unfortunately I have been gifted with being great at one of the only things on this entire planet that almost no one even freaking cares about. Yeah, I am good at old school video games. I freaking can't even get people to allow me to even play in front of them. Unfortunately I am not a rich person. Heck unfortunately I am not even a middle class person. I am someone who is poor, and lives paycheck to paycheck. What I am doing will not get me any endorsements, it will COST me more to put in then I will get. The Donkey Kong 3 record cost me over $900 just to get. What did I get in return? Nothing. Not a single cent.


I am now getting to the point where I can put up a remarkable score on Donkey Kong Junior as well, and be known as the greatest to play Donkey Kong Junior who is also great at DK3. Number 2 highest score Dwayne Richards has a 609,000 DK JR. score, and the number 3 Donkey Kong 3 player Shawn Cram has over 330,000 points on Donkey Kong Junior. If I can get 825,000 using a freaking keyboard on a computer that intentionally kills my men from time to time, I definitely in about a week or two can transfer this ability to an arcade machine.


So I beg anyone of the big time collectors to look past this, and see a cause that you can be part of.


Of course I realize my begging will fall on deaf ears. It always does.

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Well an Atlantis II box is a bad example as it is a normal Atlantis box with a sticker on it. Not very exciting. If you have one great but if not no big deal just put it in a normal Atlantis box for now. I can see someone owning the Atlantis II cart and being ok with not owning the box. What I was talking about was if I had the only Eli's Ladder box I would think most people would care a great deal about that. I believe something like that has only been seen with the boxed Air Raid auction that happened awhile back.


I wouldnt go so far as to say its "not very exciting", but your other point is valid. Pepsi Invaders is the most classic example of being understated - a plain white box, blank cart and one little red sticker. But I can tell you if I had one it would be a centrepiece item, and I bet any collectors heart would race if they came across one. But of course, something as outlandish as an air raid box will garner more attention due to the strange shape of the cart and unusual artwork...

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I am now getting to the point where I can put up a remarkable score on Donkey Kong Junior as well, and be known as the greatest to play Donkey Kong Junior who is also great at DK3. Number 2 highest score Dwayne Richards has a 609,000 DK JR. score, and the number 3 Donkey Kong 3 player Shawn Cram has over 330,000 points on Donkey Kong Junior. If I can get 825,000 using a freaking keyboard on a computer that intentionally kills my men from time to time, I definitely in about a week or two can transfer this ability to an arcade machine.


So I beg anyone of the big time collectors to look past this, and see a cause that you can be part of.


Of course I realize my begging will fall on deaf ears. It always does.

Okay, I didn't know you have gotten that good at DK jr, the possibility of you owning all 3 records seems realistic to me now. I can help you get some DK jr parts. I can talk to my arcade friends in CA and get someone over to your house to help you also. This could be done very inexpensively. You might even want to go with a Double Donkey Kong PCB (original and jr in one) This is approved by Twin Galaxies and is what Weibe used in the King of Kong movie. Let me know if you are on board, I am :)

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I am now getting to the point where I can put up a remarkable score on Donkey Kong Junior as well, and be known as the greatest to play Donkey Kong Junior who is also great at DK3. Number 2 highest score Dwayne Richards has a 609,000 DK JR. score, and the number 3 Donkey Kong 3 player Shawn Cram has over 330,000 points on Donkey Kong Junior. If I can get 825,000 using a freaking keyboard on a computer that intentionally kills my men from time to time, I definitely in about a week or two can transfer this ability to an arcade machine.


So I beg anyone of the big time collectors to look past this, and see a cause that you can be part of.


Of course I realize my begging will fall on deaf ears. It always does.

Okay, I didn't know you have gotten that good at DK jr, the possibility of you owning all 3 records seems realistic to me now. I can help you get some DK jr parts. I can talk to my arcade friends in CA and get someone over to your house to help you also. This could be done very inexpensively. You might even want to go with a Double Donkey Kong PCB (original and jr in one) This is approved by Twin Galaxies and is what Weibe used in the King of Kong movie. Let me know if you are on board, I am :)

Thanks for that. First I am going to the SC3 on Saturday. I will be meeting up with a few people, and try to do it that way. Also, the Ultracade at my local bowling alley is working again. Found that out today. When I start to get similar scores on that Ultracade as on my computer I definitely will be gearing up for the real thing. Because it has been awhile since I even touched even an Ultracade machine I only got 237,600. But the nice thing is every single death was my own fault, and not the machines fault. Something I can't say too often with my computer. So today is definitely a brighter day. :cool:

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