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Consoles you bought for one particular game


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Research indicates there are two cables...I believe one is for the model 1 genesis (which I have) and the other is for the model 2/3 (which I THOUGHT I had, but haven't been able to find :) ). Searches indicate these cables as "RARE" and/or "EXPENSIVE". Mostly costing over $20. I refuse to pay that much for a cable. SO, it just sits there on the shelf looking at me saying "NANNY NANNY NANNY!".



Do you solder? You can build your own for cheaper. Pain in the ass, but all you need are two DIN connectors and a 9 conductor cable.


I tried once. Let's just say it didn't go very well. :)

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I bought a N64 for Robotech: Crystal Dreams. That was a huge mistake.


I bought a Dreamcast for Soul Calibur. To this day that's the only game I keep the system for.


I bought an X-Box 360 for Dead or Alive 4. That ended up being a better decision as the games eventually started coming after about a year.


I might as well have bought a Jaguar exclusively for Tempest 2000.

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The only console I bought for one game was the Genesis for Toe Jam and Earl. a friend had it and it was the most laid back fun I ever had on video games to that time. He also had Sonic and I was excited to get that as the pack-in. The impulse buy I made when I bought the console was a winner too....DecapAttack!!

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Well there is one console...

I got an X-Box (original) for one game.

Splinter Cell . It defined a whole new realm of gaming for me. I'm harible at twich games. I simply dont have the visual responce for it wich kind of put me out for most console shoot em up games doom quake exct.

Splinter cell on the other hand was sneeky slow perfection. i loved it..

1st game on xbox and the last (splinter cell double agent) unfortunately i never actuily got to play double agent for the oginal xbox bought it then moved and lost it.. i now have it for the PC but the %$@%@ thing wont use any of my pc's joysticks.


After buying SC for the Xbox and playing it to death. I moded the xbox.

I did get other tytles for the xbox but only do to the fact i ownd it all ready and the games were cheep


Note bought the xbox on release day for Splinter Cell ..


Now the most EXPINSIVE thing i've bought just to play a game was!! Drum role

An MPEG decoder for my 486 DX33 to play Dragons layer

at around 600Bucks.




Side note. After selling off my moded xbox (i still have a few xboxes i ended up colecting them broke for moding and i have 4 or 5 working (as of last test) units in storige.) i found the double agent disk about 30 minuts after buying it for the PC

go figure.

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I originally got my Game Boy Color when I was a kid specifically so I could play the The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons. Other then that there isn't a single console I think I'd ever buy for one game.


:edit: No wait, I take that back, I initially bought my Wii just for Twilight Princess.

Edited by A_Locomotive
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Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog

N64 - Mario 64

PS1 - Final Fantasy 8 (thanks to a pizza hut demo disc my friend got)

Gamecube - Rogue Squadron, first time playing it in Toys R Us blew me away

Xbox - Star Wars: KOTOR

Gameboy - Pokemon Red/Blue, the only Gameboy game I've ever owned is Pokemon Red

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I bought my Playstation 1 after playing Soul Blade on a friends'. I don't know if I'd say I bought it for that one particular game, there were others I wanted as well, but that was the game that made me run out and get one. Loved it in the arcade, loved it on the PS1.


I bought a Coleco specifically because of Venture, and this was late last summer.
My favorite game on that system! Edited by BydoEmpire
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OK I confess, I got a 360 for one game, ALAN WAKE, I am a survival horror nut, I love them, like sex for me survival horror is good even when it's bad. I was so pissed when they decided to cancel the PC version! The funny thing though? I still do not have a working 360, I have been in a bad financial place for some time so I got a 360 with RROD (3 rings) and I have fixed it1 Well that is to say I "fixed" it 5 times, temporarily lol! hope to play ALAN WAKE through someday............

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