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Consoles you bought for one particular game


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While my minimum expectation for any game system is that it have one great game, I haven't gotten in the habit of getting things to play one game. The only exception is my Intellivision.


I had played with my parents' INTV throughout the 90's, with Burgertime being my favorite game that we had. I wanted to play Burgertime a couple years ago and since the old intellivision was long gone, I bought a copy for the NES. Wow...In my eyes, the NES version was such a horrible game that I vowed to have the Intellivision version I knew and loved :lol: .


Actually, I now have two Intellivisions - one of the original models (which is what my parents had) and a Telegames version (which I bought because I could use extension cables for the controllers). So I guess I have two systems for one game. :rolling:



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  • 9 months later...

Had a co-worker years ago who was frustrated with his kids.

They had saved money and were going to buy handhelds...

They wanted gameboys and he was trying to sell them on the NeoGeo Pocket (can't remember if these were color).


He said there were honestly impressed with what he showed them about the NGP...


But then they said, "Can it play Pokemon?"


And they bought Gameboys...



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Hi guys,



That would be Halo for the Xbox. That and Doom for the 3DO. I say it was worth it.


What? Doom sucked on the 3DO! You bought your 3DO for Road Rash and Need for Speed (but perhaps never realized it :))


But seriously I think I bought my Jaguar (and 32X) for Doom so I know how you feel.

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I purchased a

32X for Virtual Fighter and Virtual Racing (After Burner and Space Harrier became the favorites)

Dreamcast for Marvel vs Capcom

SNES for Super R-Type and Gradius III

PS2 for FF X

Jaguar for Tempest 2000

PS 1 for Ridge Racer

TG 16 for Bonk and shoot'em ups

Sega Genesis because it was the first 16 bit on the market in the US

Swan Crystal for One Piece Colosseum

Neo Pocket Color for Metal Slug

Nintendo 64 for Star Fox

Lynx for Stun Runner

Original Game Boy for Tetris

Sega Saturn for Virtual Fighter, Panzer Dragoon, Daytona USA

Wii for Excite Truck

Turbo Duo especially to play Gates of Thunder which came packed in.


That is basically the only systems that had a carrot hanging in front of it for me. After that first hook I found many other games for many of these systems they made them worth owning. Really when purchasing any system I was always considering what “other stuff” was offered. The “other stuff” just sweetened the deal.

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I haven't purchased a SegaCD yet, but there are less than 5 games I want for it, so I may never. Likewise, there are less than 10 32X games, but I got the add-on for next to nothing, so I'm not worried. Same with the Wii, except I can't justify buying one yet. And there are two non-shmups for the 360 I want, and the only thing I can find for the PS3 is 3D Dot Heroes, but that's probably also due to some ignorance of mine.


GBA, DS, and 3DS also each have under 10 games that interest me (not including retro compilations, of which I already have a crap ton of anyway), but I'm sure I can find more than 10 for the DS if I tried (I was unimpressed with 99% of what I've played on the GBA, and would probably only get it for Castlevania).

Edited by ὁ Ῥωμαῖος Νέος
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It's not a console, but I bought (ok, dad bought) my Atari 800 because of Star Raiders. Now, I also wanted to program stuff in BASIC but if it wasn't for Star Raiders I might have ended up with an Apple ][ (my friend in high school had one) or a Commodore 64. I remember seeing the Atari computers displayed somewhere as the new thing coming out and they were running different games but Star Raiders just grabbed me.


I also bought my Atari 5200 because of Star Raiders.


That being said, I also played many other games on both systems. Asteroids was a favorite on the Atari 800 and I love Space Dungeon and Centipede on the 5200. But that "Oh man, I must have that system!" feeling came from Star Raiders for both.


I will buy an XBox eventually so that I can play the original Steel Battalion with the massive controller panel(s) and in that case I don't care if I ever own another game for it or not, I really will be getting it for that one game.


Though I also own an Atari 2600 and a Vectrex I didn't want either of those for just one game as far as I can tell. I remember getting the 2600 for Christmas and playing Surround and Combat. I think Space Invaders sealed it for me but that was later. Vectrex was mostly for the Cinematronics conversions like Space Wars and Rip Off.

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Saturn for NiGHTS. No other Saturn game we have can hold a candle to its staying power, although my brother plays Sonic 3D Blast on it quite a bit.

I was going to buy a 360 for Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddeon, but then it got released on the PC, and the PC version ran well enough on my crappy integrated graphics that I deemed it acceptable.


Now I want a PC with better 3D performance to play Sonic Generations at a constant 60 FPS in 3D and full HD, as my current PC runs it like a slideshow half the time.

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Will probably buy PS3 to play Last Guardian. Wouldn't otherwise buy it, but if I buy with Last Guardian I will eventually pick up Ico Collection, Bioshock and a maybe a few downloads.


I only keep my DS because it plays Advance Wars Duel Strike. Have several other decent games, but only Advance Wars justifies keeping the system for me.


Meanwhile I am keeping my Gameboy Micro 20th anniversary edition for ZERO games, considering the DS plays everything the micro plays. That red and gold micro is just too slick to let go of.

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The NES, for Super Mario Bros. Not impressed by the look of Gyromite, or the stupid ROB for that matter. But Super Mario Bros.. DEFINITELY had to have that.


damn dude! NES has so many great games. That's what makes it such a great console. Gyromite is not one of those games. Super Mario 2, Bionic Commando, Megaman series, Excite Bike, Zelda, Goonies 2, Punch Out, RBI Baseball. ... These are just some of my personal favs. Of all game consoles EVER, NES is hands down the best supported with an amazing game library.

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I bought an Xbox 360 just for geometry wars. obviously I've enjoyed a few other titles along the way, but both Geometry wars games are EPIC.

I LOVE geometry wars :) :) :) ! t's so addicting! I only have on my wii but the graphics look so retro n some areas due to the fact that they somewhat look like vector graphics

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The NES, for Super Mario Bros. Not impressed by the look of Gyromite, or the stupid ROB for that matter. But Super Mario Bros.. DEFINITELY had to have that.


damn dude! NES has so many great games. That's what makes it such a great console. Gyromite is not one of those games. Super Mario 2, Bionic Commando, Megaman series, Excite Bike, Zelda, Goonies 2, Punch Out, RBI Baseball. ... These are just some of my personal favs. Of all game consoles EVER, NES is hands down the best supported with an amazing game library.


Totally agree!

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The NES, for Super Mario Bros. Not impressed by the look of Gyromite, or the stupid ROB for that matter. But Super Mario Bros.. DEFINITELY had to have that.


damn dude! NES has so many great games. That's what makes it such a great console. Gyromite is not one of those games. Super Mario 2, Bionic Commando, Megaman series, Excite Bike, Zelda, Goonies 2, Punch Out, RBI Baseball. ... These are just some of my personal favs. Of all game consoles EVER, NES is hands down the best supported with an amazing game library.

I agree. When I saw my first NES commercial, it was for the whole R.O.B. set (the robot, the spinning top-thingy, etc.. really lame). But when I saw SMB being played at a local toy store, I was amazed at how deep and involving it was. Later on, I ended up getting more games for it.. and was blown away by some great titles. Then when they got a bit stale I got a Game Genie.. and the fun started ALL over again!

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