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Got my "3D" game today


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Need reviews. I would have bought one if they were sold separately, but not all together. Just when you think there is nothing new a 2600 can due.


you dont have to buy the 6 of them!


here is the description

For more information (and for ordering 1 or more games), click on one of the 6 game titles at the top of this page. For ordering a complete set (1 of each game), use the "Buy Now" button below - all set orders include FREE shipping!


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I got mine too ... all six of 'em ... but my damn Atari 2600 won't connect correctly to my HDTV. Grrrrr!!!!


As it now, they are just (extremely ugly) collector's pieces.


And I do mean UGLY. The box art is so bad, you'd think it was done intentionally. But I don't think it was done with any irony. It's just laughably horrible.

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For those interested, I'm doing a full review of all six games. I should have this done in the next day or two and I am looking forward to posting it here. A quick briefing, the games aren't as bad as alot of people have been saying, without even playing them. Three of the games are complete and alot of fun and the almost completed games are still worthy of playing. And yes, there is some replay value here.


As for the 3D effect, I find that if the room is dark and I sit approx 7 feet away from my 36in regular CRT TV, I can see the 3D effect. There are so many things that can play a factor in 'seeing' the 3D effect, (or messing it up) it's not going to work for everyone.


Still, I believe these titles are absolutely worthy of any collector's shelf. I know that they are steeper in price individually as opposed to other titles, but purchased as a set, not so much. If you buy as a set it's the equivalence to buying a $35.00 game and paying $5.00 priority shipping, per title, (or $40.00 a title shipped.) Not that bad. If your budget doesn't allow for it, grab one or two or wait for the roms to be released.


I would like to Thank all of the people who made these titles available to the public possible after being buried for all these years. A find of this magnitute (cmon SIX friggin titles!!!) is a once in a lifetime thing. Especially considering that the people who programmed these titles, Jerry Lawson to name one, is a classic gaming icon and did alot of good things for the CG community. These were the first 2600 titles to attempt a blue/red 3D effect and for the technology they were working with at the time, this isn't all that bad. As for "Why didn't they finish the three titles before they released them?" Who wouldn't have wanted that to happen? But that isn't as practical as it sounds, that alone could have driven the cost up even more, and I can appreciate it being released as the original author left it at the time. So we got three completed games and three playable demos. I, for one, am a happy camper.

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