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Atari Stacy Hardware power issue. Hope I am in the right bit. hee


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Hello all my name is Jabba from Kent. Many thanks for allowing me into your forum. I joined on a quest for information I hope I am posting in the right section. (Apologies if not and guidance to where i should be posting if I am in the wrong place!)


I recently bought an Atari Stacy at an auction. i bought it on a whim as it looked pretty etc. It came on its own with no power pack so i tested is with a couple of universal laptop supplies i had. As soon as i flick the on switch of the Stacy both power supplies start to continuosly (yes i almost certainly spelt that wrong!) trip.


I just wondered if there was a common known problem with these machines and if there is anyone out there with any guidence? The supplies i used were of the correct voltage but slightly over the amp mark although I am informed by the bloke at Maplins that it shouldnt be a problem. He seems to think there must be a short in the Stacy somewhere. Thanks Maplin man...


Anyway, anyone with any ideas of guidence would be worshipped for many an hour at the alter of greatness for at least a day....


Best wishes all.



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Hi and welcome.

I have never had a STacy myself so can not be of much help other than to say make certain that the voltages in the connector of you power supply is going to the correct pins on the STacy and that it supplies at a minimum the correct current on each voltage as some voltage my require more current than others.


If you don't get any useful reply here then try reposting your query in the ST/TT forum, alternative by you Kent location I assume you mean Kent, England in which case if you can get there it might be worth taking it up to Cheshunt Computer Club, a few mile north of London as being an Atari based club someone there has probably had one in the past and my be able to help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Check connector polarity. The PSU on the Stacy is negative post, not positive post like nearly all modern PSUs. That said, a Stacy PSU is 12v @2A.


FYI, you can use a Sega Genesis PSU in a pinch to power a Stacy. But I wouldn't recommend it for daily use.

Edited by HiroProX
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