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7800 pads from NES or Genesis pads


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I want to make working pads for my 7800 tomorrow. I have and can get parts, but I need instruction. I have seen the text files here on Atari Age for such a thing but all that makes about no since to me looking at the way things were drawn with text. Does anyone have better instructions or maybe some pictures? A link would be sweet.


It would be even better if I could build something to hook a Genesis controller to and convert to 7800 without modding the controller itself. Would cost more money I think, but it would be cool.


Thank you for your time.

Edited by HatefulGravey
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The answer is in the atariage.com FAQ.




I have seen this and explained my short coming in being able to understand this in my first post. Had I known as a teenager that my degree wouldn't matter anyway and that my hobbies would be as they are I would have studied electric engineering, as it stands I studied computer information systems. While that experience helps it doesn't help me much when reading a circuit diagram in cleverly spaced text form. That link explains how to build what I'm looking for by explaining how it works and I and not smart enough for that. Thank you for the effort however.

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The guide has a few major flaws. Beyond that, anyone who wants one, strictly nes looking without anything fancy can always get one for $14.95 from me. Send in your own NES pad and Sega Controller (must be a specific model) and I'll mix em for $5 plus return postage.




I looked at your last market place thread for this and it seemed to me your were sold out again. I saw that last night, realized I was going to have nothing to do today and thought I would learn to do this. PM me some time Ax and I'll buy at least one from you. I still want to learn to make them, but a well built controller to get me by for now would be nice too.

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