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Adventures of Pink Panther & Power Lords Original Protos on GameGavel


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I must say that I am a little bit confused by all of this. A few months ago, a proto of this "undumped" game would have certainly fetched thousands, but according to what little information was available on the net, the proto was either in possession of an individual who did not want to have it dumped and/or it was in a legal limbo due to it's licence. Now all of a sudden, multiple copies have not only come out of the woodwork, but they are actually "available" now, as they can actually be purchased.


Now I completely understand that as soon as just one person who has the proto decides to sell and/or have it dumped, it can/will create some minor hysteria amongst the elusive few who also hold copies of the game and therefore would "force them" to unload it quick before it's perceived value collapses. But what I do not understand is the timing of this all. I mean, I just don't see how any high end collector would still pay "stupid money" for this game with all the uncertainty and craziness that has suddenly engulfed it in the last few days?


Maybe the individuals who were holding onto this game should have consulted with one another. They could have worked something out to maintain the elusiveness and rarity of the game that way, rather then inadvertently turned the game into a hot potato. Now for sure someones gonna get burned here and that could have been avoided.


It just makes no sense to me.

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I must say that I am a little bit confused by all of this. A few months ago, a proto of this "undumped" game would have certainly fetched thousands, but according to what little information was available on the net, the proto was either in possession of an individual who did not want to have it dumped and/or it was in a legal limbo due to it's licence. Now all of a sudden, multiple copies have not only come out of the woodwork, but they are actually "available" now, as they can actually be purchased.


Now I completely understand that as soon as just one person who has the proto decides to sell and/or have it dumped, it can/will create some minor hysteria amongst the elusive few who also hold copies of the game and therefore would "force them" to unload it quick before it's perceived value collapses. But what I do not understand is the timing of this all. I mean, I just don't see how any high end collector would still pay "stupid money" for this game with all the uncertainty and craziness that has suddenly engulfed it in the last few days?


Maybe the individuals who were holding onto this game should have consulted with one another. They could have worked something out to maintain the elusiveness and rarity of the game that way, rather then inadvertently turned the game into a hot potato. Now for sure someones gonna get burned here and that could have been avoided.


It just makes no sense to me.

Well you don't have all the facts on the various copies which is probably why most of this doesn't make sense to you. I'm not going to get into things here because some of this may still be private info for one reason or another. But I can tell you this isn't the cluster f**k it appears to be, more of a case of incredible coincidences.


One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.



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One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.



Do you know of any other VCS games that can't be dumped due to technical reasons?


I always thought that any VCS cart could be dumped.


I know that CPU had a hard time dumping Mazy Match (T.U.G.), but is Pink Panther even harder to dump?



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One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.



Do you know of any other VCS games that can't be dumped due to technical reasons?


I always thought that any VCS cart could be dumped.


I know that CPU had a hard time dumping Mazy Match (T.U.G.), but is Pink Panther even harder to dump?



I don't really understand the reason myself. IIRC there was a big resistor pack on the cart that was causing issues. I'm not an electronics guy so I don't understand the reason for the resistor pack in the first place or why it was causing problems. I assume all the PP protos are the same way (the two I've seen are anyway), but I could be wrong.



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One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.



Do you know of any other VCS games that can't be dumped due to technical reasons?


I always thought that any VCS cart could be dumped.


I know that CPU had a hard time dumping Mazy Match (T.U.G.), but is Pink Panther even harder to dump?



I don't really understand the reason myself. IIRC there was a big resistor pack on the cart that was causing issues. I'm not an electronics guy so I don't understand the reason for the resistor pack in the first place or why it was causing problems. I assume all the PP protos are the same way (the two I've seen are anyway), but I could be wrong.




Looks like a 4K game... did whoever tried dumping it try dumping the EPROM directly? What about using a 2600 based method like the SaveKey or batari's serial port dumper?

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Well you don't have all the facts on the various copies which is probably why most of this doesn't make sense to you. I'm not going to get into things here because some of this may still be private info for one reason or another. But I can tell you this isn't the cluster f**k it appears to be, more of a case of incredible coincidences.


One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.





Well, then that's the "official" answer, it is just a "coincidence" that these all surfaced at about the same time.




But, when you look at the sequence of these events, it lends itself better to "circumstance", rather then coincidence.


--powerlords is officially announced as "coming soon", and a rough pre-order begins...


--within this thread, it is alluded that "something else" is also coming soon...something even juicier...most rumors and common sense dictate it is most likely pink panther...(meaning cpuwiz obviously purchased them both simultaneously as part of a package deal with the prototype owner)


--both these games are from the same company, probe 2000 (magnavox odyssey), and the comment is made that the funds used to purchase these items were very heavy...(making a fast ROI a priority for the buyer and introducing a greedy opportunity for the seller)


--suddenly, "but by coincidence as we would be led to believe", another person with copies of the same two games mysteriously pops up on gamegavel for auction...


--and then now, yet another member here comes forward with pics of his pink panther proto as well.


so let's see, this super rare one of a kind undumped / unreleased proto which has sat dormant and out of sight for many years, suddenly shows up and is "offered up" for purchase by 3 separate sources?


um, yeah, that's not coincidental. that's circumstantial.

either the person whom cpuwiz dealt with is a complete ass and after he got "paid" he then proceeded to get greedy and try and sell this game twice for top dollar. (he could have had two copies all along) or the other person who also had the proto connected the dots and realized "holy shit, i better get rid of mine and get top dollar before cpuwiz releases his and the game collapses in value". And heck the third guy here in this thread (which imho has the best sample of the PP proto as it has a nice label) is merely doing damage control now because regardless of whether the gamegavel guy or cpuwiz gets the lower end, he gets caught in the crossfire either way so he absolutely is nervous now as well and has to unload this thing pronto.


i think "cluster f**k" actually IS an accurate description of what we have here. no doubt caused intentionally by the original owner of the PP proto in his brutal mishandling of this game. (on purpose of course out of greed)


oh and as for the cartridge and the "rom dumping problems", yes, i do see what your talking about. if you look at the gamegavel pictures, you can clearly see that the board has a socketed eprom, yet it does not have a hex inverter ic. rather, it has some wire jumpers and a resistor array of some kind mounted on the solder side. i guess i can see how that may cause issues as the data, even once read directly off the eprom, might need to be modified or patched in order to function correctly on another board, or even an emulator.

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--both these games are from the same company, probe 2000 (magnavox odyssey), and the comment is made that the funds used to purchase these items were very heavy...(making a fast ROI a priority for the buyer and introducing a greedy opportunity for the seller)


I hope you are not calling me greedy, seriously. This is all lost money, either way. Lost being relative, considering a whole bunch of people get to play now.


either the person whom cpuwiz dealt with is a complete ass and after he got "paid" he then proceeded to get greedy and try and sell this game twice for top dollar. (he could have had two copies all along)


Not the case.

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I hope you are not calling me greedy, seriously. This is all lost money, either way. Lost being relative, considering a whole bunch of people get to play now.


no. not at all.

i was only referring to the original owner who sold you the games.

and yes, i completely understand. whenever a controlled release of a prototype occurs, it is almost always indeed a selfless act with little or no profit involved to the owner. (heck it's usually a wash or a loss)


curiously though, you seem to defend the seller in your reply, which would mean that he did not do you wrong as one of my theories suggested. and obviously a burned buyer would never defend a corrupt seller so he must be innocent. but the bottom line is that somebody tipped somebody off at some point along the pipeline because the other proto was immediately placed on gamegavel for auction and that is no coincidence. but no matter what prompted that, common sense dictates that it will not positively affect the perceived value of this game.


i guess the good news is that we are going to be getting this game one way or the other now. but of course the bad news is that it may have a larger financial impact on those who have been involved which may cause them to hesitate when getting involved in similar future endeavors, which will in turn hurt the community as a whole.

Edited by Supergun
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Pursuit of the Pink Panther it is then. Nice picture!


The Probe 2000 was called Pursuit Of The Pink Panther. I brought that up a while ago in another thread.




What I would really like to know is the Probe 2000 version an 8kRom/2kRam like the US Games version was going to be?


As for why the name changes - Pink Panther, Pursuit Of The Pink Panther, Trail Of The Pink Panther it was most likely a licensing issue. I would guess that Probe got the Pink Panther license, but may have been having a hard time securing the movie license title and just called it "Pink Panther" until they could get that worked out. Just a guess though..


Most likely Pursuit is the latest version as that was what at least two magazines referred it as.

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I must say that I am a little bit confused by all of this. A few months ago, a proto of this "undumped" game would have certainly fetched thousands, but according to what little information was available on the net, the proto was either in possession of an individual who did not want to have it dumped and/or it was in a legal limbo due to it's licence. Now all of a sudden, multiple copies have not only come out of the woodwork, but they are actually "available" now, as they can actually be purchased.


Now I completely understand that as soon as just one person who has the proto decides to sell and/or have it dumped, it can/will create some minor hysteria amongst the elusive few who also hold copies of the game and therefore would "force them" to unload it quick before it's perceived value collapses. But what I do not understand is the timing of this all. I mean, I just don't see how any high end collector would still pay "stupid money" for this game with all the uncertainty and craziness that has suddenly engulfed it in the last few days?


Maybe the individuals who were holding onto this game should have consulted with one another. They could have worked something out to maintain the elusiveness and rarity of the game that way, rather then inadvertently turned the game into a hot potato. Now for sure someones gonna get burned here and that could have been avoided.


It just makes no sense to me.



This is what happens with some Protos. Same thing in the Lynx World.


You saw this with EOTB...

Just as soon as I make the announcement of its release.... it gets RUSHED out there by another person trying to capitalize on the hard work everyone else has put into it. I am actually surprised that one of the real Protos haven't been available for sale... usually people want to dump the protos while they have maximum value. Same with Relief Pitcher for the Lynx. Now that the game is out, the 'mystery' behind it is no longer there. I think the value of the proto really dropped. At least with EOTB... the game is completely superb. It shows everything that the Lynx should have been... and it has a lot of depth. In this case... the protos may not have lost their original luster.


I just think that some Proto collectors get mad at others that decide to show their cards to others by releasing the game to the public. But in some people's minds... getting the game out to the collectors and the fans... that's more important than anything else. That's what I am trying to accomplish and I'm sure others are as well.

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I must say that I am a little bit confused by all of this. A few months ago, a proto of this "undumped" game would have certainly fetched thousands, but according to what little information was available on the net, the proto was either in possession of an individual who did not want to have it dumped and/or it was in a legal limbo due to it's licence. Now all of a sudden, multiple copies have not only come out of the woodwork, but they are actually "available" now, as they can actually be purchased.


Now I completely understand that as soon as just one person who has the proto decides to sell and/or have it dumped, it can/will create some minor hysteria amongst the elusive few who also hold copies of the game and therefore would "force them" to unload it quick before it's perceived value collapses. But what I do not understand is the timing of this all. I mean, I just don't see how any high end collector would still pay "stupid money" for this game with all the uncertainty and craziness that has suddenly engulfed it in the last few days?


Maybe the individuals who were holding onto this game should have consulted with one another. They could have worked something out to maintain the elusiveness and rarity of the game that way, rather then inadvertently turned the game into a hot potato. Now for sure someones gonna get burned here and that could have been avoided.


It just makes no sense to me.



This is what happens with some Protos. Same thing in the Lynx World.


You saw this with EOTB...

Just as soon as I make the announcement of its release.... it gets RUSHED out there by another person trying to capitalize on the hard work everyone else has put into it. I am actually surprised that one of the real Protos haven't been available for sale... usually people want to dump the protos while they have maximum value. Same with Relief Pitcher for the Lynx. Now that the game is out, the 'mystery' behind it is no longer there. I think the value of the proto really dropped. At least with EOTB... the game is completely superb. It shows everything that the Lynx should have been... and it has a lot of depth. In this case... the protos may not have lost their original luster.


I just think that some Proto collectors get mad at others that decide to show their cards to others by releasing the game to the public. But in some people's minds... getting the game out to the collectors and the fans... that's more important than anything else. That's what I am trying to accomplish and I'm sure others are as well.

Maybe this is a way of getting some protos out. Just say you are about to finish programming a game that is a rumored prototype to see if it all of the sudden comes up for sale. :ponder:


OK. I have been working on Elevator Action for the 5200 and I am about to release it! :D



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One big problem with PP is that it can't be properly dumped due to a technical reason. This may have changed though, I'm not sure.



Do you know of any other VCS games that can't be dumped due to technical reasons?


I always thought that any VCS cart could be dumped.


I know that CPU had a hard time dumping Mazy Match (T.U.G.), but is Pink Panther even harder to dump?



I don't really understand the reason myself. IIRC there was a big resistor pack on the cart that was causing issues. I'm not an electronics guy so I don't understand the reason for the resistor pack in the first place or why it was causing problems. I assume all the PP protos are the same way (the two I've seen are anyway), but I could be wrong.




Looks like a 4K game... did whoever tried dumping it try dumping the EPROM directly? What about using a 2600 based method like the SaveKey or batari's serial port dumper?


I believe it's an 8kRom/2kRam cart.

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