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Maybe I*'m missing something, but in the instructions it says the 3DS supports MP3 format (and a few others) but it seems to me it makes no mention of how to get it to do so. I tried just putting a folder called MP# in there and some randome music, but yeah, it didn't work. There are two other folders, one is DCIM (picture folder, I assume, that's what's burried in there somewhere once you go far enough down :lol:) and the other has a bunch of randome characters on it, didn't mean anything to me, but I assume that's where the save data and other such things are kept.

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worked here - I set up 3 folders to test it, one containing MP3s, one containing AACs that I made, and another containing AACs I purchased from iTunes. It plays them all.




When you run 3DS Sound, the folders show up on the bottom display. I had to hit D-PAD down a few times to select the first folder with music, Empire of the Sun.



Touch the little cord with the blue ball on it to change the visualizer. Some of them are interactive games - use the analog stick to move and the shoulder buttons for action (shoulder buttons also do sound effects - drums, springs, horns, claps, etc. touch the top left/right corner of the bottom screen to change the sounds).


Edited by SpiceWare
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Cool, I just didn't notice it before. The EQ thing is cool. (then I've always been partial to bars and waves instead of the weird shit everybody does now)


I do seem to recall the book saying the MP3 doesn't turn off when you close the system, but mine clearly does. Oh well, it won't replace my current player till I get a new battery anyways.

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Der, yeah, I read that about the speakers and thought "do'h" :lol: :P I should have tried that first, but for some reason I thought you could use it without headphones like the DS.


So it plays music even in sleep mode then?


I'm not sure how "sleep mode" it is, but it does at least turn off the screens, and that's a lot of the power suckage for a relatively low power application like music.


Man there's some neat stuff you can play with on there too, like the speed and sound, that's cool, now everything sounds like slow motion chipmunks, or the voice of satan in super fast mode, just like yer dadddys old records :P :lol: I also didn't know some of the EQ things are interactive, like the space ship, bouncing ball and the dude jumping up the stairs. I still mostly watch the wiggly lines though :P


Now I just need my battery...

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I'm not sure how "sleep mode" it is, but it does at least turn off the screens, and that's a lot of the power suckage for a relatively low power application like music.


Closing the system when it's on activates sleep mode automatically.

I had thought in this mode that only StreetPass and SpotPass would still function, but good to know that music will still play too

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