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making Locate work in assembly

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This modified version of code by Gauntman allows you to use a joystick to move a text character around the screen.


What I'm trying to do now is the assembly-language equivalent of Basic's Locate command but the character you control ploughs through everything. The joystick routines make sure you're not exiting the screen, then (supposedly) locates what's left, right, above, or below you, erases your current position, and then moves you to the new place.



begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta $d0         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta $d1

       ldx #0		
c0      lda #0		; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta ($d0),y
       bpl c1

       lda $d1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda $d0
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta $d0
       bcc c2
       inc $d1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Plot a character
       ldx #20         ; vertical position
       ldy #20         ; horizontal position

       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda #33         ; plot the character
       sta ($d0),y

; Plot a block
       ldx #8          ; upper corner
       ldy #8
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page addresses
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda sclo,x
       sta $d2
       lda schi,x
       sta $d3

       lda #34         ; plot the character block...
       sta ($d0),y     ; warning - no boundary testing
       sta ($d2),y
       sta ($d0),y
       sta ($d2),y

; Main loop

lda $14
cmp $14
beq wait1

lda 632		; read joystick
cmp #11
bne right
jmp moveleft	; or JSR?
cmp #7
bne up
jmp moveright
cmp #14
bne down
jmp moveup
cmp #13
beq movedown
jmp j1
lda 1536
cmp #0
bne moveleft1
jmp j1
dec 1536
jsr checkchar
lda 1538
cmp #0
beq moveleft2
inc 1536
jmp j1
jsr erasechar
dec 1536
jmp plotchar
lda 1536
cmp #39		;x position too small?
bne moveright1
jmp j1
jsr erasechar
inc 1536
jmp plotchar

lda 1537
cmp #0
bne moveup1
jmp j1
jsr erasechar
dec 1537
jmp plotchar
lda 1537
cmp #22
bne movedown1
jmp j1
jsr erasechar
inc 1537
jmp plotchar
return	jmp j1

; Plot a character
       ldx 1537         ; vertical position
       ldy 1536         ; horizontal position

       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda ($d0),y	;read character
       sta 1538	;store it in 1538

; Plot a character
       ldx 1537         ; vertical position
       ldy 1536         ; horizontal position

       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda #0         ; plot the character
       sta ($d0),y

; Plot a character
       ldx 1537         ; vertical position
       ldy 1536         ; horizontal position

       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta $d0
       lda schi,x
       sta $d1
       lda #33         ; plot the character
       sta ($d0),y
jmp j1

       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr	.sbyte "****************************************"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                       ===============*"
.sbyte "*                       ===============*"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "* ================                     *"
.sbyte "* ================                     *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*               ==========             *"
.sbyte "*               ==========             *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "* ==========                           *"
.sbyte "* ==========                           *"
.sbyte "*                                      *"
.sbyte "****************************************"	
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

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Well, you perform zhe locate check only in one location but not in all four...



- You should definition xpos = 1536, ypos = 1537, instead of using addresses

- In the j1 routine, you can ldx ypos and ldy xpos without modifying 1536/1538 an keep them there

- Instead of dec/inc 1536/1537 use DEX/INX/DEY/INY to compute the new "target" position without changing the actual value

- Write back x/y to xpos/ypos only at the end

- Every direction of the stick corresponds to a cleared bit, this version uses LSR to check so also diagonals work

- All this is so fast that is easier to save code and always clear/draw the character


Example (MADS syntax, ORG instead of start, byte instead of sbyte)


org $4000

p1	= $d0
p2	= $d2

xpos	= 1536
ypos	= 1537
joystick = 1538

begin   lda #<scr       ; start by calculating look-up tables
       sta p1         ; at the same time, we will clear the
       lda #>scr       ; screen
       sta p1+1

       ldx #0          
c0      lda #0          ; draw a character
       ldy #39         ; clear a single line
c1      ;sta (p1),y
       bpl c1

       lda p1+1         ; store address into look-up table
       sta schi,x
       lda p1
       sta sclo,x
       clc             ; update zero page to next line
       adc #40         ; 40 bytes per line
       sta p1
       bcc c2
       inc p1+1
c2      inx             ; for all 24 lines...
       cpx #24
       bne c0

       lda #4          ; set some colors
       sta 708         ; make ANTIC4 slightly more readable
       lda #6
       sta 709
       lda #8
       sta 710

       lda #<DLIST     ; finally, point ANTIC to new display
       sta 560
       lda #>DLIST
       sta 561

; Plot a character
       ldx #20         ; vertical position
stx xpos
       ldy #20         ; horizontal position
sty ypos

       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       lda #33         ; plot the character
       sta (p1),y

; Plot a block
       ldx #8          ; upper corner
       ldy #8
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page addresses
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       lda sclo,x
       sta p2
       lda schi,x
       sta p2+1

       lda #34         ; plot the character block...
       sta (p1),y     ; warning - no boundary testing
       sta (p2),y
       sta (p1),y
       sta (p2),y

; Main loop

       lda $14
       cmp $14
       beq wait1

ldx ypos
ldy xpos
lda #0
jsr plotchar	;Always erase

       lda 632         ;read joystick
sta joystick	;Shift area for direction bits 

lsr joystick
bcs no_up
cpx #0
beq no_stick
jsr checkchar
beq no_up
lsr joystick
bcs no_down
cpx #24
beq no_stick
jsr checkchar
beq no_down
lsr joystick
bcs no_left
cpy #0
beq no_stick
jsr checkchar
beq no_left
lsr joystick
bcs no_right
cpy #39
beq no_stick
jsr checkchar
beq no_right
lda #33
jsr plotchar
sty xpos
stx ypos
jmp j1

;	Locate char at (X,Y) into <A>
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       lda (p1),y	;read character
       ; Plot a character <A> at (Y,X)
lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       sta (p1),y

       .byte 112,112,112                        ; blank lines
       .byte 68,<scr,>scr                       ; 24 lines of ANTIC 4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4
       .byte 65,<DLIST,>DLIST                   ; Jump to top

;scr     .ds 40*24                                ; 960 bytes for screen
scr     .byte "****************************************"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                       ===============*"
       .byte "*                       ===============*"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "* ================                     *"
       .byte "* ================                     *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*               ==========             *"
       .byte "*               ==========             *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "* ==========                           *"
       .byte "* ==========                           *"
       .byte "*                                      *"
       .byte "****************************************"       
sclo    .ds 24
schi    .ds 24

Edited by JAC!
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If I wanted decorative characters that could be passed through and they were restricted to, say, atascii 0-9, what would be the best way to do it?


If I subtracted 10 from what's read by the Locate routine and did either a BMI or BPL? Or is there a better way?

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If the char set should be the same for all movement directions (which I assume), it can be done centrally without changing the rest like this:

; Return <A> <> 0 and Z=0 if not transparent, <A>=0, <Z>=1 if transparent.
       lda sclo,x      ; set up zero-page address
       sta p1
       lda schi,x
       sta p1+1
       lda (p1),y      ;read character
       beq check_exit  ;Z=1
       cmp #'0
       bcc check_exit  ;less then 0, also Z=0
       cmp #'9 + 1     ;first char after last transparent one
       bcs check_exit  ;greater then 9, also Z=0
       lda #0          ;set Z=1

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Thanks Jac and MaPa. I'm going to be adding my player-missile routine to this shortly and wanted to get the locate function working before I proceeded. Thanks again!


And I should say that I think using software collisions instead of the player hardware collision seems to be the way to go.

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