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Third Age

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I have atr files with some stuff I typed in for nostalgias sake:

Paint-XE in Basic-XE

Lemonade Stand in Turbo Basic XL

sample programs from 130XE reference manual in Atari Basic


I made the paint program, so I know that's okay to post, but I'm unsure about the other ones. My version of Lemonade Stand is based on the AppleSoft Basic version, and simulates the same cheesy sounds and graphics (using GTIA mode 10).


Anyway, here's Paint-XE (needs Basic-XE):

Paint XE.ATR

Please note that there are bugs in it, especially when drawing in graphics mode 0!

It is also over-powered in it's core pixel control, meaning that there is a speed penalty for the multi-feature pixel writing function. What features you may ask? Well... how about individually controlled vertical/horizontal/diagonal mirrors, 2x2 pixel patterns, and a defineable drawing window that also affects the mirrors? There is also a setting for normal pixel writing, color replacement or color protection. So if you're gonna fill something, you might want to check your mirrors!

Edited by Third Age
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Seeing as nobody got back to me concerning my inquiry, I substantially modified the (Turbo Basic XL) code for Lemonade Stand to make sure it would be okay to post. Please note that this may have introduced the odd bug.


Two ways to load program:



2. rename LEMONADE.BAS to AUTORUN.BAS and reboot


Here's the cheesy (but fun) game:

Lemonade - 1_1.atr


Apple version-> 40x40 16-color graphics.

Atari version-> 80x160 9-color graphics (GTIA + text window).

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Re old games - pretty much feel free to upload anything, but most of what was released in the 1900s is available online anyway.


Just don't crack and upload modern games, ie 2000 onwards. There's still an active homebrew scene and some games are commercial, ie pay to own only.

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@tjb: It may not be as powerful as Rambrandt, but it sure was fun to code, just to see what I (and my Atari) could do.


@Rybags: Thanks for the info. The version of Lemonade Stand I just posted is a custom job of sorts, as it's based on the AppleSoft Basic code. I guess I just wanted to know if my Atari could emulate Apple II cheesiness, and now I now. Okay, fine, I was addicted to the primitive little game! :)


Here are the sample (Atari Basic) programs from the 130XE reference manual:

XE Hardware Manual.atr


The programs LAZYLOAD.BAS and USFLAG2.BAS are not from the manual. LAZYLOAD.BAS is the disk menu program, and the 160x192 4-color USFLAG2.BAS is my improved version of the 160x96 4-color USFLAG.BAS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a couple of weeks since I uploaded these programs.


The sample programs from the reference manual won't win any awards, but I suppose they're good for teaching newbies.


I hope Lemonade Stand brought back some memories. Emulated Apple II graphics on an Atari 8-bit are just so cool! :P


As for my little paint program, all I can say is that it was made about 25 years ago, and recently tweaked a little before being uploaded here. If anyone wants a custom made job of it, or of any of the other programs, just let me know.

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Hey! I just played lemonade stand... amused me for a little while, could do with some more options, the graphics and dittys are :cool: Lines 963 and 990 need changing from goto 955 to 950, as 955 does not exist! Does the game go on forever, it would be better if there was a fixed period!


The game Elephants Graveyard from the Atari Computing Tapes is kinda similiar (but more fun ;) )and I modded it to Jungle Journey with a few improvements way back when :)

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Hey! I just played lemonade stand... amused me for a little while, could do with some more options, the graphics and dittys are :cool: Lines 963 and 990 need changing from goto 955 to 950, as 955 does not exist! Does the game go on forever, it would be better if there was a fixed period!


The game Elephants Graveyard from the Atari Computing Tapes is kinda similiar (but more fun ;) )and I modded it to Jungle Journey with a few improvements way back when :)


I made this version of Lemonade Stand as close as possible to the version for the Apple II. The AppleSoft Basic code had some quirks, but I still managed to get it working. If I had more time, I'd make Lemonade Stand 2, and take full advantage of the Atari's graphics and sound. If you or anyone else is interested in doing that, be my guest! :)

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