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Opinion of the Gameboy vs Gameboy Pocket vs Gameboy Pocket light.

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I am currently thinking of getting a new early 90's handheld to add to my collection since my lynx with everything except for the original case and one game got stolen. Seeing as the only Gameboy I have every owned was the color, I am currently thinking of either the original Gameboy,Pocket, or light. Is the price difference of the light worth it and will units from Japan play US games. What are your thoughts on the Original vs the Pocket or is it even worth getting a Gameboy. The only other handheld I have is the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

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Sorry about your stuff getting stolen, that sucks! My personal favorites, esthetically at least, are the original Game Boy, and the jet black Game Boy Color.


EDIT: I should mention that it is not at all expensive to get into Game Boy. If you want to talk more regarding my opinion on games and hardware feel free to PM me.

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The Game Boy Pocket has a much better screen than the original Game Boy. The Light is nice because it has an "Indiglo"-style light, but it is a lot more money. Game Boy Pockets are practically free. All Game Boys are region-free so you can play whatever games you want.




Edit: I'd just buy a Game Boy Advance SP. Get the one with the "Brighter Backlit Screen". Original GB games look great on it.

Edited by Jibbajaba
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Yeah, playing games on the original gameboy is a recipe for serious eyestrain. If you really want to play your games, get an SP. It'll be far more playable. A better resolution screen with a better refresh rate will make the games far more enjoyable.


You can get an original Gameboy for fairly cheap as well if you are a completionist.

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If you're going to be playing outside in the sun, I'd say the original GB is great. Otherwise, the GB Advance SP (with the two LEDs) is about the best way to play indoors. Especially as you get older, your eyes will really appreciate the light.


You can also get a clip-on light for the original GB or Pocket, and there are several different models, but they tend to reflect on the screen and distract me. I find it's better to sit on a cushy chair under a good lamp.


I've never tried the GB Pocket Light.

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Out of all monochrome display GameBoys, the best choice is the Light.


About 12h batterylife with frontlight, and 20h without. With 2 AAs.


The display is identical with the Pocket, so lot less ghosting than with the DMG-01, however due to the aquagreen EL panel thats on top of the screen, the screen does have a slight greenish tint, even without the light on, similar to the old DMG-01.

The frontlight is also very good, making gaming in pitch black no problem at all. As long youre ok with staring at an "indiglo" screen for longer times.


Only problems I could say about the Light is that due to its size being closer to the Pocket, fitting 2 AAs in its design didnt go too smoothly, so the battery cover has some awkward looking bumps that protrude quite some. Also, some "sound enthusiasts" could complain of the extra "whine" the EL panel produces when its turned on.


Oh also, boxed Lights go quite high.

But a used without box should go for less than 50usd.

Tho, now that I did a quick check on eBay, atleast there their prices, even for unboxed ones, has gone up.

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I also use a sp even though I have a mint color still in box I hardly used for a few weeks and then got bored of. But not sure if my sp is brighter or not. I also have a micro laying around somewhere though might have tossed it as I can't finid it. But micro doesn't play origiinals only gba carts. I had a original gameboy peasoup screen but my friend lost it when I was in high school and he never bought me another one.

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Huh. That's strange.

I had a Pocket in the late 90s and it did more than 8h for sure.

Tho, AAAs have crappy capacity to begin with, and I guess depending on brand, some cheapest ones could have very low capacity.


But yeah, I agree with the SP people. A SP is the best choice if looking for maximum portability and comfortable use.

Not to forget the fact that by owning a SP, you can play 98% of all Gameboy titles.

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I must say I like and play the GB Color most and the classic GB now least. The GB Pocket is well worth owning, I like its ergonomics but to my understanding it has (for a Gameboy) huge battery drain - almost like LYnx niveau ;). But its screen is next to fantastic! Tons better than the original GB.


Somehow I always MUST play Super Mario 2 on the GB Pocket, tetris on the classic and Duke Nukem on the GB Color, it doesn´t feel "authentic" otherwise :love:


I also second what the others say about using the GBA SP for original GB games :thumbsup: for indoors, best choice!

(but the GBA SP headphone jack is unusable for 3.5 mm jacks unless you have that adaptor. This is not an issue with the normal GBA and all GBs I know)


You also remind me that a GB light is the only GB in the family missing in my GB type collection...I´ve always found it too expensive/too hard to obtain in Germany. Same thing with the second version GBA SP. Oh well, the next winter will surely come...

Edited by Atari_afternoon
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In my opinion of playing gameboys since they were released, I would say the gameboy pocket, becuase of price, smaller than the original, doesn't take as many batteries as the original etc. The gameboy light is fantatsic, but more of a console to keep and not play I think, if there are any gameboy games you want PM me, I should be able to help :)

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Why get a Light and then not play with it?

Theres a good amount of scratched up "non-collectible" Lights on the market that are obviously meant for playing.


Anyways, I just remembered another good reason to get SP. You save a lot of money, for not needing to buy batteries, especially a problem with the Pocket.


Speaking of, anyone able to direct me somewhere where I could get a SP version.2. Ebay sellers dont seem to want sell their battered up GBA SPs outside US, and Ver.2 is a bit tricky to find outside US.

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@ retrogamesuk, I think I know you already ;) (tho for Lynx games deals)


@ Blarginatorr, good point. Better safe than sorry. Recently I got what I thought was a good auction close on a GBA SP "Tribal ed." with two GBA Pokemons and two Mario games...only to find out it was model 1!

Never mind though, the price was allright and what matters, I didn´t ask! (Grr!)


Good thing is, it shows how much I must have used my black "old" GBA SP in the past years, in spite of careful handling: The ebay-shot "new one" has a noticeable brighter backlit screen, so there must have been some "screen light aging" of some sort.


I´m really becoming curious as to obtaining a GB light! Mouth watering to get the gb family complete. :love:

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@ retrogamesuk, I think I know you already ;) (tho for Lynx games deals)


@ Blarginatorr, good point. Better safe than sorry. Recently I got what I thought was a good auction close on a GBA SP "Tribal ed." with two GBA Pokemons and two Mario games...only to find out it was model 1!

Never mind though, the price was allright and what matters, I didn´t ask! (Grr!)


Good thing is, it shows how much I must have used my black "old" GBA SP in the past years, despite of careful handling: The ebay-shot "new one" has a noticeable brighter backlit screen, so there must have been some "screen light aging" of some sort.


I´m really becoming curious as to obtaining a GB light! Mouth watering to get the gb family complete. :love:


Do you? PM me :)


If you afford one, you've got to get a GB light, they are just so cool, wish nintendo released a new version of the gameboy insted of the 3DS.

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Why get a Light and then not play with it?

Theres a good amount of scratched up "non-collectible" Lights on the market that are obviously meant for playing.


Anyways, I just remembered another good reason to get SP. You save a lot of money, for not needing to buy batteries, especially a problem with the Pocket.


Speaking of, anyone able to direct me somewhere where I could get a SP version.2. Ebay sellers dont seem to want sell their battered up GBA SPs outside US, and Ver.2 is a bit tricky to find outside US.


Price, why pay £30 for a bashed up light when you can get a mint boxed pocket for like £10-£15, my opinion only though.


Regarding that SP version 2, Do you mean the AGS-101 Backlit model? If you do, I have one coming in stock early next week if your interested?

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I had a collection of every one they ever made, including the GB Light.


I never played most of them, so I got rid of 'em, except for the original GB and the GB Color (and DS Lite).


If I were intent on playing original GB and GB color games much, there's really no point in playing on anything less than the GBA SP 2nd ed. (with the brigher screen). This unit marked the **FIRST TIME EVER** you could ACTUALLY SEE THINGS EASILY on a GB. It's hard to think of a reason why you'd want to use anything lesser, FOR ACTUALLY PLAYING. (Collecting is just for the sake of collecting, and needs no endorsement).


I kept the original GB because it's so retro-looking, I think it's cool. It reminds me of those 80s-early 90s cellphones! So it's cool in a retro-way, but yeah, the display sucks. Just a curiosity.



The GB Color was a nice advancement. I was really, really pleased with it when I got it, so I kept my mint one.


After I got the DS Lite, I play all the GB/GBC/GBA games on it - through emulation. So I never used the GB, GB Pocket, GB Color, GBA, or GBA SP anymore, ever. You can zoom the screen bigger (and I don't mean stretching the aspect ratio) so it's really an excellent way to play.


I'd have to say the best way (ever) to play any GB game is a DS Lite with "M3 DS Real Perfect Bundle" because you can play everything, and on a larger screen that you can see perfectly, and enlarge - without compromising the aspect ratio; I hate the "stretched" mode that the GBA could use on original GB games. With the emulator, you can even put the Super Game Boy borders (etc) on the games that support it. Quite excellent.

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Price, why pay £30 for a bashed up light when you can get a mint boxed pocket for like £10-£15, my opinion only though.


Regarding that SP version 2, Do you mean the AGS-101 Backlit model? If you do, I have one coming in stock early next week if your interested?

Yes, I mean the AGS-101.

Sure I am interested, as long its not pink or tribal.


Something to remember for those interested in playing GBC games on a GBA -- you can't play Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble on a GBA SP; the cart's upside-down.

Thats why I said in an earlier post "98%" of GB titles. As I guess that also includes that obscure "Boktai: The Sun is in your hand", with its light sensitive sensor, which tends to get easily covered by your hands on a SP.

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I recommend a GBC, as well as the SP, since the SP can't play Kirby's Tilt and Tumble, GBC games look better on it (they look darker on the GBA and the SP), and no borders around the screen. As far as old GB, I like the GBP. Better screen than older GB and it gets good battery life with quality batteries (I like the double As better, though).

Edited by BrianC
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