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I created that OS a few month's ago. It is really a very simple hack.


It's 100% compatible... well 100%... only software that calculates it's own checksum of the OS rom will refuse to load, since this OS has another checksum... but for the rest: I don't expect any problem. I have been using this OS from the day I created it, without any issue.


Have luck with it, and let me know how you are doing with it. Please reply about it, in the other thread... this is the SIC! thread.




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If Marius uploads his OS, we could install it on your Ultimate 1MB Phil. ;)

for ultimate you just press help+reset to enter the setup, and then C for cold-boot


Robert - You should check what foo-cart is

here is some info in polish - but it should be self-explaining, or at least google-translatable ;)



Fox-1 - do not use that mod (74ls123 based one) - you're connecting single-pole input to totem pole output - not very wise, and in one point something might fail

you need to cut RD5 line near cartridge port and put there some OR gate with one input getting to RD5 from cart port, the other to the '123 reset and output going to mmu, but best is to avoid it at all cost

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have successuly made a rom file with a few (xex) games via sicgen.

Now, when trying to create an .ATR that will contain this .ROM file and the sicflash.com using the MakeATR, the program throws an error saying "Disk Full, cannot allocate space for xxx.rom. It need 2065 sec"


Any idea what what I do wrong here?

note that in the MakeATR, when creating the ATR i'm choosing the Density DD (720 sectors, 256bytes/sec) and Format SpartaDos X (as is in the SicCart)

Edited by ndial
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  • 4 weeks later...

update on the download section


- Sic! Menu

- Gerber and *.jed file (gal) (for personal use only, not for commercial use)

- Sources sic! generator

I recall from the start sic GUI need Microsoft. NET Framework

And most importantly I have 3-4 pieces SIC!Cart - these are the last piece will be no more.

So if anyone else wants to write me a private message.

And thanks to Trub for coding sicmenu/GUI

Edited by St(r)yker
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- Gerber and *.jed file (gal) (for personal use only, not for commercial use)


You deserve a medal for that :D


One question: is the GAL for all types of SIC the same? I mean: does the cart itself recognizes whether there is a 1, 2 or 4Mbit Flash installed?




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Oh... one more thing. First I thought I did something wrong, but I guess not now after a second test:


At my place the created ATR does work, the Cart works... the Games do work (except that Castle Crisis but ok)... but:


Menu music does not work

Bootup GFX does not work

and there is no MNU GFX.


All those things are enabled, and the files (Music, GFX and all that) are there too (on the windows XP harddrive)


I installed your download (in the post above mine) from scratch. This is a fresh install.


Any help would be appreciated!



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Apart from enabling checkboxes (music,intro, logo) you should also select appropriate files using the buttons with ellipsis.

If this does not help, please give me the contents of "Tools->Options->Command line".

Edited by trub
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Apart from enabling checkboxes (music,intro, logo) you should also select appropriate files using the buttons with ellipsis.

If this does not help, please give me the contents of "Tools->Options->Command line".


That is odd. The files are already 'selected' ... (I see a path and a filename in the right fields; and those files do exist). Does this mean I have to select those files AGAIN? That is a bit confusing.


I am going to try this NOW. If it failed, I'll give you that info (I hope I can find what you need)




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Try the updated version 0.1.3. Margins should work, as well as the logo/music are enabled properly by default.


About the music problem: I am the author of the PC software (GUI FrontEnd), Pr0be is the author of Atari procedures. So I can only quess, that slowing down the music depends on the player used and how often it is invoked. Choose another music file and see the difference.

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Ok. Margins work fine now.


Another issue: when I have a list of games and I add a game to my project it comes at the bottom of the list (ofcourse). But... the UP moving of that entry does not work very well. After two or three places UP suddenly another entry is getting selected and that one goes moving up too.


It would be more convenient when one can simply drag an entry to another place.




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  • 2 weeks later...

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