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Atari 5200/400/800 games that are better than the Colecovision version?


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I've been comparing games side by side on the Atari 800 computer (the games of which are almost always identical to the 5200 version) and the Colecovision. Most of the time, the Colecovision wins, but there are some exceptions:


Defender - this may be debatable, but I think that the 5200 version trounces the Colecovision version, thought the Coleco version is quite good..


Frogger - Frogger is arguably more visualy appealing on the Atari 5200 (though this is debatable).


Donkey Kong - though Donkey Kong was never released on the 5200, the 400/800 version TROUNCES ALL OTHERS, even the NES version..................... even the arcade version!!!


What other 5200/400/800 versions can you think of that are better than the Colecovision versions of the same game?

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Star Wars

Donkey Kong/DK Jr

Pitfall/Pitfall 2

Buck Rogers


Miner 2049er

Jungle Hunt

Montezuma's Revenge

Come to think of it...I can't think of any besides Gorf, Galaxian and Congo Bongo (of course it's a sucky game anyway so who cares?) that are better on the Coleco graphics or gameplay-wise. The CV is a great system don't get me wrong but the Atari 8-bit/5200 games were much better made.

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Interesting... I've always felt that the Colecovision version was more "visually stunning".

Actually, I don't even like Centipede, but it's one of the few I've played on a CV. It just seems to play better on 5200 and much harder. My personal preference is the INTV Centipede, though it's graphically challenged.

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Only game that comes to mind that is better on the CV is Galaxian, but that is only if your comparing it to the arcade game. As a shooter though the 5200 version I like to play more.


Ever played it with the trackball? It's the shit. My scores went way up almost instantly. My main gripe with the 5200 Galaxian is the sound, they would have been better served with a knockoff game like Carnival with the "bong!" sound. It has it's own charm though kind of like Centipede for the Coleco. It's so NOT like the arcade you appreciate it for what it is.

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Donkey Kong - though Donkey Kong was never released on the 5200, the 400/800 version TROUNCES ALL OTHERS, even the NES version..................... even the arcade version!!!


Highly debatable. :P There is no doubt of course that the 8bit version of DK is awesome and fun (my favorite port really).. but I honestly don't think it's better than the arcade version. It's definitely different though as far as it's faster gameplay and physics, which makes it more of a reflex type action game than the original. The arcade game has a lot more subtlety & strategy however.


I say the 8bit version of Joust is still my favorite version to play though.. even over the arcade. :)

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Defender - this may be debatable, but I think that the 5200 version trounces the Colecovision version, thought the Coleco version is quite good..

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


Two much crap littering the screen in the 5200 version



Frogger - Frogger is arguably more visualy appealing on the Atari 5200 (though this is debatable).



I really can't say for sure because I haven't fired up Frogger on the 5200 for a while since the controls are horrible. In that regard, the CV wins.


But, I do believe the version on the Supercharger is better visually than the CV version. And it would win on controls also since the stock 2600 joystick is much better than the CV controller.



Donkey Kong - though Donkey Kong was never released on the 5200, the 400/800 version TROUNCES ALL OTHERS, even the NES version..................... even the arcade version!!!


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: For the home consoles only. C64 is pretty good, too.


Nothing will be better than the arcade version of Donkey Kong! And this is coming from someone that hates the game (I prefer Crazy Kong instead).


On that note, there are only a couple console translations that I can think of that are better than the arcade:


Mouse Trap (ColecoVision)

Space Panic (ColecoVision)

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Donkey Kong - though Donkey Kong was never released on the 5200, the 400/800 version TROUNCES ALL OTHERS, even the NES version..................... even the arcade version!!!


Highly debatable. :P There is no doubt of course that the 8bit version of DK is awesome and fun (my favorite port really).. but I honestly don't think it's better than the arcade version. It's definitely different though as far as it's faster gameplay and physics, which makes it more of a reflex type action game than the original. The arcade game has a lot more subtlety & strategy however.


I say the 8bit version of Joust is still my favorite version to play though.. even over the arcade. :)


I agree that it's the best port for its time, but the arcade has subtle differences that are lacking in the Atari conversion. The collision detection is more forgiving in the arcade, allowing for skilled jumps that the 8-bit can't match. However, the Atari 8-bit is the only version that allows Mario to jump the same direction as a barrel and still clear it.


As for Galaxian, the actual Galaxians look better than the 5200, but the 5200/8-bits have an awesome scrolling star field, compared to the white dots on the CV. I read an earlier port about Jungle Hunt. I am a huge 5200 fan, but I do feel that Jungle Hunt is more arcade-like on the ColecoVision.


The terrible thing is that I flip flop too much, because each system has its strong points. I think the 5200 has some raw muscle at the end of the day; the CV has higher resolution sprites. The 5200 is going to excel in anything scrolling (Zaxxon, Super Cobra, etc.)


I don't think I saw Mr. Do on the list. The 8-bit version could easily be converted to 5200 I bet. It SMOKES the TERRIBLE CV version.

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Only game that comes to mind that is better on the CV is Galaxian, but that is only if your comparing it to the arcade game.


I agree. CV Galaxian is the BEST version on the old consoles. If I ever get another CV that will be the first game I'd like to get. Too bad its a bit of a pricy one and kind of rare. Its an excellent, excellent port.

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Donkey Kong - though Donkey Kong was never released on the 5200, the 400/800 version TROUNCES ALL OTHERS, even the NES version..................... even the arcade version!!!


Highly debatable. :P There is no doubt of course that the 8bit version of DK is awesome and fun (my favorite port really).. but I honestly don't think it's better than the arcade version. It's definitely different though as far as it's faster gameplay and physics, which makes it more of a reflex type action game than the original. The arcade game has a lot more subtlety & strategy however.


I say the 8bit version of Joust is still my favorite version to play though.. even over the arcade. :)


Would you say the Atari 8-bit version of Donkey Kong at least beats the Nintendo NES version?

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I think Donkey Kong arcade game is better than the a8 port. However the a8 port is really fun to play and I can see why it gets so much love. I play the coleco Donkey Kong now and then.... the double tap to get up ladders faster is a pain, but its a decent version too.

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I enjoyed the 8-bit version of DK better than the arcade version. It just feels a lot smoother. I always get hung up on the ladders of the arcade.


Just a humorous side note, speaking of the arcade Donkey Kong; and this also puts me in mind of the 5200 joystick uproar. The arcade Donkey Kong was only left-handed. Games like Dig Dug and Centipede were right-handed (as well as Crazy Kong, found in many corner stores and bowling alleys around my town). I recall people complaining about the control scheme, and I remember reading articles about crossing one's hands in order to make the left-handed Donkey Kong "playable". (My local arcade had the cabaret, which was WORSE: the joystick stuck straight out of the side. (not ledge like the other cabarets). I do not recall too many games during that time that were set up as only left-handed. Now, it's common to control with the left (thumb) and shoot or jump with the right. By the time Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat came out, I was pretty used to the left-handed scheme.


I wonder if that's one of the reasons you struggled with Donkey Kong at the arcade... Maybe you ARE left-handed, but I just remember that it was considered awkward back in the day. There are many games that I play now and wonder why I struggled so much... Just a fun side note that's semi-related to the article and response.

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Just a humorous side note, speaking of the arcade Donkey Kong; and this also puts me in mind of the 5200 joystick uproar. The arcade Donkey Kong was only left-handed. Games like Dig Dug and Centipede were right-handed (as well as Crazy Kong, found in many corner stores and bowling alleys around my town). .... I do not recall too many games during that time that were set up as only left-handed.


I know the Dig Dugs in my part of the world were usually in cocktail cabs with left-hand joysticks.. but I thought the US versions had the joystick in the middle with buttons on both sides for left or right hand play.


But that being said I have the complete opposite experience of you.. Starting with Space Invaders (which had the joystick on the left) most EVERY single arcade game had left handed joystick controls :P It was when they put it on the right I had to do that "cross handed" thing :lol: (Although really I'm struggling to remember any game that had a primary joystick on the right). But yeah this trend continued in my mind with the Nintendo Game and Watches which put the cross pad on the left. Anyway, just my thoughts. :)

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