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ANALOG Magazine Disk (image) #31 (06/85)


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ok wrong sentence construction, i compiled from disc. I compiled with the original RTP from ASC, with little changes. Changes to avoid the defines in the RTP (maybe not necessary).

And hell yes, I forgott to detach the cartridge. I will try tomorrow - on success, i will post the ATR.

Do you work on emu or on real hardware, maybe there is a difference. I use an emu...

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ok wrong sentence construction, i compiled from disc. I compiled with the original RTP from ASC, with little changes. Changes to avoid the defines in the RTP (maybe not necessary).

And hell yes, I forgott to detach the cartridge. I will try tomorrow - on success, i will post the ATR.

Do you work on emu or on real hardware, maybe there is a difference. I use an emu...

I'm using real cart and XL.

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...Does anybody have Issue 33, August 1985 disk image?

No I don't have this image, and i'm interessted in this image too.



@russg: Interssting thing: roto. I tried several - no success.

Finally i deleted the following lines

SET $000E=$4000
SET $0491=$4000

and it works... :)

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...Does anybody have Issue 33, August 1985 disk image?

No I don't have this image, and i'm interessted in this image too.



@russg: Interssting thing: roto. I tried several - no success.

Finally i deleted the following lines

SET $000E=$4000
SET $0491=$4000

and it works... :)

What RUNTIME.ACT are you INCLUDE ing?

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What RUNTIME.ACT are you INCLUDE ing?

I use the original RTP from ASC (you can found it in the wiki from where you roto got - linked above).

I changed the RTP a little, to avoid the defines (just search & replace).

But this RTP will probably not run with the programs like makeRTP and so on.


If it don't work for you, i can give you my ATR, but unfortunately not bevore monday.

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What RUNTIME.ACT are you INCLUDE ing?

I use the original RTP from ASC (you can found it in the wiki from where you roto got - linked above).

I changed the RTP a little, to avoid the defines (just search & replace).

But this RTP will probably not run with the programs like makeRTP and so on.


If it don't work for you, i can give you my ATR, but unfortunately not bevore monday.


I found three runtime at the Atariwiki site, Jeff, original and strotman. I used RTSCAN3 and RTWRITE to pare down the size of

the runtime to 19 sectors, but I still get out of symbol space on compile, error 61, too many variables.

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I found three runtime at the Atariwiki site, Jeff, original and strotman. I used RTSCAN3 and RTWRITE to pare down the size of

the runtime to 19 sectors, but I still get out of symbol space on compile, error 61, too many variables.

yes, i used this original,chanched a little (as mentioned), deleted 2 line in the code and set $495=16 and it works. I did'nt use the bigsymboltable hack with it, i got the same errors as you.

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I found three runtime at the Atariwiki site, Jeff, original and strotman. I used RTSCAN3 and RTWRITE to pare down the size of

the runtime to 19 sectors, but I still get out of symbol space on compile, error 61, too many variables.

yes, i used this original,chanched a little (as mentioned), deleted 2 line in the code and set $495=16 and it works. I did'nt use the bigsymboltable hack with it, i got the same errors as you.

I can't get the original ICD runtime to work. The Atariwiki site, the original is formatted with 80 columns, I tried reformating

to 38 columns, but I'm have a problem with that. I can't find the original runtime anywhere else. What I'm doing is going to

the Atariwiki site of Strotman and there's a list of three runtimes, I open the original and mouse point, click and drag to

highlight the text and then right click to 'copy' then paste in notepad, then save as txt and then do a ATASCII conversion,

but the lines are too long.

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Oops, where has the Monday gone... ;)

Here is the atr as announced,

with anything you need to succeed.

You will find:

ROTO.ACT - the source with the include for the runtime(#3) i used.

Runtime1.ACT - the Original runtime from the wiki-site (I used Ken Siders ATRUtil to import the file to the ATR)

Runtime2.ACT - The Finzel/Strotman-RTP - just in case...

Runtime3.ACT - #1 with little changes (fixed known bugs - from the action bugsheet; and replaced the Defines)

ROTO.BIN - freshly compiled from ROTO.ACT (i just used 'SET $495=16' and then 'C "D:ROTO.ACT"'; it compiled without errors; after that i wrote it to disk; finaly i tested it with no Action!-Car)


I hope i works for you too.


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Oops, where has the Monday gone... ;)

Here is the atr as announced,

with anything you need to succeed.

You will find:

ROTO.ACT - the source with the include for the runtime(#3) i used.

Runtime1.ACT - the Original runtime from the wiki-site (I used Ken Siders ATRUtil to import the file to the ATR)

Runtime2.ACT - The Finzel/Strotman-RTP - just in case...

Runtime3.ACT - #1 with little changes (fixed known bugs - from the action bugsheet; and replaced the Defines)

ROTO.BIN - freshly compiled from ROTO.ACT (i just used 'SET $495=16' and then 'C "D:ROTO.ACT"'; it compiled without errors; after that i wrote it to disk; finaly i tested it with no Action!-Car)


I hope i works for you too.

It (RUNTIME3.ACT) works for me. However, it has lines with more than 38 characters before a EOL. I think it may be

formatted for 80 columns. My .BIN is different from yours, not sure why. That SET $495=16, does that allocate extra space

for the compile somehow? Thanks.

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...it has lines with more than 38 characters before a EOL. I think it may be

formatted for 80 columns.

I don't understand what you mean. The Action!-Editor allows lines up to 240 characters. To keep in mind the line is longer then the editor shows, the first or last character is inverse.

My .BIN is different from yours, not sure why. That SET $495=16, does that allocate extra space

for the compile somehow?

Extra space for the symboltable. 16 pages will be reserved. Maybe it's far too much, but 8 pages (default setting)was to little.

What card do you have? Version 3.6 ? (You can type in Action!-Monitor '?$B000' Should show the version number after the dot. In my case '6'). Maybe that's the reason for the difference.

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...it has lines with more than 38 characters before a EOL. I think it may be

formatted for 80 columns.

I don't understand what you mean. The Action!-Editor allows lines up to 240 characters. To keep in mind the line is longer then the editor shows, the first or last character is inverse.

My .BIN is different from yours, not sure why. That SET $495=16, does that allocate extra space

for the compile somehow?

Extra space for the symboltable. 16 pages will be reserved. Maybe it's far too much, but 8 pages (default setting)was to little.

What card do you have? Version 3.6 ? (You can type in Action!-Monitor '?$B000' Should show the version number after the dot. In my case '6'). Maybe that's the reason for the difference.

The other runtimes are formatted to 38 characters (Jeff and Strotman and others I've seen), the runtime3.act you have has 80 columns.

ACTION! may read it OK, but it prevents TYPEing it (error 137) to look at it.

My ?$B000 gives "45056,$B000 = 6 $0136 54 310", so I guess we're using the same one. I went so far with your .BIN and then

the home base wouldn't reset the fuel. Here's my .COM.


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...ACTION! may read it OK, but it prevents TYPEing it (error 137) to look at it.

You can format it as you like it - just use the Action! Editor :)

For reading i use wiki-page and for changes i use a textpad on pc.

the home base wouldn't reset the fuel. Here's my .COM.

As you can read in the source PROC ChargeShield(), the homebase gives you new fuel only if you bring at least one fuelcan with along ;)

But you can change the Proc like this:

PROC ChargeShield()

 IF carried<>0 THEN

   shield==+carried LSH 2
   score==+carried*50 DoScore()
   FOR i=1 TO 250 step 10 DO
 carried=0 fuel=50 whine=0
 Plot(0,5) DrawTo(fuel,5)
 Plot(0,7) DrawTo(shield,7)

Should do it but not testet...

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  • 2 months later...

ROTO.ACT - the source with the include for the runtime(#3) i used.

Runtime1.ACT - the Original runtime from the wiki-site (I used Ken Siders ATRUtil to import the file to the ATR)

Runtime2.ACT - The Finzel/Strotman-RTP - just in case...

Runtime3.ACT - #1 with little changes (fixed known bugs - from the action bugsheet; and replaced the Defines)

Heck, Runtime1.ACT has a bug. If you want to use it, add an "]" at the and of the last PROC (SAssign)

Edited by rost
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  • 8 years later...
On 8/4/2011 at 4:25 PM, rost said:

Heck, Runtime1.ACT has a bug. If you want to use it, add an "]" at the and of the last PROC (SAssign)

why not just patch it as part of the distribution... a note saying why it was done should someone need to know...

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On 5/19/2011 at 3:54 PM, Allan said:

Another request: Does anybody have Issue 33, August 1985 disk image?



At the risk of sounding like a necro-filer here, given it's been just over 9 years since you asked, @Allan, did you ever find this? If not, I'll pull my ANALOG disk collection and image it up if it's in there.




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